Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 37: 1 year

The behavior of avoiding battle is really bad for morale.

However, it is undeniable that this is currently the best and most favorable choice for the Ghost Killing Team.

If you can\'t beat it, you can\'t just trade someone forcibly.

Zhou Fangwu is very greedy.

He wants everyone to survive, and he wants to have a perfect ending!

—Children make choices, adults want them all!

For this reason, Zhou Fangwu asked all the pillars to accumulate strength, and turned around and ran away when encountering an unbeatable evil spirit.

There is no shame in running away, and it is an important tactic on the battlefield.


Blindly avoiding the battle is also not enough.

It is easy to wear down their morale and make them doubt themselves, and they are likely to be timid when they encounter the evil spirits of the upper string in the future.

Therefore, everyone set a time.

one year.

With one year as the deadline, launch a general attack on Oni Wu Tsuji and Twelve Oni Moon on time after one year!

And this time is also the last time Zhou Fangwu set according to the physical condition of Yuya Ubuyashiki.

Even with the help of [Purification] and [Healing], Yuya Ubuyashiki\'s lifespan is only about one year.

His body was already terminally ill, on the verge of collapse.

It\'s a race against time.

Using the lifespan of Yuya Ubuyashiki as the limit, let\'s see whether the Demon Slayer Squad kills Onimai Tsuji Mumi first, or Onimai Tsuji Mumi succeeds in destroying all members of the Demon Slayer Squad.

All the pillars were impatiently gearing up to try.

"Okay—! Since everyone wants to improve their strength quickly, then, now—disband!"

Zhou Fangwu clapped his hands to drive away the crowd who wanted to leave but were reluctant.

"Oh! I want to work harder! Learn the Sun Breathing Method as soon as possible, and then eradicate all the evil spirits!" Purgatory Xingshoulang was full of enthusiasm and left first.

He has always been so hot-blooded.

If it is said that the most powerful Beimingyu Xingming is the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Ghost Killing Team; then the energetic Purgatory Xing Shoulang is the leader of the Ghost Killing Team.

With strong leadership and judgment, he can always drive people to act first.


Following his departure, all the pillars greeted each other and left one by one.

In the end only Butterfly Shinobi was left.

Zhou Fangwu looked at her and asked, "Does Shinobi stay here to send me off?"

"Well, after all, I promised to send Zhou Fangjun away last night, so I can\'t leave Zhou Fangjun alone." Butterfly said with a smile:

"Besides, people rely on poison to eliminate evil spirits, and there is no room for improvement..."

"Don\'t belittle yourself! Medical staff are extremely important logistical support, and they are also related to whether you can defeat Ghost Dance Tsuji."

Zhou Fangwu put down the teacup in his hand, "You are very important, Shinobu."

The eyes looked directly at her.


Butterfly couldn\'t bear to look at each other for a short time. "Mr. Zhou Fang can think so, I\'m really happy as the owner of Butterfly House."

"If you really think so, then don\'t give up your life easily. Tong Mo is not something you can fight against now."

Zhou Fangwu took the trouble to tell her again, for fear that she would find Tong Mo desperately.

"Yes yes yes, I know, I know. I will definitely not go back to find Tong Mo to fight for my life, please don\'t worry, Mr. Zhou Fang."

Butterfly suppressed the bulge of blue veins on his smiling face, "Really, Mr. Zhou Fang is like an old lady, how much I am not trusted by Mr. Zhou Fang."

to be frank.

Even if it was for her own good, Zhou Fangwu was tired of her even if Zhou Fangwu didn\'t get tired of her after listening to so many times of nagging and telling her repeatedly.

"Mother...?! It has nothing to do with trusting you, it\'s just..."


"No, nothing."

General Zhou Fang took back what he wanted to say, and then he said very solemnly:

"Shinobu, if the pillars die in battle while I\'m away, you must bring their bodies back, and don\'t be swallowed by the evil spirits!"

Butterfly looked at him suspiciously, "Well, if it\'s possible."

Even if it is the pillar of the ghost killing team, it is not uncommonly devoured by evil spirits. Even she herself was already ready to be devoured.

"Also, the corpse brought back must be as complete as possible. It must not be burned or buried. It must be frozen with ice. Don\'t let the corpse rot, and then wait for me to come back!"


Zhou Fangwu smiled mysteriously, "I will give you and Twelve Ghost Moon a surprise."


It\'s frightening.

Zhou Fangwu thought in his heart: The resurrection of the dead is against the ethics of the world no matter how you look at it!

There is only one skill that can bring the dead back to life—


That\'s right, it\'s the resurrection technique!

Zhou Fangwu had already learned the super practical skill [Resurrection] from other high priests.

But unlike Akuya\'s [Resurrection (Goddess Privilege)], the ordinary [Resurrection] is not that powerful, and it has quite harsh prerequisites:

1. The time of death is within one month.

2. The bodies still exist and are mostly intact.

3. Each person can only revive once.

Normally, the death time should be within one day, but Zhou Fangwu spent a lot of skill points for it to upgrade a lot of levels, so he extended the resurrection time to one month. (In fact, after writing, I found that this is a BUG that cannot be changed)

"Ahaha~ I see."

Hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, Die Die Ren was even more confused. But she does understand that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com must \'bring back the dead companion\'s body\'.

"Shin, it\'s getting late, send someone to take me away."

It was getting late, and Zhou Fangwu also had the idea of ​​leaving.

"it is good."

Butterfly replied reluctantly, and then left the Butterfly House with Zhou Fangwu.

"Shinobu, the pillars don\'t need to be urged, but the rest of the Demon Slayer Team can\'t be lazy. Especially the three of Tanjirou, I believe you can also feel that the three of them have extraordinary talents. In the near future, they will definitely be able to become the ghost dancers. An important help to Tsuji Wucan."

"Yes, that\'s exactly what we mean."

Butterfly smiled and said: "Tanjirou and the other three are working hard to cultivate, I believe they will become stronger!"

At this point, the hidden member arrives.

Yin half-kneeled in front of him in pitch black, and said in a low voice respectfully:

"Master Butterfly, what are your orders?"

"Send Zhou Fangjun away."

Butterfly forbearance ordered lightly, and then said to Zhou Fangwu with a smile:

"If you have any needs, Zhou Fang-kun can go to the shop with the wisteria pattern for help. Of course, Zhou Fang-kun can also send information to the Ghost Killing Team through there. The Ghost Killing Team looks forward to Zhou Fang-kun\'s return."

"Oh, I see." Zhou Fangwu nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Then, I wish you prosperous martial arts."

"Thanks to the auspicious words!"

With Butterfly Ninja\'s deep blessings, Zhou Fangwu put on a black hood, lay on the backs of Yin members, and left the Ghost Slayer Squad.

PS: "Demon Slayer: Blade" is temporarily over.

I will open a single chapter to summarize in a while, and then talk about the subsequent plot development.

In addition, please vote and favorite!

That\'s it!