Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 16: Nada Spider Mountain, Agatsuma Zenitsu

"That Tian Spider Mountain?!"

Zhou Fangwu screamed out.

Natian Spider Mountain is a very important scene in the original book, and it is an important turning point for "Ghost Slayer: Blade" to transform from the previous Demon Slayer Blade to Pillar Slayer Blade!

Moreover, the protagonist and his party also met the Twelve Ghost Moons here - the tiredness of the ghosts of the five spiders on the last string!

Although he is the last of the twelve ghost months, even if he ranks fifth among the last, he is one of the evil ghosts that Oni Wu Tsuji is optimistic about!

Spider ghost, tired.

It took only 10 years for him to become a ghost and become a twelve ghost moon. One can only imagine how strong his talent is! It is precisely because of this that he only knows that Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi, who lives in the nest, agrees to let him start his own family in Natian Spider Mountain.

Most importantly, Tired\'s strength is definitely not weak!

At least, with Zhou Fangwu\'s current strength, he still can\'t beat him!

Even though he had analyzed and imitated Hui Hui\'s explosion magic, he still couldn\'t destroy the evil spirits that only the sun and the sun wheel sword could kill.

The world is very unfriendly to him.

But Zhou Fangwu won\'t back down easily, he came with a bear!

Although Akua is very funny and disqualified as a goddess, her blessing magic is not a joke, but quite divine.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if he has no power to fight back against the evil spirits, he can still return to the Suqing world, can\'t he?

What are you afraid of?

"Ghost Slayer: Blade" is not as passionate as "Bo Ren Biography"?

Fuck it!

"Ahem, Shanyi, why are you here?"

Zhou Fangwu asked my wife Shanyi back, and properly reminded him that it is time to get down to business.

Sure enough, my wife Shanyi immediately reacted and shouted: "Ah! I\'m here to kill evil spirits! No, Nezuko is still with Tanjirou!"

After finishing speaking, he ran frantically into the mountains, shouting loudly while running: "Nezuko! Where are you?!"

"Hey! You idiot Shanyi! Don\'t run around!" My wife Shanyi\'s behavior really tricked Zhou Fangwu.

This place is really too dangerous. Zhou Fangwu, who has no breathing method and no sun wheel knife, will be doomed to escape from the evil spirits, which is even more unbearable than my wife Shanyi.

I had no choice but to keep up.

Zhou Fangwu followed closely behind and followed.

Fortunately, my wife Shanyi\'s speed was not fast, and Zhou Fangwu saw him after chasing for a while.

But he didn\'t run forward, but fled backwards crazily.


My wife Shanyi was yelling, and at the same time, her legs and feet were moving backwards very quickly.

"Shanyi! What\'s the matter?" Zhou Fangwu ran over to meet him.

My wife Shanyi hurriedly shouted after seeing Zhou Fangwu: "Run, senior Zhou Fang! There is a big spider here! No, it\'s an evil spirit!"

Evil spirit?

Zhou Fangwu looked forward, and with his excellent eyesight, he really saw the black shadow of a big spider hanging upside down from the tree with its **** wrapped in silk.

This guy... is the nameless brat who was instantly killed by my wife Shanyi, right?

"Shan Yi, you are the swordsman of the Ghost Slayer Team, right? As a ghost hunter, why are you afraid of evil spirits!"

Zhou Fangwu tried to cheer him up and asked him to quickly use the breath of thunder to kill the spider kid in front of him, so that Zhou Fangwu could analyze and imitate his sword skills smoothly.

"No, no, no, no, no!!"

After hearing this, my wife Shanyi quickly denied herself, "I can\'t do it! I can\'t do it by myself!"

However, although he denied himself with his mouth, his footsteps stopped, and he did not continue to run away, but turned to look at the big spider in front of him.

After Zhou Fangwu got closer, he saw its true face clearly against the moonlight.

"Uh...it\'s really ugly! It\'s disgusting! And what is this stench? It stinks!" Zhou Fangwu unceremoniously criticized its appearance, and also complained about the bad air.

This evil spider is ugly, and belongs to the level that can scare a child to tears.

It is simply putting together a huge spider body and a human head, which is the same as the low-level movies about hunting synthetic beasts that I watched in my previous life.

Zhou Fangwu suddenly remembered a soul torture from his predecessors:

[If you are unfortunately lost on an isolated island, you can choose a mermaid to accompany you. 】

【Then, the mermaid you chose, is the upper body a fish, or the lower body a fish? 】

In other words, mermaids and spider-men are not the same concept!

At least the mermaid still has a waist!

This spider brother only has one head, and the dry head is inserted into the spider\'s body!

It\'s so ugly!

"Shanyi, kill him quickly!"

Zhou Fangwu was a little nauseated, unable to accept it both physically and psychologically, and ordered my wife Shanyi to kill him quickly.

My wife Shanyi cried and wiped her tears, "I can\'t do it, Senior Zhou Fang!"

This guy…

My wife Shanyi\'s heart is too weak now, and he has not transformed, so he is useless at all.

"Hey hey~ You can run as much as you want, anyway, in half an hour you will be lying on the ground, surrendering in front of me like those spiders!"

Brother Spider took out a pocket watch with a smirk, and pointed at the needle with his spider legs, constantly increasing the pressure on my wife Shanyi.

"Do you understand, after turning this long needle once, you will become a spider~"


My wife Shanyi trembled in fear and couldn\'t speak.

"When the long needle turns here, your hands and feet will be numb and painful; when you get here, you will feel dizzy and nauseated; when you get here again, you will feel unbearable pain, your body will gradually shrink and you will lose consciousness; when you wake up, You\'ll find yourself...hehehehehehehahahaha!"

Brother Spider didn\'t say the rest, but his gradually perverted laughter told my wife Shanyi:

"Yes, that\'s what you think!"

My wife Shanyi\'s mentality exploded until she gradually collapsed. He yelled and grabbed Zhou Fangwu\'s clothes and asked for help, "Senior Zhou Fang, please help me! I don\'t want to become that disgusting spider!"

At this time, Brother Spider also found Zhou Fangwu next to my wife Shanyi.

"who is it?"

The dress is very weird, although he wears a long sword on his waist, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, but he doesn\'t wear the uniform of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

‘Could he be a ghost hunter? \'

Brother Spider couldn\'t figure it out for a while, but this didn\'t prevent him from setting another person who suddenly appeared, secretly driving the spiders he controlled, trying to use the previous routine to inject poison into Zhou Fangwu.

This is his strategy against the enemy and his means of survival.

But before he could move, he heard Zhou Fangwu say: "I\'m sorry, Shanyi. I\'m not a swordsman of the Ghost Killing Team, and I don\'t know how to breathe. This knife is not a sun wheel knife, and it can\'t kill evil spirits." .”

"What?! Senior Zhou Fang really isn\'t a member of the Ghost Killing Team?! Is Senior Zhou Fang really just an ordinary person?! I actually brought ordinary people in front of ghosts?!"

My wife Shanyi became even more desperate after hearing Zhou Fangwu\'s words, and screamed again and again in disbelief.

Is this my wife Shanyi\'s style, always yelling in a panic?

But Brother Spider laughed instead, thinking that there would be some change, but he didn\'t expect that the newcomer was just a dessert for him.

"Hehehe, don\'t be afraid, you will lose your personality after the toxins flow all over your body and become spiders, you don\'t need to think about it anymore!" Brother Spider continued to exert pressure, further forcing my wife Shanyi\'s inner defense.

"Stop talking! I just don\'t want to be like that! At first glance, no one likes you, you must be excluded!"

Don\'t look at my wife Shanyi\'s weakness, but his poisonous tongue really makes Brother Spider very upset.

"No!!" My wife Shanyi broke down and pulled her hair.

But the next second he froze.

A lot of his hair fell out!

"Lot, hair loss!!"

My wife Shanyi screamed and passed out.