Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady (The Indomitable Master of Elixirs)

Chapter 467: Dignity can not be reversed (2)

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In an instant, more than a dozen lights bloomed from the crowd, and the figure rushed to the high platform in an instant.

The teenagers who had participated in the simulation training together with the monsoon smoke made the same decision at the same time.

This time, they will be together with the enemy, never leave any one, and steal!

The actions of the new students in the squadrons were all stupid. The teenagers who fled and fled slowly slowed down at this moment. They stood in the same place and looked at the dozens of young people, but they were very tall and straight. Body.

"They... are you crazy... there are hundreds of thousands of demons... How do you fight?" The scared student whispered.

"Do not fight, the demon will never retreat." A cold voice suddenly sounded in the ear of the man.

The student subconsciously turned back, but saw that Qin Mu, who had a cold face, did not know when he came over.

Qin Mu's eyes were sharp and deep, and they crossed the crowd and looked at the monsoon smoke left by the first choice.

"We are responsible for the annihilation of the world, isn't it true?" Qin Muzhen's lips smacked a smack of smile, but a smattering smile made his indifferent face bloom out of peerless beauty. .

Qin Muzhen turned his head slightly and looked at Liu Rusei who had been behind him.

Liu Rushen’s lips raised a smile, his eyes filled with a deep smile, and nodded at him.

Qin Muzhen did not hesitate to activate the armor of the world. As a ray of light soared, Liu Rusei also activated her destructive armor for the first time.

Tall and slender figure, while smashing into the high wall filled with war.

Qin Muzhen joined the battle, and the words he left left all the students who were subconsciously trying to escape.

Many students looked up at the dozens of tall and firm figures on the high platform. Without exception, they were all teenagers who were dead.

This is the responsibility of the deceased.

A simple sentence, but in an instant, smoothed the fear of those youngsters, they did not take a step back, but instead stepped closer to the high wall, and one by one, the armor was also instantly They are activated.

Dignity, can't fall!

More and more teenagers wearing the smashing armor returned, which made the imperial college dean and the mentor stunned, watching the firm figure appear around themselves, but their hearts have been shocked like never before.

The students of the Destroyer Division, without exception, are all in order!

This time, they put everything down, put on the armor that brought them countless glory, and also shouldered the first time, the armor gave them the mission.

"President, here, please hand it over to us." Qin Muzhen looked at the director.

The dean gave a slight glimpse.

Qin Muyu looked up at the monsoon smoke, and the lip corner hidden under the helmet slightly raised a touch of curvature.

"To deal with the Yaozu, it is our duty to destroy the world. The monsoon smoke is still able to fight the Yaozu without using the armor of the deceased. Can I fight again?"

Not waiting for the dean and the instructors to respond, Qin Muzhen took the lead to jump from the high wall, the next convenient is the endless monsters!

A loud bang, Qin Muzhen at the moment of landing, the whole body launched a sturdy spherical illumination, this jump, directly to the lower a dozen lower demon people into a meat sauce!