Unlimited Anime Works!

Chapter 338

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this evening, Chitong rarely didn't fall asleep and walked out of the room in her pajamas.

At this time, tiantongmu just came out, and the two suddenly met.

"I can't sleep..."

Two people said with one voice.

After a moment's silence, the red pupil said, "do you want to drink tea? It happens that I still have some in my room... "

"Well, I'm just thirsty..." Tiantongmu didn't refuse.


Then red pupil with tea and tiantongmugeng sitting on the tatami at the door of the room to drink tea, two people seem to have something on their mind.

"I see my own shadow from you..." Tiantongmu even said, "you used to sneak in the dark, but now you are full of real humanity. So am I. before I finished revenge, I once blacked myself, but I still became myself with him."

"I struggled all the time, and then I was convinced by the boss..." Red pupil nods to say, can smell out the breath of black pupil from the body of day Tong wood more, just now very pale.

"Actually I don't hate you and Heitong... " The day Tong wood even purses mouth to say.

"I know..."

Red pupil nodded, then said, "thank you, you and he (rain) is the real lover, black pupil is later..."

"Oh, don't thank me. He's a luster, but He is also a good man who can work hard for the woman he likes. That's why people always worry that it's normal for him to lose his life for a girl one day. Alas, a man who is very beautiful but gentle, but that's what he fascinates me about. No matter what kind of shortcomings he has, the most important thing is to be good to his own woman, he It's done, and it's done perfectly Tiantongmu said that there was a trace of tenderness in his eyes, which was his deep love for the rain.

"That's why I confidently gave black pupil to him..."

Red pupil recalled to say: "know? When Heitong and I were sold to the Empire, we all survived because we had each other, but On that day, Heitong was taken away from me Do you know what it's like for a little girl to be deprived of her last warmth?

Heitong is really pitiful. In order to meet my sister, she took a lot of medicine under the pressure of the Empire. Her weak body has suffered a lot in recent years, and her mind has been distorted

Originally, I was going to kill her to release her, but he (fengfengchen) suddenly took her back. Now Heitong really reassures me. She is no longer a puppet, but has her own human nature. Now, maybe in Heitong's psychology, he has more weight than my sister. He has replaced me in Heitong The position in Tong's heart... "

"So you give up and give him up to Heitong. He should like you first. He's really a selfless sister. Can you do anything for his sister?" Tiantongmu shakes his head even more. This guy is really

"Well, I don't like his confession very much. I like him a little, but I also like him. However, I ask him to accept Heitong and embarrass him. But now Heitong is the one who needs comfort most." Red pupil feet on the floor, hands holding feet whispered.

Tiantongmu looks at Chitong's loneliness and sighs: "Heitong, she needs someone to rely on, don't you? But you are much stronger than black pupil, so you can be strong all the time. Maybe you have experienced a lot of pain before you can be so strong. "

"Well, I grew up in the assassin's army, but it's a special Assassin's army. Unfortunately, I'm the only one of the seven people who survived Forget it. Don't disturb them when you go to sleep. " Red pupil pats day Tong wood more shoulder, walked into own room inside.

Tiantongmu nodded even more, but there was a word that she didn't say, that is, she (red pupil) would be taken down by him (rain time).


The next day, the whole city was aware of his return to the imperial capital. Fengfengfengchen, tazmi and leonai were walking on the street, listening to the comments of the people around them, and they all kept them in mind.

"Little brother, how far did you play with little black pupil last night?" Leionai asked curiously, holding the shoulder of the wind and rain.

"What play to what extent, I and black pupil but very pure, OK, you don't think, but we did nothing..." The wind and rain hour suddenly white, ray o'nei one eye says.

"Ha ha, don't be too restrained. I won't tell anyone. Is little black pupil very cute? Is the moaning sound very nice?" Said Leonet, chuckling.


A pile of black lines came out of his forehead in the rain and rain. He knocked heavily on the top of leonai's head and said, "let's divide our forces. You two, hum!"Tazmi also wiped a cold sweat. How could the elder sister ask everything? Although the two of them were like that, how could that kind of thing be disclosed casually? However, Chitong had a lovely sister, which really surprised him. Moreover, Yuchen's speed of picking up girls was really fast. He went to bed together so soon, and envied


After they separated from leonai, fengfengchen wandered around the imperial capital alone, but soon a place attracted fengfengchen's attention, and everyone gathered in front of a city wall to talk.

The wind and rain also can't help leaning up.

"Estess is looking for a boyfriend..."

"It's really a miracle that the super-s queen will also find men..."

"Che, she is also a woman. Naturally she will find a man..."

"It's time to find a man. No matter how strong he is, he is also a woman..."


After listening to the public's comments, he looked at the notice on the wall, which said the conditions for the Imperial General Estess to recruit a lover:

1. No matter what, the most important thing is to pay attention to the possibility of the future, hoping to train himself with the goal of becoming a general.

2. I have guts. Even if it's empty handed, you can go hunting dangerous people with me.

3. Like me, people who grew up not in the imperial capital but in the border areas.

4. I'm younger than I am, because it's easy for me to control.

5. It's better to have a pure smile.

Looking at these five conditions, the wind and rain suddenly thought, how to approach Estess?

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