Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 17: Sleeping God 1 knife nine hundred and ninety-nine!

My wife Shanyi couldn\'t bear the huge blow and passed out.

"Hey hey hey, hahahahahaha~"

Brother Spider laughed wildly, his mocking expression was not concealed at all, "Is this guy really a ghost hunter? This is too good-for-nothing!"

It is right, my wife Shanyi\'s performance is really unsightly.

If Tanjirou Kamado and Inosuke Zuihei were present, they would have already punched him, how could he fall asleep?

Brother Spider licked the corner of his mouth and looked at Zhou Fangwu with malice, as if looking at a delicious meal, he couldn\'t wait to eat it!

"Next, it\'s you, hehehe~"

He didn\'t worry about what kind of waves Zhou Fangwu could make. Without the Sun Wheel Saber, he couldn\'t kill him, so there was no need to be afraid.

"If you are careful, you must have noticed the strangeness on that kid\'s body, right? That\'s right, the toxin-corroded body is full of blue spots everywhere, which are the characteristics of being about to be turned into a spider." He intentionally Point out the abnormalities in my wife Shanyi, trying to disturb Zhou Fangwu\'s state of mind.

But unfortunately, Zhou Fangwu, who knew the result, didn\'t panic at all, the old **** was watching it.

Brother Spider was very displeased with Zhou Fangwu\'s confident appearance, so he threateningly said: "Hey, don\'t you run away? Later you will be exactly like that kid who has passed out!"

"Oh, yeah."

Zhou Fangwu waved his hand disdainfully, "Then let\'s defeat Shanyi first."

"What are you talking about? That kid is already in a coma..."

But he couldn\'t say the next words, because he saw the unconscious Shan Yi get up from the ground.

Close your eyes, take a big lunge, hold a knife in both hands ready to go, and exhale a hot and strong breath from your mouth!

"This is?!"

Brother Spider looked at my wife Shanyi in surprise.

It stands to reason that the toxin should have eroded his nerves long ago, making my wife Shanyi no longer able to stand up.

"Why?! Why can I still stand up?!"

He screamed, and then frantically summoned the little spiders to attack, spraying poisonous mucus in his mouth, trying to kill my wife Shanyi directly.

He changed his mind about turning my wife Zenitsu into a spider imp.

"Wow, this is good news for trypophobia patients!"

Zhou Fangwu saw densely packed small spiders surrounding him, and quickly dodged to the side and jumped out.

Seeing this, Brother Spider laughed and said, "You just ran away, don\'t you care about him anymore?"

In words, he has the upper hand, but in reality it is hard to say.

"Ah, Shanyi is fine, don\'t worry."

Zhou Fangwu jumped onto the tree, "He doesn\'t need me to worry, on the contrary, you are in trouble!"

"Huh? I\'m in trouble?! Stop kidding me!"

Brother Spider looked at my wife Shanyi, who was surrounded by the little spider, and showed an expression that the overall situation was settled.

However, he was slapped in the face next.

Intense golden lightning burst out in the circle covered by the little spiders, and with a bang, my wife Shanyi blasted away all the besieged little spiders, revealing the figure wrapped in lightning inside.

My wife Shanyi is wrapped in thunder and lightning, which complements his yellow suit!

Like the son of thunder favored by heaven!

His figure was extremely low, he took a big lunge, his eyes were still tightly closed, and he was holding a knife in both hands ready to go.

But this time, it\'s different!

"Thunder\'s breath·One type·Thunderbolt flash·Six consecutive."

A faint tone came out of his mouth.

In the next second, he disappeared, and disappeared from Zhou Fangwu\'s eyes!


Extremely fast!

Unparalleled fast!

Zhou Fangwu\'s dynamic vision couldn\'t keep up with his moving speed at all, like a flash of yellow lightning, scurrying in the chaotic and complicated mountain forest, arousing a frightening golden light!

In martial arts in the world, everything is invincible, only speed can\'t be broken!

【Breath of Thunder · One Shape · Flash of Thunderbolt】extends the speed to the extreme!

Concentrate and reach the top!

"Boom, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo!"

There were six soft beeps in a row, and golden lightning flashed across the sky shrouded in dark clouds.

Not long after, the dazzling golden light dissipated.

Opening his eyes again, Zhou Fangwu saw that brother Spider\'s head had been chopped off, and he was rolling to the side alone, while shouting: "No, it\'s impossible! A mere, mere fish ghost hunter, actually... You actually killed me?!"

In endless remorse and anger, Brother Spider turned into ashes and disappeared in front of him.

"Okay, so strong!"

Zhou Fangwu had to admit that the breathing method of thunder is far from what he can compete with now!

Thunderbolt Flash is a sword-drawing and slashing skill.

However, there is a saying circulating in the world of drawing swords and cutting, and Zhou Fangwu thinks it is correct.

"The lower the figure, the stronger the slash!"

With my wife Shanyi\'s big lunge that was about to form a parallel line with the horizontal plane just now, the attack power really lives up to its reputation!

It is worthy of being the **** of sleep!

A knife of 999, is it a joke?

Once again, my wife Shanyi is not weak at all!

He just can\'t bear it in his heart, because he doesn\'t believe in himself, that\'s why he looks particularly cowardly.

But once he fell asleep, his attack ability was very different from when he was awake!

The breathing method of thunder is so terrifying!

However, all of this is Zhou Fangwu\'s fault!

Analysis started... Analysis completed... Imitation started... Imitation completed!

Learn [Thunder\'s Breathing Method]!

Acquired [Thunder\'s Breathing Method Complete Works]!

Learn [Thunder\'s Breath·One Shape·Thunderbolt Flash]!

"Is this your sword skill, Shanyi?"

Zhou Fangwu shook his full hands, feeling his own strength, "I accepted it gratefully!"

[Skill Thief] Zhou Fangwu, has learned my wife Shanyi\'s breath of thunder!

"Wait, let\'s treat him quickly."

No longer indulging in the joy of acquiring new skills, Zhou Fangwu quickly climbed up to the small wooden room hanging on the spider silk thread, and checked my wife Shanyi\'s physical condition.

"It\'s hard to handle, the toxin has penetrated too deeply."

Zhou Fangwu frowned, "It doesn\'t matter, let\'s try first."

Zhou Fangwu took out a small bottle from his arms and poured the liquid in the bottle into my wife Shanyi\'s mouth.

A water-blue fluorescent light shrouded his whole body, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com After a while, the light dissipated, and all the toxins on my wife Shanyi\'s body were also purified.

This is holy water, specially asked Akuya to make it before Zhou Fangwu left.

As the goddess of water, it is easy for her to make some holy water. She only needs to consume a little divine power to make a bottle of holy water.

As for this kind of holy water, Zhou Fangwu had three bottles with him, all of which were kept as backup, in case of important rescue supplies in case of emergency.

Although holy water can expel all negative states, it has no healing effect and cannot restore my wife Shan Yi\'s body damaged by spider poison.

If the treatment is not timely, he will still die.

"Would the magic work on him?"

Zhou Fangwu thought about it, and decided to try it first. After all, the holy water worked, and there was no reason why magic would not work.


The skill [healing] was specially learned by Zhou Fangwu from the high priest.

It only needs the high priest to release him once, and he will easily learn [healing].

Only cost 500 Eris, cheap and easy to use.

The green light once again shrouded my wife Shanyi\'s whole body.


Zhou Fangwu smiled, the magic actually worked, and it was not in vain for him to take the painstaking efforts to treat him.

Forget it, just take it as compensation for him.

Who told him to secretly learn my wife Shanyi\'s breathing method of thunder?

Just when Zhou Fangwu was about to take my wife Shanyi away, a soft sound of a long knife rubbing against the scabbard came from behind the sound.


"Sneak attack?!"

Don\'t talk about Wude!

Zhou Fangwu\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and he did a backflip and brought my wife Shanyi to the ground.

Turning around to look at the figure who attacked him, "Who are you?!"