Unprecedented Pill Refiner: Entitled Ninth Young Lady (The Indomitable Master of Elixirs)

Chapter 466: Dignity is unstoppable (1)

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This screaming resounded through the entire sky and passed to the ears of every student who wanted to escape.

The teenagers stopped in shock and looked incredulously at the slender figure standing on the dangerous land.

"Monsoon smoke... Is the monsoon smoke crazy?" Several teenagers in the Destroyer's branch looked stunned at the back of the monsoon smoke.

Countless demon army, Imperial College has no possibility of preservation, the monsoon smoke is now fighting, is it not looking for a dead end?

Many people have stopped and looked at the monsoon smoke that gave up the road. In fact, it is easy to escape from the dangerous land on the ability of the wind and the sword to fly.

Liu Kai, who was entrusted to Bai Ze by the monsoon smoke, stood in the same place and looked at the back of the ruthlessness. The expression of the monsoon smoke echoed in the ear, and the mind seemed to be blasted in an instant.

This scene……

It was similar when it was.

"Smelly head, but also to heroes..." Liu Kai lowered his head and smiled with one hand on his face.

He was so up, he looked up and bit his thumb and directly slammed it on his armor mark!

"Monsoon smoke, you are a dead girl, this time I will not let you marry a hero alone!"

In an instant, the strong light bloomed in the crowd. Liu Kai’s body was covered with a hard and incomparable armor. As the light faded, he rushed toward the high wall.

"Don't die together! I don't want to be a deserter this time!"

Liu Kai’s embarrassment echoed in the ears of the surrounding people. The two red team teenagers who accompanied him watched his friends fold back and stunned. It was almost only a moment, and the two looked at each other at a glance. The neat nod, while smashing the armor mark on the neck.

Three figures rushed to the high platform, shocked the mentor, they did not expect, and students are willing to stay and fight alongside them.

"Monsoon smoke! When you are a hero, you can't return it to you. Today, our brother is with you!" Liu Kai stood on the high platform and smouldered against the monsoon against the flying demon in midair.

The monsoon smoke was a slight meal, and the eyes of the eyes swept through the figure of Liu Kai, and some of them could not help but laugh.

She is lazy, but there is one point that eight horses are not coming back.

That is……

Respect for teachers.

She knows her own affairs, and she does not know who her parents are. Since she was a child, she was raised by Master Master. If there were no two of them, the monsoon smoke was long gone and did not exist in this world.

Her only insistence is that the teacher can not be hurt.

"Then you can have a little time, this time I can't manage you." The monsoon smoked and smiled.

"Cut, you want to manage? Don't forget, we are all dying! We are born to fight against the Yaozu, how can we be afraid of them!" Liu Kai ignited an ambition in his chest, until this moment, he only Understand the existence and mission of the deceased.

The existence of the deceased is not to guard the things they want to guard against the day when the demons attack.

If they see the Yaozu, they will flee, and they can afford this armor?

After four people have turned back, this is beyond everyone’s expectations, however...

There were some teenagers who showed a smile when they saw the four figures.

"Oh, this time... If you escape, isn’t it a beast? It’s nothing... It’s a battle!”