My Sassy "Crown Princess"

Chapter 417 competitive employment

Zhao Yufei stood on the corridor and looked at the back of Wang Chengfeng and Mo Fei.

"Miss, it seems that Wang Shao and Zheng Shao are very ambitious!" The maid stood by Zhao Yufei's body and said.

Zhao Yufei smiled coldly. These two guys are very ambitious. Unfortunately, they are not fighting for her.

"The spirit potion, the spirit potion and Zhao Shibo are really powerful. This kind of potion formula can also be obtained." As Wang Chengfeng walked, he was amazed.

"Young master, if you want to win this competition, it should be easy to get things out of your pocket." Wang Chengfeng side of the juvenile road.

Wang Chengfeng shook his head and said, "no matter how easy it is, Zheng Duojing is not a simple person, and the blood elixir is not so easy to practice."

"Eh, Zheng Duojing, isn't he a liar?" Some teenagers don't think so.

"Why is he a liar?" Wang Chengfeng frowned, puzzled and asked.

The young master was puzzled and said, "isn't it? I thought he had deceived Miss Yufei with his rhetoric. "

Wang Chengfeng disagreed and said, "how can you? This Zheng Duojing is a hermit. Zhao Yufei, some of them are not worthy of others."

The young man looked at Wang Chengfeng and said: "little you, don't talk nonsense!"

Wang Chengfeng laughed and said, "just kidding..."


Murphy walked towards the guest room. A man blocked Murphy's way.

"Master Wei, what can I do for you?" Asked Murphy, looking at the man in front of him.

Wei Fan looks at Mo Fei with a bad face and sneers: "you damned A cheater. "

Murphy: "..."

"I've investigated. You're just a pharmacist at the lower level of Xuan. You can only refine some medicines just reaching the level of Xuan. How dare you cheat younger martial sister and master like this. You're so brave." Wei Fan measured the tunnel in Yin.

He smiled faintly and said, "master Wei, I know how much strength I have."

Wei Fan stared coldly at Murphy and said, "although I don't know what kind of tricks you used to deceive younger martial sister, wait, I will definitely open your face in front of younger martial sister."

Can't help but turn a white eye, young man, you made a mistake and envied the object, you will play hard on me again, Zhao Yufei should not like you, or not like you!

Murphy looked down and said, "I'm sincere to Yufei. Please don't break us up."

Wei Fan snorted coldly and said, "I don't know what to do."


Zhao Yufei came up to Murphy and asked, "what did elder martial brother Wei want from you?"

Murphy shrugged and said, "he's worried about you. Come and show me."

Zhao Yufei helplessly turned a white eye. "This guy, he really likes to be nosy!"

Murphy: "..."

Zhao Yufei looked at Murphy and asked, "do you have confidence in the pharmaceutical competition the day after tomorrow?"

Murphy spread out his hands and said, "No."

"No, how can you not? What can I do if you can't win? " Zhao Yufei hates the tunnel.

After rubbing his nose, Murphy said, "or I can't win. You and Wang make do with each other."

Zhao Yufei glared at Mo Fei and said, "even if you can't win, I won't accept the fatso."

Murphy: "..."

Zhao Yufei looked at Murphy, grabbed Murphy's hand and said with burning eyes, "as long as we can win, we can use any means. I'll take care of it when something happens."

Murphy: "..." This girl, is to let him Cheat.

"I try." Could not have swallowed the swallowing channel.

Zhao Yufei stared at Murphy and said, "if you lose, I want you to look good."

Murphy: "..."

Zhao Yufei said wistfully, "I wish brother Yuxuan were here. Brother Yuxuan is a senior pharmacist of Xuan level. It's easy to win this competition."

Can't help but turn away and say: your brother Yuxuan doesn't know where he is now.


Seeing Murphy, the building can't wait to drag Murphy into the room. "What's the matter?"

Could it be that I told the competition to the building.

"Earthly elixir?" There was a suspicion in the eyes of the building.

Murphy nodded and said, "yes!" Even if Zhao Yufei repents and doesn't give the Star Crystal behind him, as long as he gets the formula, it's not a loss. The formula of the lichen potion is sold out, and it's a matter of seconds.

The building, with a black face, said, "I'm in trouble."

Looking at the building, Murphy asked, "what's the trouble?"

"If you win, you say in front of Zhao Yufei that you are a pharmacist in the early stage of Xuan level, she will not be suspicious."

"If you lose, with Zhao Yufei's temperament, you won't give up. At that time, something will happen."

Murphy turned his eyes and said, "since there are problems in winning or losing, I'd better win the game." Zhao Yufei's crazy girl is not easy to provoke. If he loses the game, he can't point to this girl. How to punish him.

The building nodded and said, "do as you see."


"Do you know anything?" When Mo saw Zheng enter the room, he couldn't wait to ask.

Zheng shrugged and said, "both Wang Chengfeng and Zheng Duojing adore Miss Zhao. It's hard for the city leader of Zhao to decide, so they decide to let them compete for posts."

Mo Yi said in some confusion, "both of them adore Miss Zhao?"

Zheng nodded and said, "that's what people outside say."

Mo Yi rubbed his forehead and said, "what is the relationship between Zhao Yufei and Mo Fei?"

"An unspeakable relationship." Zheng some gloating tunnel.

Mo Yi sighed and said, "I always think what will happen!"

Zheng can't deny: "one, don't think too much."

Mo nodded and said, "OK."

"Mr. Zheng, please make more grilled fish these days." Wang Chengfeng's waiter came in.

Zheng looked at the waiter and doubted: "your young master is not about to compete. At this time, he only wants to eat. Is that good?"

The waiter disagreed and said, "what's the matter? As long as we eat fish, our young master will be able to play superbly."

"Your young master was changed by a cat. Do you have any feud with fish?" Don't smile.

The waiter disagreed and said, "when we were young, our young master fished and dragged the fish into the river. He was bitten by the fish. From then on, he vowed to eat all the fish in the world."

Zheng: "..."

"Wang Shao is really ambitious." Don't smile helplessly.

The waiter said haughtily, "that's more to say."

"The competition between your young master and Zheng Duojing is set for the day after tomorrow." Zheng explores the tunnel.

The waiter nodded and said, "yes! I don't know what kind of idea Zhao Chengzhu has. It seems that someone will be invited to watch the ceremony. "

Don't frown, "please watch?"

The waiter nodded and said, "yes!"

"The people who are invited by the Lord of Zhao to observe the rites must be of extraordinary status." Zheng asked.

The waiter snorted, "it's not such a glorious thing. Although some people will be invited here, I don't think there will be too many." Zhao Yufei said that he would marry his young master, but he turned out to be a sweetheart.

Zheng lowered his head and said, "that's it!"

"What do you care? Make the fish quickly. Young master's invitation to you is not for you to do nothing but eat nothing. " The waiter was full of displeasure.

Zheng smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry."

Don't look at the back of the waiter's departure. He looks a little ugly and says, "old Zhao still wants to invite people to watch the ceremony. If you please see the identity of the young master, what can you do?"

Zheng narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't know. The current situation is one step, one step."

In the guest room, Murphy's communicator lights up. The information on it changes Murphy's face.

"What's the matter?" Asked the building.

"One by one, the message came from him. He said that in this competition, Mr. Zhao would let people come to watch the ceremony and let us be careful." No way.

The building's face suddenly darkened. Mr. Zhao is a prefecture level expert. The guests he invited would not be ordinary people. If someone recognized Mo Fei's identity, it would be a big trouble.

The building looked at Murphy and said, "otherwise, let's go."

Don't think so and say: "that's not good. To do business, you have to start from the beginning to the end. If you encounter something, you will give up halfway. When can you get rich! Besides, we can't leave if we want to! "

The building shrugged and said, "yes." When they leave at this time, Zhao Haotian must think that they have played a trick on him, and it will not be easy to clean up.


Holding his chin, he was thinking about what happened. The door was kicked open and Wei Fan looked at him coldly.

Murphy looked at the man at the door and his face was a little helpless.

"Wei Shao, what's the matter?" Asked Murphy.

Wei Fan glanced contemptuously at Mo Fei and said, "my master, I have invited many friends to watch this competition."

Could it not have frowned and said, "is that right?"

Wei Fan looked coldly at Murphy and said, "if you know what you are going to do, just roll away before many people come."

Murphy: No way. I have to stay and fight to the end for Yufei. "

Wei Fan sneered coldly and said, "since you are not afraid of losing face and don't care about losing face in front of the public, you are welcome."

Murphy: "..."