Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady

Chapter 319

Lei Yuanxu and Lei Qin are nervous. If even Lei Ao can't clean up the monsoon smoke, where will their faces be in the future?

When they were worried, Lei Ao's fist standing in front of them was already clasping. He suddenly raised his right hand and covered the sharp gem on the world destroying armor mark with his thumb

The smiling eyes of monsoon smoke narrowed slightly.

In the quiet cemetery, there was a strong wind, the mark of annihilation armor moistened by the blood of Leiao, and a halo flashed out. The light changed from weak to strong, suddenly became dazzling, and instantly included the whole person of Leiao!

"Leiao should use the world destroying armor?!" Linghe converged the smile on his face, stared at the light, and jumped suddenly in his heart!

This time, Lei Ao is going to use the world destroying armor in the mausoleum of the imperial capital. The power of the world destroying armor is so strong that it can almost easily destroy this tomb!

He's out of his mind!

"Yang Jian." The sound of monsoon smoke suddenly sounded.

Linghe and other people's eyes also fell on her. They still remember that when they were in Jicheng at the beginning, Yang Jian almost damaged the picture when facing the opponent wearing the world destroying armor.

Who knows

When the monsoon smoke, three words are thrown out


Yang Jian nodded silently.

Linghe and others almost didn't spray out.

Is it too casual for miss to say that?

Practice with the destroyer?

There is no one else in the world!

Liu Huo, who has been standing beside the monsoon smoke, witnessed all this with his own eyes. He was acutely aware that Yang Jian's strength was stronger than when he was in Jicheng, not only his body's toughness, but also his attack moves.

Originally want to have the flow fire of action, after seeing the strength of Yang Jian, also completely reassured.

He was the only one among them, not a little surprised at the monsoon smoke.

He believed that monsoon smoke would not do anything uncertain.

When the strong light faded, Leiao's figure once again appeared in front of people. At this moment, Leiao's whole body was wearing dark blue armor, and the dragon shaped helmet wrapped his whole head, only showing a pair of murderous eyes, staring at Yang Jian.

"It's your honor to die under the world destroying armor, son." The sullen voice of pride came from behind the helmet.

Yang Jian stood expressionless.

The monsoon smoke waved slowly.

"Let him kill."

At the moment when the voice of monsoon smoke landed, Yang Jian took the lead in rushing to Lei Ao!

This astonishing move made my brother and sister of Lei's family stupid.

Is your guy crazy?

Lei Ao is wearing the world destroying armor. He dare to take the lead in attacking!

Lei Ao snorts coldly. With the bonus of annihilation armor, his strength and speed are not the same now!

Only for a moment, Leiao's figure disappeared in place and rushed to the past in front of Yang Jian.

In an instant, the roar of fighting pierced everyone's eardrum, and Yubo under the collision almost overturned the towering trees in the cemetery!

Lei Yuanxu can only grasp Lei Qin's arm to stand up. The roaring wind makes him almost blind.

A cold light suddenly appeared in the middle of the sky, and the eardrum of the people whose ears were pierced by the sound of the wind tearing.

But at this moment, everyone's eyes could not move away from the two figures in the war.

How incredible it is to challenge the exterminator!