Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 273: Genius Zhang Xingzhi (on)

Because of the defense system thing. So Ye Mei was busy again because she had to replace the defense systems of all departments in the fastest time.

Although there was no Ye Mei, but Du Cheng did not immediately return to the city of F, but went to the guard station training building, and after spending a few hours with the brothers, it returned to Yejia Villa. Then, while learning and waiting for Ye Mei, time is too fast.

Ye Mei came back very late. It was only until 11 o'clock in the evening that she came back. Du Cheng looked at Ye Mei's tired look. The heart was naturally very distressed. Once again, she massaged Ye Mei.

Early on the next day, Ye Mei was apologetic and sent Du Cheng to the airport, because in the next few days, she would be very busy and had no time to accompany Du Cheng.

Du Cheng naturally will not blame Ye Mei, let alone come to Beijing this time, Du Cheng's harvest can be said to be great.

In addition to the benefits promised by Ye Nanling, Du Cheng also encountered a super hacker that he was very interested in. Of course, the hacker was detained by Lin Qing yesterday. According to Lin Qing, the hacker’s age is not big, only twenty-six and seven, the name is Zhang Xingzhi. As for the others, they can’t ask, because the other party refuses to say.

In the twenties, he possessed such hacking skills. In addition to using genius to describe it, Du Cheng couldn’t think of any adjectives to describe each other. This made Du Cheng more interested in that Zhang Xingzhi. .

Therefore, after returning to the F city, Du Cheng did not rush back to the No. 15 villa, but drove directly from the airport to Xiamen, and after waiting for the high speed, Du Cheng directly went to Ma Qing, Haishu District. The public security bureau on the road went.

When Du Cheng went to the high speed, he made a phone call to Lin Qing in advance, because Du Cheng needed Lin Qing to lead him, and it was not the headquarters of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. It was just a division. If Lin Qing was fine, basically Rarely go to the Public Security Bureau.

Lin Qing arrived in Duchen in the morning for a few minutes. When Du Cheng arrived, he was already standing at the gate of the branch and waiting for Du Cheng.

Du Cheng got off the bus and greeted Lin Qing, and then the two directly entered the public office.

Lin Qing was polite to Zhang Xingzhi, and arranged a separate detention room for Zhang Xingzhi, and it was very clean. The food is also good, of course, this is inseparable from Du Cheng’s instructions.

After arriving at the detention room, Du Chengxian glanced through the window and glanced at Zhang Xingzhi, who was sitting at a desk in the detention room and looking at a computer magazine.

As Lin Qing said, this is just a young man of twenty-six or seven years old. He looks very handsome and handsome. However, the feeling of young people is very unique. It is a very quiet feeling. Or, that is a feeling that is somewhat out of place with the outside world.

At first glance, Du Cheng can be sure that the character of this Zhang Xing is definitely the kind of arrogance, but it is no wonder that there are several traits like this genius.

After looking at it, Du Cheng asked Lin Qing directly: "Director Lin, can I talk to him alone?"

"This is no problem, you go in, I will show you good." Lin Qing naturally will not have any opinions, directly smiled.

"I am bothering you." Du Cheng thanked. Then I opened the door directly and went inside.

Zhang Xingzhi looked at the computer magazine very seriously and saw Du Cheng came in. After just glanced at it, he ignored the Du Cheng.

Du Cheng moved to a stool with great interest, then sat down in front of Zhang Xingzhi and smiled and asked: "Your technology is good, professional hacker?"

Zhang Xingzhi did not answer, just like he did not hear Du Cheng asking questions. He just looked at the computer magazine, his face was still calm, or he couldn’t be overstated with loneliness.

Du Cheng doesn't mind, the general arrogant person is like this, unless the other party accepts you, otherwise, you can't think about what the other person said to you, so Du Cheng said directly: "Do you want to know who is tracking? And find yours?"

"I want to know, but that person is definitely not you."

When I heard Du Cheng say this, Zhang Xingzhi raised his head. However, after he looked at Du Cheng, he only said a faint sentence, and his tone was very positive.

Although Du Cheng now looks very mature, but it is quite similar to Zhang Xingzhi. On the real age, it is six years younger than Zhang Xingzhi. It is no wonder that Zhang Xingzhi’s affirmation. However, this also represents Zhang Xingzhi's self-confidence for himself. Obviously, he does not believe that a person who is almost the same age as him can far surpass him in this aspect.

"Sorry, you guessed it wrong, that person is me."

Du Cheng smiled slightly and saw the disdain and sneer of Zhang Xingzhi. Du Cheng pointed directly to the page on the magazine page of Zhang Xingzhi’s article on Intel’s future processor development philosophy: “Intel has already announced CPU+GPU The design concept, there is a new design concept called rne, I understand some of these two design concepts, I do not know if you are interested in listening?"

Du Cheng said it was very simple, but Zhang Xingzhi was obviously attracted by Du Cheng. Just because of his personality, he just looked at Du Cheng and said nothing.

Du Cheng did not pay attention to it, but directly explained the details of Intel's two design concepts, but also pointed out the various advantages and disadvantages, very detailed, and very professional.

Zhang Xingzhi still had some carelessness, some did not believe it, but the more he listened, the bigger his eyes were. Gradually, he looked at Du Cheng's eyes and filled with incredible looks.

"How did you know?"

Zhang Xing looked at Du Cheng unbelief and said: "As far as I know, Intel has no details on this aspect."

Du Cheng smiled and said very mysteriously: "This is a secret. I just want to prove it to you. I am the one who found you."

After being said by Du Cheng, Zhang Xingzhi was silent again. After a while, he said: "Why are you looking for me, just want to detain me. Or sentence me?"

"This will be said later, I want to ask you one thing first."

Du Cheng did not say the meaning of the first, but some expected to ask this line: "Three months ago, did you have received the money from CITIC Technology to attack the defense system of Yinglian Electronics?"

When I heard Du Cheng say this, Zhang Xingzhi’s arrogant face obviously had some subtle discoloration, and he asked with an unbelievable question: “How do you know, impossible, I have not left any tail, how can you possibly Will you know that it is me?"

That time, it was indeed what he did, and the attack that Zhang Xingzhi thought was incomparably perfect. Absolutely no one could find out his body. However, what he did not think was that Du Cheng actually found him. .

But very quickly, Zhang Xingzhi’s eyes were hot, and he asked Du Cheng: “Whether the Yinglian Electronics’ defense system is related to you, why is the difference between the two defense systems so great? The defense system, I can't break it now?"

Du Cheng just looked at the look of Zhang Xingzhi, and he already knew that he had guessed it right, and Zhang Xingzhi’s words directly confirmed Du Cheng’s conjecture.

As for Zhang Xingzhi's doubts, Du Cheng is very clear. The defense system made by Xiner, even if he is cracked up now, it is very difficult, let alone Zhang Xingzhi.

"Yes, the defense system behind me is made by me. With your technical level, if you want to crack it, it is very difficult." Du Cheng said with a smile, but the tone was a little lighter.

The more arrogant people are, the more conceited they are, and they are scorned by Du Cheng. Zhang Xingzhi’s face is obviously a little angry, after a cold cry. Directly said: "Hey, there is no system in this world that I can't break through." You wait, your system will definitely break."

"Yes, if you don't have a chance to touch the computer, do you think you still have a chance to break my system?"

Du Cheng still smiled, but then went on to say: "You have to know, just because of this time, I can let you not reach the computer within ten years. I think, ten years, even if you are smart, I am afraid. I can't keep up with this era at the time. Do you think you still have a chance?"

Du Cheng's words, like the arrow, directly in the heart of Zhang Xingzhi, Zhang Xingzhi's face is white, his eyes are already a bit more stunned.

Looking at Zhang Xingzhi's ~www.novelhall.com~ Du Cheng's smile on the face is a bit stronger.

Zhang Xingzhi is indeed a genius, but it is only a genius in computer, but it is far from Du Cheng’s opponent than other aspects.

For a long time, Zhang Xingzhi seems to have accepted some of his life. Some of them are discouraged and said to Du Cheng: "If you win, you can leave, don't send."

"give up?"

Du Chengke didn't want to attack Zhang Xingzhi too much. When he saw that the other party was disheartened, Du Cheng said with a smile: "Do you think that if I want to detain you for ten years, will I come here to find you?" ”

Du Cheng's simple sentence, but it is like a fire of hope, directly igniting the hope in Zhang Xingzhi's heart.


The sixth one, there are two more, after 12 o'clock, the overtime work is more complete. If you have any waiting, you can wait a moment, otherwise you can wait until tomorrow morning to get up. Of course, these eight chapters are more complete, and tomorrow will at least Keep five more. (!)