Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 236: Cheng Tanye

Twenty-six-sixth regulation

Zhong Ling. How about the opening degree of the more and more Aizhong tablets? After Lin Zhongji, Qu Cheng, Du Cheng directly asked Lin Zhongling.

“Everything is going smoothly according to the current progress.”

Lin Zhongling said with certainty that these days, he is paying attention to the exhibition and progress of the tablets of the Aizhongzhong. It is very clear that it is just a matter of saying that Lin Zhongling has some concerns: "Du is only the one who passed the inspection. Afraid of small.

Since the last two pills were approved. Lin Zhongling also guessed that someone had to deal with Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, so he naturally was very worried about the inspection. After all, if it can't be done, then it is all tired.

"This. You don't have to worry about waiting for you to go out and go to Beijing to look for the General Administration. I want you to contact me when I am in charge. Plus the current momentum will not be dared to go black."

This time, the momentum of the development is very successful. The whole network is already very hot. Even the newspapers and foreign media have explained this time. Under such circumstances, if anyone dares to go black, it is definitely not a The sensible thing is that when you push this momentum, you will definitely burn your body, so Du Cheng’s answer is extremely positive.


I heard that Du Cheng said that Lin Zhongling is naturally happy for years.

After the meal, Lin Zhongling seemed to think of what he was asking for Du Cheng: "We have approved the drug export certificate for Du, and some pharmaceutical dealers abroad have asked us to ask for goods. You said we want to Is it available in advance or after promotion?"

Du Cheng thought about it and said: "This matter is not anxious. Don't rush to supply first. Let's start the promotion work. If you can. It is better to sell it by proxy. This will be beneficial to us.

After all, it is undoubtedly a better agent to find an agent in a foreign market than a decentralized distribution company. Du Cheng knows that Lin Zhongling will definitely think of it, so I just mention it.


Lin Zhongling nodded and Du Cheng was not in a hurry. He Lin Ling is naturally not worried about anything and these time just accumulate some goods. Now Zhongheng Pharmaceutical has sufficient funds, even if the company's equipment is updated, but the spare funds are still more than 200 million and are rising every day.

"These things you look at first deal with it. I will introduce it to you. Small. This thing has dealt with Du Cheng, naturally, it is necessary to solve the matter of Zhong Lianlan, so Du Cheng said. While pointing to Zhong Lianlan toward Lin Zhongling said: "She is called Zhong Lianlan. You can call her a small clock. From today, she will come over every afternoon to practice. Please help me arrange it." And the key to my office, take it to her. During her internship, let me use this small office.

"Good Du."

Lin Zhongling was originally very strange. Why Du Cheng would bring a girl over, although there are still some young people, but it can already be seen as a shadow of a beautiful woman. After Du Cheng said it, Lin Zhongling understood this.

He knew in his heart that Du Cheng did not introduce the relationship between the two, but Du Cheng’s demeanor was obviously very close to Lin Linling.

"Lianlan. He is the general manager of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical. You call him Lin Ge. You will find him directly after you have something. Xiao. After Lin Zhongling finished, Du Cheng said to Zhong Lianlan again.

Zhong Lianlan saw Du Cheng's good heart arranged for himself and was very grateful and smiled and said to Lin Zhongling: "Lin Ge, please advise me after you."

Lin Zhongling said with a big smile: "Everyone is self-instructed and you don't have to worry about it. You can treat it here as your own home."

Du Cheng nodded and said directly to Lin Zhongling: "Zhong Ling, let me first familiarize myself with the environment. I will assign the company's electric car to her. She will be convenient in the afternoon."

"Okay, there is no problem. Lin Zhongling naturally will not refuse to be very simple."


"Loveland, I am leaving, what are you calling me?

It is said that Du Cheng also needs to deal with his own business and after talking with Zhong Lianlan. Du Cheng left directly.

After leaving the Zhongheng Pharmaceutical Ducheng, he drove directly to the Xuantang Building and saw Ajiu in the office on the third floor.

A few days, Gu Jiayi is not in the middle of the day, so the three three people usually go to help look at the construction site during the day. Therefore, when Du Cheng arrived, he did not see the A three people, so Du Cheng went directly to Ah Jiu.

Ah Ji apparently did not think that Du Cheng would come to her at this time. She was preparing for the annexation of the iron knife for a few days. So fiercely saw Du Cheng Ajiu apparently some accidents because Du Cheng did not inform her beforehand.

"You sit down, I just came over and told you a few things."

Seeing that Ah Jiu’s seat was hurriedly stood up, Du Cheng directly waved his hand and said: “How are things prepared?”

Although Du Cheng asked her to sit, Ah Ji still insisted on standing there and heard Du Cheng asked her directly: "It has been a few days since we had a little friction with the iron knife, but we all deliberately concealed it. The strength makes the iron knife help to eat some sweetness. Now they have some instinct to seize the Xuantang several sites. I am planning to help the enemy with a knife to help the iron knife to a fatal impact tomorrow night. Small.

The strength of Xuantang can be said to be an exquisite fighting skill that is advanced with advanced methods of exercise every day with horror. Let the strength of Xuantang members be greatly improved.

Moreover, not only this, Ajiu also specially selected fifty of the best and most loyal members to give a separate training according to Du Cheng’s instructions. This is also part of Du Cheng’s elite strategy.

Du Cheng not only wants the overall strength but also to create a most elite force and these people will become the main core of the hall.

"Well, tomorrow night, right? Give me a call when you are in action.

Xuantang is now also a line of Du Cheng. Although Du Cheng may not be able to shoot, but also to look at it, after all, Xuantang network started. Du Cheng does not want to let Xuantang have something unexpected.

"Good boss." A Jiu's indifferent eyes flashed a hint of excitement. Although Xuantang was ready, but Du Cheng immediately intervened, then this time naturally can definitely be successful.

Du Jun’s cell phone ringing suddenly rang when Du Cheng planned to talk about the expansion of Aji.

The phone is a strange number, but just looking at the number Du Cheng suddenly had a hunch because he vaguely guessed who would call him.

When Du Cheng picked up the phone, there was a low but still majestic voice on the phone.

After listening to the other party, Du Cheng hangs up the phone and thinks about it. After Du Cheng did not mention the expansion of Ajiu, he left the incident directly. Anyway, this expansion is not in a hurry.

Du Cheng saw the owner of the sound in the fine dining restaurant on the third floor of the Shanshui Hotel.

Cheng Tanye's father. The power of Kaijing Energy, the three major energy companies in Fujian Province, is a man who is said to be worthy of being among the top ten richest people in Fujian Province.

This is what Du Cheng knows on the way. The Cheng Tanye three words Du Cheng, which he reported himself, can quickly check the identity of the other party.

However, it is not the home of Cheng Tanye but the crisis facing Kaijing Energy this time.

When I saw the news about the introduction of Kaijing Energy Crisis, Du Cheng suddenly realized why Cheng Tanye had to press on Cheng Hao step by step because Cheng Tanye pinned all his hopes on him and could take them out. This time the Guo family of the crisis.

Cheng Tanye is over 50 years old. However, it seems that it is almost like the 40-year-old middle-aged person. It seems that because of the superiors, Du Chengong feels that there is a stronger momentum than Huang Pudong, but this is for Du Cheng. It does not serve any purpose.

When Du Cheng looked at Cheng Tanye, Cheng Tanye also looked at Du Cheng.

Although he had seen Du Cheng’s photos through some means, it was the first time that he really met with Du Cheng.

Du Cheng is very common in the photo~www.novelhall.com~ Cheng Tanye does not understand why his daughter will look at such an ordinary young man. And willing to give up Guo Jin, the pride of the sky.

However, after seeing Du Chengzhen, Cheng Tanye is now looking at his own mistakes.

Simple but luxurious. One of the most important traits that can't be reflected in the photos taken by the sneak peek is that the temperament gives Cheng Tanye a feeling that is completely inferior to Guo Jin.

In addition to this, there is Du Cheng’s look. It was a kind of indifferent expression that did not change at all because of the momentum that Cheng Tanye deliberately put.


However, after thinking about it, after looking at Du Cheng, Cheng Tanye directly pointed to the opposite seat and said a faint voice toward Du Cheng.

Du Cheng did not welcome the seat and immediately sat down.

The first one is still cold today, except for the wife and children to play after the rest of the time will be used to update the ah, still a few votes can enter the top 50 of the total list, the rewards will be guaranteed.