My Sassy "Crown Princess"

Chapter 416 unusual enemies of love

When Wang Chengfeng entered the kitchen, he looked at Zheng gloomily and said, "Zheng Yi, I heard that you made eight fish and gave them to my rival?"

Zheng nodded and said, "yes!"

Wang Chengfeng glared at Zheng discontentedly and said, "how can you do this? You are the Royal chef I have spent 3000 times on Star Crystal! I don't have enough to eat the things you make. You even give the fish to my rival. You are too much. "

Zheng looked at Wang Chengfeng lightly and said, "friendship is the first, beauty is the second. Although it's a rival, if you can make a good relationship, you should try your best to make a good relationship. There are many friends and many ways."

Wang Chengfeng stopped for a moment, nodded, and said, "it seems that there is some truth in what he said! But, however, how can you send eight fish, two fish to make do with it, that's all. "

Zheng bowed his head and said, "where can I get two of them?"! There are also two big stomach kings, xiaojinjiao and xiaohaiyao.

Zheng looked at Wang Chengfeng and said, "Wang Shao, do you like Miss Zhao?"

Wang Chengfeng shrugged and chewed Zheng's fish. He said, "it's normal."

Zheng tilted his head and said, "Miss Zhao, it's very beautiful!"

Wang Chengfeng flattened his mouth and said, "is it beautiful? It's not my aesthetic. "

Zheng asked curiously, "I don't know what your aesthetic is like."

"Like me." Wang Chengfeng holds his head high and is full of pride.

Zheng was puzzled and said, "are you like this?"

Wang Chengfeng nodded and said, "yes! I like this, round, meat, at the first sight, I know how to eat. That girl is too thin. At the first sight, she is weak and hard to raise. "

Zheng rolled his eyes and said, "well, Wang Shao, you like fat ones."

Wang Chengfeng glared at Zheng and said, "it's not fat, it's wealth."

Zheng: "..." This is a unique taste.

Zhao Yufei angrily rubbed the silk in his hand and turned away from the spot.

Zhao Yufei grinds her teeth discontentedly. What's friendship first, beauty second, and what makes her look weak? This damned fat man.

"Young master, Miss Zhao was outside just now. She seems to have heard what you said." The young man said to Wang Chengfeng helplessly.

Wang Chengfeng doesn't think it's OK. Just hear it Wang Chengfeng lowered his head and said in his heart: it was meant for that girl. Otherwise, with his level of soul power, how could Zhao Yufei not be found.

"Miss, are you ok?" Zhao Yufei's maid looked at him uneasily and asked.

Zhao Yufei shook his head and said, "it's OK."

After eating the fish, Wang Chengfeng got up and walked into Murphy's room.

Mo Yi came to Zheng's side and said, "why is it that Mo Fei has become Miss Zhao's lover and the third prince is working as a light bulb?"

Zheng shrugged and said, "who knows what medicine these two guys sell in the gourd!"


"Young master Wang." Can't help but see some accidents of Wang Chengfeng.

Wang Chengfeng, with his hands on his back, looked at Mo Fei and said, "come to disturb me, brother Zheng, don't dislike me."

"Why? Come in, come in. " I can't help but feel, what's the bearing, what's the demeanor, when I greet Wang Chengfeng to enter the door. Just look at this fat man, tut tut. It's really rare that he treats his rival so well!

"I heard that you are a senior pharmacist of Xuan level?" Asked Wang Chengfeng.

Murphy lowered his head, smiled and said, "my level is just like that."

"Don't be modest. I have some problems recently. I want to ask for advice. I don't know if you are free." Wang Chengfeng said.

Can't you laugh twice? "I'm not good at learning. I'm afraid I can't help you."

Wang Chengfeng smiled contemptuously and said, "it's OK. Just give me some advice."

With a faint smile, he said, "I don't know what problems Wang Shao has encountered recently."

"I've been studying the elixir of space recently, but the star and moon grass in the elixir of space has disappeared. I'm trying to replace it. I've tested several kinds of herbs recently, including biling grass, moon shadow grass, sky and moon grass..." Wang Chengfeng said.

Murphy thought: "although biling grass has the effect of clearing the heart, it is against the apricot grass in the elixir. If it is used in this way, it may conflict."

Wang Chengfeng's eyes brightened, "ah! Is that it? I said I couldn't do it all the time. I thought I didn't have a good dose. According to brother Zheng, what do you think of yueyingcao... "

"The efficacy of yueyingcao is intense, and it will react with the five elements of the medicine. If it is used, it should be added to balance the drug resistance of xingcao."

"Balance medicine? Uh huh? How to balance the medicine with snow moon grass? "

"Snow moon grass, maybe you can try it."

"I have another problem. It's like this..."


Murphy and Wang Chengfeng had a heated chat. The more they talked, the more they were congenial. ^Wang Chengfeng didn't hear the name of Zheng Duojing. He thought that the level of each other must be not high. He didn't know that the level of each other's medicine was not lower than that of him until he communicated.

Wang Chengfeng put down the doubts in his heart and raised questions one by one.

Not from Wang Chengfeng's body to find some shadow of Xiao Chen, more chat more input.

The building was set aside by two people.

When Zhao Yufei came in, Mo Fei and Wang Chengfeng were chatting happily. Both of them ignored Zhao Yufei selectively.

Zhao Yufei looks at the two people in front of her. They are angry. One is her designated fiance, the other is the "lover" she invited for 20000 Xingjing. Now, these two damned guys are fighting fiercely.

Zhao Yufei suddenly remembered what Mofei had said before, "Miss Zhao, you are sure that he is interested in you. I don't think he is interested in you. He is interested in me."

Zhao Yufei couldn't help shivering.

Looking at Zhao Yufei, the building asked, "Miss Zhao, what's the matter with you?" ^^Zhao Yufei shook his head and said, "nothing."

Wang Chengfeng looks at Zhao Yufei and smiles: "Miss Zhao, you are here!"

Zhao Yufei nodded and said, "yes!"

"Yufei, you have a good eye. Polycrystalline is very powerful." Wang Chengfeng is not stingy to praise. Wang Chengfeng thought that in the past, master always told him that he didn't believe that experts were in the folk, but now he has seen it.

The young man behind Wang Chengfeng, some of whom hate iron but don't speak steel, said: "young master, how can you grow others' aspirations and destroy your own prestige?"

Wang Chengfeng didn't care and said, "but polycrystalline is very powerful!"

Zhao Yufei looks at Wang Chengfeng strangely. He can't help muttering. Wang Chengfeng, you are the enemy of love! Is it really good of you to praise your rival so much?

"Polycrystalline, is he very good?" Zhao Yufei asked.

Wang Chengfeng nodded and said, "yes! Polycrystalline knows a lot. It's very powerful. "

"Wang Shao is flattering me. I can't be so powerful." Could not help waving.

Zhao Yufei looks at Mo Fei strangely. Wang Chengfeng looks like a straw bag, but he is actually capable. It's said that this guy is a senior pharmacist of Xuan level. Zheng Duojing is actually in the early stage of Xuan level.

A senior pharmacist of Xuan level is full of praise for a pharmacist at the beginning of Xuan level. How strange this is!

is Zheng Duojing a pig eating tiger? Zhao Yufei looked at his face and shook his head.

"Yufei, what can I do for you?" Asked Murphy.

Zhao Yufei looked at them and said, "my father is looking for you."

Wang Chengfeng frowned and said, "what does your father have? If it's not important, can you... " ^&"I don't know if it's important. Are you busy?" Zhao Yufei shook his head

Wang Chengfeng nodded naturally and said, "I'm very busy! I'm going to talk to polycrystals about potions. "

Zhao Yufei was so angry that Wang Chengfeng almost spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Zhao Yufei thinks that Wang Chengfeng's fatso is likely to fall in love with Zheng Duojing's little white face. Maybe, he has become a matchmaker by accident. Thinking of this, Zhao Yufei suddenly feels like a thunderbolt.

"Yufei, you don't look very well, are you ok?" Asked Zhao Yufei with concern.

Zhao Yufei shook his head and said, "it's OK."

Zhao Yufei looked at Mo Fei and said to him, "you have a good chat with Wang Chengfeng!"

"Yes! Wang Shaoren is not bad. Thanks to Miss Zhao, I know Wang Shao at several levels. It's amazing! Fate! " Can not be full of feeling to Zhao Yufei's voice.

Zhao Yufei's face is changing like a palette.

Mo Fei and Wang Chengfeng went to see Zhao Haotian together. Zhao Haotian stood on the throne and looked at the two people with a smile and a friendly face.

"Polycrystalline, Chengfeng, I heard you get along well." Zhao Hao's heavenly way.

Wang Chengfeng nodded and said, "yes! Very good. "

Zhao Yufei stood on one side, blushing.

"Both of you are outstanding people and admire my daughter. However, I have only one daughter. It's hard to choose between them, so I've figured out a way..." Zhao Haotian is a bit embarrassed.

"What?" Asked Wang Chengfeng curiously.

"I've got a new prescription of blood spirit potion and a prescription of Earth Spirit potion. If any of you can configure the blood spirit potion, I'll send the prescription of Earth Spirit potion as well." Zhao Haotian is generous.

Murphy looked down and saw a strange color in his eyes. The more advanced the formula, the more rare it is. The advanced formula he had contact with before in luoxiazong was also very limited.

The ground spirit potion is a ground level formula, and the blood spirit potion is a high-level formula. The function of the blood spirit potion is to assist the ground spirit potion. When two potions are used at the same time, the probability of star master entering the ground level can be increased by 20%.

Wang Chengfeng blinked and his eyes were full of light. "I will do my best."

he said: "I will do my best for Yufei."

Zhao Yufei clenched his fist and was in a dark mood. Wang Chengfeng seemed to have no interest in her before. However, as soon as his father's formula was taken out, this guy became interested.

Damn guy, Zhao Yufei, can't he compare with a broken recipe?

Wang Chengfeng came out joyfully, "the elixir of the earth, unexpectedly Zhao Shibo's hand