Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 272: Super hacker

Du Cheng comes out every time. Zhong Xuehua basically prepares very rich meals for Du Cheng. It is no wonder that Ahu often swears. If Du Cheng comes every day, then it will be fine.

However, what makes Ahu a pity is that he has a task today. There is no way to come back at noon. Ye Chengtu has no way to come back because he has a temporary meeting at noon.

After eating lunch, Du Cheng went to date with Ye Mei.

The two drove directly to Wangfujing and then strolled together. However, Du Cheng and Ye Meicai had just arrived at Wangfujing. Ye Mei’s phone was ringing, and after receiving the call, Ye Mei was A look of dignity.

"what happened?"

Looking at Ye Mei's dignified look, Du Cheng didn't have to know that it was definitely something going on, and the place that could make Ye Mei so might be the only technology development department she manages now.

Upon hearing Du Cheng’s question, Ye Mei looked at Du Cheng with apologetic apology and said: “Someone broke the newly developed defense system, and it also hacked the official website of the Academy. The hacker’s means are very high. Peng Quan, they can't solve it, and the hacker still released the words, and will black out the website of our Ministry of Defense and the official website of the country tonight..."

What Ye Mei said is not impossible. This new defense system has now been used in various departments. However, when the defense system just came out, it immediately went out of this business. Ye Mei naturally could not stay out of it.

"Let's go, take a look together." Du Cheng naturally knows the meaning of Ye Mei. She is now the head of the technical development department. Naturally, she needs to go to the ministry immediately. Therefore, Du Cheng will help her directly. Come out.

However, Du Cheng also had some unexpected looks. Although the last time Du Cheng was helping Ye Mei solve their problems, they saw that the system had some loopholes. However, the defense system was still very strong overall. At the current level of hacking, it is still very difficult to break it. Therefore, Du Cheng did not fix it at the time.

It’s just that Du Cheng didn’t think that it was only a long time that someone had broken the defense system, which made Du Cheng’s identity to the other party obviously more curious.


Ye Mei sees Du Cheng understanding. After a very happy response, he and Du Cheng went straight to her Porsche, which was not far away.

Du Cheng was still driving. At the request of Ye Mei, Du Cheng’s speed was very fast, because the Academy of Sciences still had some distance from Wangfujing.

About ten minutes later, Du Cheng drove directly to the academy's magnificent gate, and at the gate, Peng Quan had been waiting for a long time.

Ye Mei did not have any documents on her body. If she and Du Cheng wanted to go in, only Peng Quan would come out to help.

When Du Cheng saw Peng Quan last time, Peng Quan could be said to be a sunny face. He was very handsome and handsome. However, Peng Quan at the moment was frowning. Obviously it was because of that matter. However, After seeing Du Cheng, Peng Quan’s brow was loosened, and there was a bit more hope in his eyes.

"Leaf group leader, you are advanced. I can go by myself."

Because Ye Mei’s car is a two-seat sports car, Peng Quan simply can’t squeeze in. In order to save time, after passing the gatekeeper’s level, Peng Yu directly said to Ye Mei, and he himself, It is a big step toward the building of the Technology Development Department.

Ye Mei did not say much, and let Du Cheng drove the car to the building of the Ministry of Technology Development.

After waiting, Ye Mei and Du Cheng went directly to the car, and then directly took the elevator to the six-story technology development department.

At this time, the technical development department was obviously boring and depressed, and all the technicians were present. Li Cheng, who was squeezed by Ye Mei to the position of deputy leader, was also, but everyone was helpless at one time.

Seeing Ye Mei’s arrival, everyone’s eyes are obviously bright, obviously they are a little more hope. It can be seen that Ye Mei has a very heavy weight among them, but Li Cheng is different. His gaze fell on Du Cheng's body. Although he did not see how Du Cheng solved their problems last time, although he was not satisfied with it, he still had to admit that Du Cheng's level is probably better than them. Be high.

Ye Mei did not say anything, went directly to the main computer of the technical department, and sure enough. The defense system has been completely ruined, and the Academy's webpage has been hacked, but fortunately the hacker did not smash the backstage drama, just on the blacked-out homepage, leaving a few words.

"The country's latest defense system, but that's it..."

Judging from the tone of the other party, it is obviously not a foreigner, and from the action of the other party, it seems that the meaning of the reminder is mostly, and there is nothing malicious.

Ye Meixian tried to crack first, but it was a pity that although Ye Mei has been advancing rapidly in accordance with Du Cheng’s tutorials these days, the technical level of the hacker is obviously above Ye Mei, and Ye Mei tried it out. The way, it turned out to be nothing.

However, Ye Mei’s face did not have any frustration, because she knew that there was a strong backing behind her.

Du Cheng knew that Ye Mei couldn't break it. After thinking about it, he leaned over to Peng Quan's ear who had just entered, and whispered to Peng Quan: "Peng leader. You let everyone go out." Let's go."

Peng Quan’s eyes are bright, and it’s already a meeting. Then he directly signals everyone to leave. Naturally, Li Cheng is also in Peng Spring’s list.

Although the technicians were puzzled, Peng Quan’s identity was there, and everyone had to avoid it for the time being.

Li Cheng took another look at Du Cheng. He just looked at Du Cheng's movements. He knew that Du Cheng was definitely going to take the shot. This made him feel very remorseful. He knew that he would not be guilty of the other party. So in his capacity, he can stay on the scene, but unfortunately, Li Cheng wants to regret it is too late.

After Peng Quan invited everyone out, Du Cheng sat down on the seat where Ye Mei had already gotten up.

Ye Mei and Peng Quan stood by and looked at Du Cheng. Looking at the faint smile on Du Cheng’s face, Ye Mei knew that Du Cheng would definitely have a solution.

In this regard, Du Cheng naturally has a way, because his current level is far beyond the current computer level. These things that seem to be extremely difficult for others are very simple for Du Cheng. Very easy.

The order was output from Du Cheng’s hands, but it took less than three minutes. Du Cheng had let the defense system come back to life. At the same time, Du Cheng also solved the hacker’s work in the Academy of Sciences. The ban was imposed and the back door left by the hacker was blocked.

All of this, Du Cheng took it in less than five minutes.

Looking at this scene, Ye Mei is better. She already knew Du Cheng’s high level of horror, so she was only a little surprised, but Peng Quan, who was on the side, was completely dead and there, he simply Unexpectedly, this problem that made them unable to do anything was so simple in the hands of Du Cheng, which made Peng Quan look at Du Cheng’s eyes and admire some.

However, Du Cheng did not stop, but quickly used the tracking software to track the hacker.

For this time of tracking, Du Cheng can be said to be full of confidence.

For the first time, Du Cheng's tracking failed. That is because Yinglian Electronics' defense system is far from being comparable to the Academy of Sciences. The other party only needs ordinary equipment and network to carry out. So the other party can use the wireless network card directly.

But this time, the other party wants to break the defensive system of the Academy of Sciences, but it is different, not only requires strong equipment support, but also requires strong network assistance. Therefore, Du Cheng does not believe that this time the shot will be There is a possibility of failure.

In fact, Du Cheng did not fail this time. However, the hidden means of the hacker was to let Du Cheng have some accidents. Du Cheng actually took nearly ten minutes to find the other party. Where it is.

"The hacker's strength is strong, even in the hacking technology of today's world, it can definitely rank the top three..."

Du Cheng’s heart secretly admired, but while admiring, Du Cheng’s mind was linking the hacker to the hacker who broke the Yinglian electronic defense system last time, because the hacker showed From the address point of view, it is actually in Xiamen.

Thinking about it here, Du Cheng suddenly felt a move, then pointed directly at the address and said to Ye Mei: "Ye Mei, this is the address of the hacker. You ask the relevant departments to find him first."

Ye Mei didn't even think about it~www.novelhall.com~ he nodded directly and said: "Okay, I will inform this."

However, Ye Meizheng is ready to call, Du Cheng then went on to say: "This hacker is not malicious. After catching it, don't be embarrassed about him. Detain him first. I will go back and meet him."

The hacker's technology made Du Cheng more interested, so Du Cheng wanted to take a look and see where the other party is.


Ye Mei naturally would not refuse Du Cheng’s request. After nodding, she took out the phone and told him to go.

Du Cheng did not leave immediately. Although he solved the problem, but Du Cheng thought about it, he decided to fill those loopholes. Although it is not perfect, with today's hacking techniques, unless there are any geeks, Otherwise it is basically difficult to break open.


The fifth, there are three chapters, in addition, Start, see what you think of this chapter. . . . (!)