Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 294: Returning to China

Pulling Du Cheng is a soft and tender little hand. Li Enhui on the bed didn't know when he had opened his eyes, but he was still drunk in his eyes.

"Woke up?\&

It’s no exaggeration for Du Cheng’s smile to be a little light or gentle.

In fact, Du Cheng had long known that Li Enhui woke up when he embraced Li Enhui's body. Li Enhui's weak reaction on his body could not be overwhelmed. In that case, Du Cheng will naturally not say it. "Thank you." Li Enhui tried to keep herself awake. She wanted to laugh. But the smile on her face was full of sadness.

Looking at the sad smile on Li Enhui's face, Du Cheng gently patted Li Enhui's little hand and said: "Sleep and sleep well, tomorrow will be fine." "嗒d" Li Enhui gently nodded and put Opened the hand of Du Cheng. Du Cheng did not say much to Li Enhui after a slight smile and then turned directly toward the door. Li Enhui stopped her eyes and waited for Du Cheng to close the door. Early the next morning, Du Cheng got up early and just got more than an hour of sleep. For Du Cheng, there was no impact at all.

When Du Cheng came to the hall, Su Xueru was already packing things in the hall. The plane was at 10 o'clock in the morning. Although there was still more than an hour, but Su Xueru’s character basically everything would be prepared in advance.

Gu Sixin also got out of bed and just sat on the sand and yawned. Obviously, he still didn't sleep enough or said that he slept too late last night.

What made Du Cheng somewhat surprised was that Li Enhui also got up and seemed to have specially taken a shower. The whole spirit seemed to change very personally. He even said a smile to Du Chen who walked out of the door and said: "Come here. It’s going to be cool for breakfast.”

On the table next to the hall, there was already a delicious meal. Li Enzhen said to Du Cheng and then pulled up Gu Sixin’s little hand and walked toward the table. Du Xue and Su Xueru, who packed up the things, followed behind.

"Si Xin will have more time to play in the future, but don't forget my envious sister. Li Enhui said that he was very affectionate in front of Gu Sixin." "Well," Gu Sixin nodded seriously. Then said: "Enhui sister Bu, you can come back when you have time.

Li Enhui, Hui Yi, smiled and nodded, but his eyes fell on Du's tooth 1.

After simply eating breakfast, Du Cheng and Gu Sixin and Su Xueru were sitting in the airport with Li Enhui's Mercedes-Benz and then boarded the plane directly under Li Enhui's delivery.

Looking at Li Enhui’s last look at the eyes of Du Cheng’s eyes, he felt that the irritability of the brain was a little bit irritating and had an impulse. In the end, Du Cheng still relied on his own good self-control ability. This feeling is hard to force down.

In the villa on the 15th, Gu Sixin was excited to tell Gu Jiayi about the fun things in Paris these days, and secretly said in the ear of Gu Jiayi that some quietly from Gu Sixin’s peek at Du Chengguang’s view is obviously saying It’s about Du Cheng. Gu Jiayi was very satisfied and looked at Du Cheng’s eyes with a little more smile.

Du Cheng did not stay in the hall but pushed his mother to go outside the hall. Su Xueru followed it out. Obviously there is something to say with Du Cheng. "Du Cheng, I am going to let Sixin start recording the second album. How do you see it?" Su Xueru asked as he looked at Du Cheng while looking at the things in his book.

After returning from Paris, Gu Sixin’s itinerary was basically dense. Among them, there was a series of military charity performances and a large-scale music series of CCTV. The local performances of course as the charity foundation’s director Xin Xin Charity Fund The matter of the meeting, Gu Sixin, naturally cannot be dropped.

Du Chenghui said directly after thinking: "Well, it’s almost the same time that you help Sixin to arrange the time. Don’t let her be too tired."

Taking advantage of the first album's waste heat and then launching the second album is indeed a good choice and Du Cheng's original promise is almost in need of starting to fulfill it. That is the recording of '缘\&.

"Okay, I started to contact the album production team to start recording in mid-December." Su Xueru nodded and then turned and walked toward Gu Sixin. Obviously it was to discuss with Gu Sixin.

After Su Xueru entered, Gu Jiayi came out and apparently Su Xueru should be looking for Gu Sixin to talk about the new album.

Looking at the faint smile on Gu Jiayi’s face, Du Cheng looked at her without any anger and said: “Why do you have something to say?”

Gu Jiayi smiled and she was naturally clear that Du Cheng was so angry that she was very charming and white. Du Cheng said after a look: "Hey, let me think of you, this big satyr and there, but we can not forget It is.

Du Cheng naturally won't be angry. It's just that he is snickering in his heart. Because Gu Sixin has already sold her sister, but this kind of thing Du Cheng naturally will not say it, but opened the topic and asked Gu Sixin. Dao: "How should the company's opening ceremony be held these days?" "Well, just a few days ago."

Gu Jiayi nodded Du Cheng to Paris and Du Cheng did not want to stand in front of the stage. So this opening ceremony Du Gu Jiayi just said to Du Cheng that Du Cheng did not participate in Gu Jiayi, although it was a pity but did not say much.

"At present, we have received orders of 300 million with Taiyang Electric and we have ordered nearly 60 million orders in private. Recently, the staff of the company is in short supply, but it is not a problem if it is maintained."

Speaking of the company's business, Gu Jiayi suddenly had a little more excitement. Taiyang Motor can safely eat the girders in Rongxin Motor. Although the profit is less, other companies are afraid to make it difficult.

Of course, if there is no Taiyang Electric as an alliance, then the red fire of that electric motor will definitely be forced by the peers.

Du Cheng was very satisfied with Rongxin Motor's current exhibition. After thinking about it, he asked Gu Jiayi: "There should be other motor companies to ask for price in the next few days?" "Well d"

Gu Jiayi nodded these days. Basically, all the motor companies in the F city were asking for the price. However, Gu Jiayi refused according to Du Cheng’s meaning no matter how high the price. Du Cheng apparently had arrangements to ask: "When is the second motor going to work almost when can it be opened?"

When Gu Jiayi opened the first motor, he arranged for the person to let her directly answer: "The core opening has been completed in these few days and the test can be started. If it is completely open, it should be within ten days. ”

Du Cheng gently nodded and thought for a while. Said: "Well, if you almost go to the end of the month, you will sell the technology of this motor and put the focus on the new motor. Let's talk about the second motor with Taiyang Motor."

Although anxious, but Gu Jiayi did not have a slight rejection of Du Cheng’s decision but directly said: "Well, I let Zhang Chaofeng contact those motor companies to see their quotations first."

Du Cheng did not stay in the villa on the 15th. At about 3 pm, Du Cheng went directly to the I-o-pharmaceutical industry.

Du Cheng made a phone call to Lin Zhongling in advance, but Lin Zhongling was not in the company but was on a business trip in Shanghai, so when Du Cheng arrived, he became a love fan - Lan was waiting for him.

Since Zhong Lianlan has been promoted to the vice president, the company's management has obviously improved one step further. The improvement in performance is also very obvious. Lin Zhongling will even put a little more on it to give Zhong Lianlan so that Zhong Lianlan can be more like a duck.

And Zhong Lianlan herself is constantly improving with rapid progress. In some respects, she has already passed Lin Zhongling. Therefore, Lin Zhongling also assured the company to the management of Zhong Lianlan and he himself went to visit the local area and also Some big dealers have a closer relationship.

Zhong Lianlan was waiting for Du Cheng in the office that originally belonged to Du Cheng and now belonged to her. The reason was that Zhong Lianlan was just sitting on the sand instead of the boss chair that usually belongs to her~www.novelhall.com~ Wearing a tight black female-style professional suit head slightly rolled up a slender leg, which is very attractive under the flesh-colored stockings. It is very very different compared to the change before entering Zhongheng Pharmaceutical. Big.

But the real change is the temperament of Zhong Lianlan. The temperament is like the replica of Gu Jiayi. However, the temperament of Gu Jiayi is cold and the temperament of Zhonglianlan is the kind of unrelenting perseverance.

When Du Cheng opened the door of the office, Zhong Lianlan quickly stood up from the sand and directly Du Cheng indicated that she sat down and then sat down and personally made tea for Du Cheng. Du Cheng’s hand is holding a few copies of Zhongyinglan’s earnings report prepared for Du Cheng.

Although it is only less than nine days from the 1st to the present, but the entire earnings report is full of nearly 30 sheets so thick that I can see how the heart is doing in this regard.

My wife returned to her family to accompany her baby’s grandmother to buy my baby’s old age. I have to go back for about three days. So the tasks of taking care of the baby in these days are given to the sweat. It’s too noisy. I don’t have time to write a book to work overtime at night. Basically during the day. It is abolished.