Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 36: avoid war

Coming out of the bright headquarters of the Ghost Slayer Squad, he walked alone in the dark alleyway, still lamenting what happened just now.

"It\'s really helpless and aggrieved to entrust the future to outsiders..."

Zhou Fangwu said loudly, and then looked at the open space aside, "You guys, don\'t you think so?"

As soon as the voice fell.

\'Shua! ’ With a sound, nine figures flashed in the open space.

The clothes are gorgeous and the posture is poised.

It\'s the pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad, and all nine of them are there.

"Ahaha... have you been exposed?"

Butterfly Ren took the lead in laughing and laughing, trying to ease the embarrassment among everyone.

After all, among the nine pillars of the ghost killing team, she is the only one who is best at this kind of job of reconciling the atmosphere.

Zhou Fangwu sighed, "I didn\'t notice it at first, but when the owner of the house said about his death, I heard a strange noise..."

"It\'s you, Shimi."


Looking at the undead Kawa Minya who lowered his head and remained silent, Zhou Fangwu didn\'t expect that the rebellious and violent guy in front of him would have such a big reaction when he heard the news that Yoya Miyashiki was dying soon.

It was also the abnormal noise he made that made Zhou Fangwu activate his skills and become aware of the existence of the pillars.

By the way, after the nose, the ears have also become more sensitive?

Zhou Fangwu has reason to believe that this is his [analysis and imitation] playing a role.

‘It seems that this skill has other unknown abilities, which have yet to be developed. \'

Stop thinking about it, and asked instead: "I have already made it clear just now that I will help you deal with Gui Wu Tsuji Wumi. So, if you follow me, is there any problem?"

"No, there\'s nothing wrong with that."

"Ah, is it..."

There was inexplicable hope in the eyes of the nine people, and Zhou Fangwu felt irritated for a while.

Although the Ghost Slayer Squad didn\'t use the low-level method of moral kidnapping, and even took the entire Ghost Slaughter Squad to keep him, Zhou Fangwu couldn\'t like this kind of guy who didn\'t cherish his own life.


They clicked their tongues angrily, but they had no ability to change their minds.

It has become their obsession to eliminate Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi, no matter how much they persuade them, they will not shake their determination.

What Zhou Fangwu can do is to try his best not to let them sacrifice easily.

"Looks like I won\'t be able to sleep tonight..."

He said softly, and then said loudly to Jiuzhu: "Hey, you guys, follow me!"

"Go, where are you going?"

"Tell you more information about the Twelve Ghost Moons."

The corners of Zhou Fangwu\'s mouth turned up, full of vicious smiles:

"Since you are pinning your hopes on me, then show more courage to fight to the death... At least, before you see Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi, don\'t be wiped out by Twelve Ghost Moons first."

Now that he promised to help the Ghost Killing Team eliminate Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumi, the plan has to be changed.

You can\'t find the twelve ghost moons and kill them one by one like in the original book.

In that case, how many sacrifices would there be?

These pillars are valuable combat power, and each of them may affect the direction of the final battle. Zhou Fangwu doesn\'t want them to reduce their staff easily!

So, there is only one conclusion...

To team fight!

It is necessary to start the final decisive battle with all one\'s strength, and beat Ghost Mai Tsuji with a thunderbolt!

Before Guiwu Tsuji Wumi could react, he wiped him out in one fell swoop, thus killing all the evil spirits under him!

It\'s not that he didn\'t think about eradicating the twelve ghost moons one by one.

But knowing the blood ghost art of Twelve Ghost Moons, keeping them would be more beneficial to the Ghost Killing Squad.

The enemy is clear and we are dark.

As long as the countermeasures are correct, then the Demon Killing Team can easily eliminate the Twelve Demon Moons, and then without any damage, the entire team can face the Demon Dance Tsuji without any misfortune!

Go back to Butterfly House.

Zhou Fangwu told Zhong Zhu more information about Twelve Ghost Moons.

The focus is on the information about the evil ghosts on the string.

The breathing method of the moon on the first string, the ice blood ghost technique on the second string, the boxing and vindictiveness on the third string, the avatar on the fourth string, the jade pot on the fifth string, and the twins on the sixth string.

Of course, there is also the nightmare of Xia Xianyi.

My mouth was so dry that I didn\'t finish until dawn.

"The above is the information I know."

Zhou Fangwu let out a sigh of relief, took the tea that Die Ninju handed over, and drank it to moisten his throat.

"Shangxian ghost... so strong?"

Kanroji Mitsuri twisted her body in fear, she was a little timid after hearing the information about Kazuru Oni.

"Indeed, Shangxian Ghost is very powerful. But, I won\'t be afraid!" Purgatory Xingshourou looked excited, looking like he wanted to compete with Shangxian Ghost.

"We are the pillars of the Ghost Killing Squad. Even in the face of an invincible enemy, we will not retreat."

Beimingyu Xingming spoke calmly.

He is the big brother among the pillars, and he plays an important role in stabilizing the morale of the army.

"...Yes, that\'s how it is."

Ganluji Mitsuri patted her cheek, "Okay! I\'m going to do my best too!"


The others didn\'t speak, but unconsciously held the sun wheel knife at their waist.

Holding the teacup in his hand, Zhou Fangwu looked at the expressions of everyone eager to try, and thought that they should be poured with cold water to cool them down so that they would not be too impulsive.

"Shangxian Oni is indeed very powerful. We are still very weak now. It is still too early to compete with Shangxian Oni and even Oni Wu Tsuji."

"Zhou Fang-jun..."

Butterfly couldn\'t bear the fake and polite smile, because what Zhou Fangwu said was too shocking to everyone\'s momentum.

"I don\'t think there is anything wrong with what I said. If you can\'t recognize your own strength, you will die in vain."

"It\'s you, Shinobu!"

Zhou Fangwu looked at Butterfly Ninja, and told her solemnly, "Don\'t go to Tong Mo alone. From now on, your life no longer belongs to you alone."


Butterfly struggled endlessly, but finally compromised, "Yes, yes, I got it, I got it..."

For the Ghost Killing Squad, she is willing to let go of her hatred for the time being.

"Well, then I have a proposal."

Zhou Fangwu clapped his hands to attract everyone\'s attention, "Next we will avoid the battle."

"Avoid war?"

"That\'s right, avoid the fight.

Now is the gap period when the Ghost Killing Team is working hard to accumulate strength, and it is a very important period.

Therefore, if there are evil spirits, let the members of the ghost killing team go, and the pillars are not allowed to go out.

Even if Zhu was forced to carry out the mission, there must be three Zhus accompanying him. "

After a pause, he continued: "If you encounter a ghost on the string during the mission, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com must not fight it! When you encounter it, turn around and run, the farther you run, the better..."

"Ah, what are you kidding?!"

The irritable Immortal Kawasami broke out on the spot, "Let us, the pillars of the Demon Slayer Team, turn around and run away when we see evil spirits, are you looking down on us?!"

The Ghost Killing Squad exists to eliminate evil spirits.

However, Zhou Fangwu told them to turn around and run away when they saw the evil spirits. What\'s the point of the ghost killing team?

This is an unacceptable shame to the Ghost Killing Team and the Pillars!

"Please listen to what I said clearly, \'When you meet a ghost on the string\', turn around and run away."

"Isn\'t that the same!"

"So, do you have the confidence to defeat the winding ghost alone?"


Immortal Kawa Minami was unwilling to reconcile and wanted to argue again, but Beiming Yu Xingming suddenly said:

"Shimi, obey the arrangement! With our current strength, if we want to kill the evil ghost of Shangxian, we will definitely reduce our staff!"

What Beimingyu Xingming said was an irrefutable fact.

With the current strength of the Ghost Killing Team, the result of recklessly fighting with the Twelve Ghost Moons is to replace each other, and it is still 2 for 1, 3 for 1!

This kind of replacement is not worth the loss, and it is not good for the Demon Slayer Team, and it will also affect the final battle with Ghost Dance Tsuji.

"That\'s it, try to improve your own strength, Immortal Kawashiya!"

Zhou Fangwu came to the side of Immortal Kawashiya and said, "You are all like Shinobi!

From now on, your life is no longer your own alone!

Work hard to improve your own strength, and make your greatest contribution to the eradication of Ghost Mai Tsuji! "

ps: Please recommend, please collect!