Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 293: Super family

When Du Cheng returned to the presidential suite, Gu Sixin they have returned! ! ! !

Su Xueru will go back to Duancheng with them tomorrow, so she also lived in the presidential suite. There are three rooms in the presidential suite. It is not difficult to live more than one person.

However, because Su Xueru needs to talk to Gu Sixin about the charity foundation, so late, Shangsu cigar went to Gu Sixin's room, and Li Enhui was a separate room.

When Du Cheng came back, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening. Gu Sixin and Su Xueru had already returned to the room to discuss the charity event. Li Enhui was sitting alone in a small bar on the side of the hall drinking red wine.

Li Enhui is obviously just taking a shower. His body is just wearing a nightdress with a satin material. Soft, just like the autumn water, it is attached to Li Enhui’s body. Let Li Enhui be like Qiu Shui Yiren. However, at the moment, Li Enhui’s look is obvious. Some of the loss, watching the red wine in the cup slightly lost.

After Du Cheng thought about it, he walked over to Li Enhui, and then she sat down.

"Time has passed so fast, you will go back tomorrow."

Looking at Du Cheng sitting down next to him, Li Enhui's mood is obviously not correct, but it is forced to smile toward Du Cheng.

"Yeah." Du Cheng nodded gently.

Li Ende smiled slightly, then picked up a wine glass from the wine and asked Du Cheng: "How, drink a few cups with me?"

"Okay." Du Cheng can naturally see that Li Enhui's mood seems to be somewhat wrong, did not refuse, and then took the glass from Li Enhui's hand, and poured the red wine on his own.

This is a bottle of flames. Although it is not as expensive as Lafite, it can be counted as the best in the wine. Naturally, the red wine in it needs extra payment.

Looking at Du Cheng’s action of pouring wine, Li Enhui’s originally unusual mood seemed to gradually calm down. After Du Cheng finished the wine, he was very elegant and picked up the glass and said to Du Cheng: “We drink one. The bar, when I meet next time, maybe it’s a few months later."

Although Li Enhui tried to cover up, but the faint sadness and loss in the words, but still can not be Du Cheng.

Without much to say, Du Cheng directly touched Li Enhui and touched the cup, then drank the red wine in his hand.

Li Enhui is also drinking, but Li Enhui's drink is good, so the cup is not a big deal for her, but after the glass of red wine, Li Enhui's pretty face suddenly a little more charming blush.

Du Cheng’s heart has already understood what Li Enhui’s sadness is because of it. After a slight smile, he said, “You don’t have to wait a few months. If there is nothing, you can come back.”

"Then you welcome me back?" Li Enhui did not answer, but asked Du Cheng a sentence, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Du Cheng, seems not to move.

Du Cheng did not hesitate, and very simply responded: "Of course, welcome, we are good friends, is it, and I think Enxin will also welcome you back."

When I heard Du Cheng’s first sentence, Li Enhui’s pretty face showed a sense of excitement on his face, but after she heard Du Cheng’s remarks, the excitement had gradually disappeared, and I lifted the glass again and said, "Okay, good friend, then let's have another drink."

Du Cheng also raised a cup, did not say anything, but it was a flash of color in the eyes, because Du Cheng found that he seems to guess wrong.

Looking at Li Enhui is like drinking tea, and once again drinking it, Du Cheng secretly sighed and said: "Okay, time is not early, go back to sleep, don't drink any more."

Li Enhui nodded gently, and it was already a little more blushing on the pretty face, revealing, a faint smile, and then said: "Well, you go back first, I will sit for a while."

Du Cheng should have a voice, did not say anything, but stood up and walked toward his own room.

Li Enhui glanced at the back of Du Cheng’s departure, and the silky eyes in the eyes tried to cover up the sadness and loss, and suddenly it was stronger.


After returning to the room, Du Cheng sat directly on the sofa, his brow slightly wrinkled.

Li Enhui's look is obviously wrong, and from the end of Li Enhui's words, Du Cheng has a kind of hunch, this kind of hunch makes Du Cheng's heart change a bit messy and somewhat irritating.

Fortunately, Du Cheng’s self-control ability was amazing enough. After thinking for a while, he immediately got up and walked toward the bathroom.

After the shower, Du Cheng once again sat down on the bed and opened the network.

When he came back, Du Cheng asked Xiner to help him collect information about the Clarke family.

When Du Cheng summoned Xiner, Xiner had gathered all the information and gave Du Cheng the most complete information about the Clarkel family that could be found on the Internet.

The Clarkel family, a family with a legendary history in France, grew up in World War II and grew at an alarming rate. In the 1980s, it became the first family in France, and even some people would be in the Clark family. Placed in a position that can be tied with the Rothschild family, the horror of its assets, I am afraid that even the managers of the Clarkel family can not count, naturally, outsiders can not be counted.

It can be seen that this Clarkel family is a family with financial horror. It is no wonder that the Ai Qier can ignore the hundreds of millions of euros of winning or losing. No wonder even Charlie, the future heir of the Alka Group, has to bow in front of her. For someone like her, money is in front of her, but it is only a number.

The information of Du Chengcha Clarke family is not to deal with the Clarke family. Du Cheng has a self-knowledge. With his current financial resources, he can't regret the half-point of the other party. Therefore, Du Cheng’s work is to prevent it.

After all, there have been several conflicts with the Aiqier, and with the proud character of the other party, Du Cheng can't guarantee that the Aiqi will not use the power of the family to deal with himself. Therefore, Du Cheng has to prevent some in advance. .

The Clarkel family is mainly based on petroleum energy and electric energy. This is a two-profit industry. Only in this kind of industry can it be possible to create a super-family like Clarke in a few decades. Fortunately, Du Cheng does not currently involve these two industries, which makes Du Cheng feel relieved.

Therefore, Du Cheng only remembered the information of the Clarkel family, and did not care more about what, but began to learn from each city.

Du Cheng's current study is very regular. He usually learns to go to three in the morning, then goes to sleep two..., when he gets up, except for occasional, it is almost impossible to beat.

In other words, only Du Cheng’s efforts can make Du Cheng grow so fast now. After all, even if you have the best resources, if you don’t work hard, you will have no use.

I have been learning the city of electronic technology until about three o'clock. Du Cheng has turned off the lights in the room. However, when Du Cheng is ready to lie down, Du Cheng is discovering the gap under the gate. It seems to have a trace. The faint light, the light in the light with a bit of blush, is clearly reflected in the red light at the bar.

“Is it still outside?”

Du Cheng was puzzled. After thinking about it, Du Cheng went straight to the door and walked toward the door.

Gently opened the door, when Du Cheng’s gaze looked at the bar, Du Cheng saw Li Enhui at the bar, but Li Enhui was asleep at the bar, and next to it. , there are two bottles of already drunk.

Looking at Li Enhui's appearance, it is obviously asleep.

Du Cheng shook his head gently. This scene has already made his mind more willing to go. However, Du Cheng did not hesitate, but went directly to Li Enhui.

When he arrived at Li Enhui's side, Du Cheng could obviously smell a thick drink, and Li Enhui, already closed his eyes, fell asleep.

Of course, it is ok to describe it with drunkenness.

Du Cheng didn't think much about it. He leaned over and took Li Enhui from the bar chair and walked toward Li Enhui's room.

The weather has already started to have mosquitoes that are slightly cold. Although there is an automatic constant temperature air conditioner to regulate the temperature, if you sleep outside like Li Enhui, it is still easy to catch cold. Moreover, Du Cheng is not the first time to hold Li Enhui, and less. A few concerns.

The soft body and the incomparably lubricated satin nightdress~www.novelhall.com~ and the almost negligible weight for Du Cheng, Du Cheng found that Li Enhui’s feeling in his arms seemed to be very comfortable. .

Li Enhui seems to be enjoying the embrace of Du Cheng. After Du Cheng was in her arms, she was already drunk, and she was subconsciously twisting her body, making her own more comfortable.

Du Cheng did not stop anything, gently opened Li Enhui's room door, and then Li Enhui hugged to the bed.

Fortunately, Li Enhui’s drink is good. Although he is drunk, it’s just like falling asleep. It’s not like Cheng Hao’s, it’s a big spit.

Du Cheng, gently put Li Enhui on the bed, and then slowly covered the quilt to Li Enhui's body.

However, just as Du Cheng intended to turn around and leave, he found that his own hand seemed to be pulled by what.

This chapter was updated yesterday by the next day.

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