Unlimited Anime Works!

Chapter 337

[thank you for the gentleman's teaser, the turnip, the reward of children's shoes, the sadness of Z egg, and the monthly pass of Z children's shoes. There are still two more tickets to add. We are trying our best to present them today. Please recommend tickets, subscription tickets and monthly pass]

the return of Estess has made them fall into the haze temporarily.

"The imperial emissary I met before was a biological dog type imperial emissary. It seems that the Empire also realized that it had to use the same imperial emissary to fight against the imperial emissary. In the next battle, I feel that the Empire should instruct Esther to form an imperial emissary team and fight with us." The wind and rain Chen ponders to say, next is three beasts first, under the hand of aisdes, then is to hunt a person?

Najeta nodded and said: "no mistake. Next, everyone's activities will be reduced as much as possible, so that the personnel of other sub bases will also be gathered up. First of all, we need to get the intelligence of Estess. Then, the people who can operate in the city are the undisclosed leonai and tazmi. Chen's transfiguration is also a very useful ability, so take it Come down, you three are in charge of the intelligence investigation of the imperial capital. "

leonai, tazmi and fengshuichen nodded. It seems that we need to collect intelligence, and then take action.

"That's about it. Let's disband..." Najeta stood up and said.

"Oh, tazmi, let's go to training. Recently, your strength has improved very fast..." Brand reached out and walked out of the room with tazmi in his arms.

"They're going to accompany Hill..." Maryne's still worried about hill.

"I'll go for a drink and see what's going on..." Leonai's face was flushed, recalling the taste of wine, right?

"I'll go to bed..." Said rabbock, yawning.

In the end, only red pupil and rain were left in the room.

"People want to eat meat!" Red pupil looking forward to the rain.

Well I really didn't have dinner at night. Everyone forgot to have dinner. Maybe I was too tired?


Fengfengchen looks at Chitong. He is not in the mood to eat now.

"Go, cook..." Red pupil pulls the arm of wind and rain Chen to walk toward the outside, completely don't know wind and rain Chen's mental idea now.

"Chitong, I I I like you Rain Chen immediately said, regardless of, don't say, really want to die, after all, red pupil understand black pupil and rain Chen together, so she certainly won't mix in, so rain Chen isn't want to cry without tears? Nima, isn't saving Heitong just to capture Chitong? But now the result is totally contrary to his idea.

"Oh "Ah?"

Red pupil suddenly surprised for a while, the face is a little red, so be denounced?

The wind and rain Chen immediately grabbed red pupil's hands and said: "red pupil, I'm trying my best to save black pupil for you. In fact, I like you first. Red pupil, be my girlfriend. I'll be your chef all my life. I'll try my best to take care of you, protect you, respect you, and stay with you forever..."

"That black pupil, you forced to kiss her..." Chitong doesn't know what to do.

"It was an accident. Here's what happened..." The wind and rain hour suddenly will black pupil fall into the water, then oneself save her thing all told red pupil.

"So it is..." Red pupil nods, but black pupil really likes him. For a moment, red pupil's head is in a mess. Fengshuichen likes her, she likes black pupil, and black pupil likes fengshuichen. It seems that she doesn't hate fengshuichen. What a mess of relationship is this special meow

"What do you mean, Chitong? I'll take care of you all my life. I'm serious..." The wind and rain suddenly asked again.

"But Heitong likes you..." Red pupil suddenly do not choose, not easy to get rid of the Empire's sister's cage whirlpool, find their own people to rely on, if she suddenly took her love, red pupil will not be very painful? She loves red pupil most. This time, she can't get hurt again.

"I'm asking what you mean, I'm asking you..." The rain Chen stares at the eyes of red pupil tightly to say.

"Black pupil she..." Chitong finally bit his lower lip and said, "you'd better choose Heitong. We are family as well..."

"It's not a matter of letting or not, Chitong!" Wind and rain can't help patting your head. Is this a problem between sisters?

"What do you want me to do?" Red pupil suddenly feel really is a good difficult choice.

“……” Rain Chen helpless, it seems that red pupil identified black pupil must be with him.

"Heitong needs you to take care of her now. Please. I'll be very grateful to you." Chitong turns around and goes out.

"When we are together, I can still take care of her, as a brother-in-law..." Said the storm.


Red pupil has no speech, went out to the outside, she can only say sorry for the rain, let him comfort black pupil.

“……”What's the matter? My sister didn't eat it, but my sister ate it. The wind and rain suddenly speechless. Red pupil, is this forcing his sister to eat all!!!!

Originally, fengfengchen is pure, as long as the elder sister is good, but the red pupil to this one, completely forced fengfengchen to a sister to eat all, first eat the younger sister, and then conquer the elder sister, must, red pupil sauce so lovely, how can flower fall other men's home, want to fall also want to fall own!


Rain suddenly made a decision he never thought of, this time he wants to eat all the sisters!!

This special meow is completely forced by the red pupil. Wuwu, red pupil sauce. It's really forced by you. No matter what, we'll eat all sisters!!


But suddenly, red pupil rushed in.


Ah, I was startled by the rain. Was it found by Chitong? No, he just said it in his heart. He didn't say it at all.

"Forget, cook!" The red pupil pulls the hand of the rain Chen to run toward the outside past.


So it is.

Rain almost startled, if let red pupil know his sister eat all idea, will use village rain to give him a happy?

After walking out of the hall, I find that tiantongmugeng and Heitong are not fighting. Heitong's action is quick, and tiantongmugeng's Sabre is fierce. They have their own merits. How happy are you to fight.

"Hoo, you're a good scalpel..." Black pupil immediately gnash teeth hate hate said, she is the first time to meet the knife than his strong guy, although her body is flexible, but tiantongmu attack speed and angle is quite accurate.

"Your poor milk is not bad..." Tiantongmu also seriously said that black pupil's body is too flexible, not easy to deal with, unless the use of zero combat, but it is a kind of killing art, how to say that black pupil is also the husband's dish, can't kill her, but her strength is OK, stay in the husband's side is not a burden.

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