Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 235: special arrangement

For the capture of the underground forces of Xiamen City. Du Cheng can be said to be full of confidence, but to let Du Cheng slightly slightly unreliable, it is the power of Xuantang itself.

After all, Xuantang is just a newly built gang. For the time being, it is mainly based on annexation. The foundation is not stable enough. If you keep one place, there is no problem, but if you keep the two places, it will be somewhat difficult.

Therefore, what Du Cheng needs most is to let the power of Xuantang be strengthened rapidly in a short period of time. Only by laying a good foundation can the expansion become more relaxed, so Du Cheng is already making a decision, tomorrow. Then I will return to the F city.

Of course, there is another point. Du Cheng has been out for a few days. Du Cheng also wants to go back and look at his mother. Of course, after everything is done. Du Cheng can still rush to accompany Cheng Hao, after all, Cheng Hao needs a person to stay with her.

After making a decision in the heart, Du Cheng did not think much more. He started learning directly, and it was not until three in the morning that he went to sleep.

Cheng Hao's body is very soft and feels very good. Du Cheng only took Cheng Hao for a moment, and the body reacted. Therefore, in the frustration, Du Cheng finally allowed Xiner to control his body and then entered. Deep sleep.

Cheng Hao was very fragrant, and until the next morning at 8 o'clock, she slowly woke up.

When she woke up, Du Cheng had already got up, and changed her clothes and sat on the bed and looked at her.

“Du Cheng, your massage technique is amazing.”

Cheng Hao naturally knows that she is so fragrant that she has been sleeping. It must be related to Du Cheng’s massage technique. When Du Chengzheng smiled and looked at herself, she woke up and then looked incredulously toward Du Cheng.

"After that, I will give you a massage every day." Du Cheng smiled and asked.

It’s just that Du Cheng’s surprise is that Cheng Hao shook his head and said, “I don’t want to be there every day, I can do it occasionally.”

“Why?” Du Cheng asked with some surprises.

Cheng Hao Qiao is a little red, but he still blushes and says: "If I sleep too much, I can't feel the feeling of being hugged by you. I don't like it."


It was just a short sentence, but it made Du Cheng feel a very fulfilling feeling, and his heart was more affectionate to Cheng Hao.

"Hey." Du Cheng shouted a fool, Cheng Hao was obviously somewhat dissatisfied, and he wanted to refute with a small mouth.

It was just Du Cheng’s next sentence, but it made her a little bit dissatisfied and quickly disappeared.

Du Cheng gently patted the small face of Cheng Duo Dudu, then smiled and said: "Get up, I bought you breakfast, wash it for breakfast, I will prepare."

After that, Du Cheng immediately got up and walked toward the door.

Looking at the back of Du Cheng, Cheng Hao only felt that a very strong sense of happiness instantly surrounded him completely.

This breakfast is undoubtedly very comfortable to eat, Cheng Hao eats while giggling.

After eating breakfast, Du Cheng sent Cheng Hao directly to Xing Teng Technology, and he himself drove back to F City.

Although Cheng Hao did not give up, but he knew that Du Cheng must have a lot of things, and could not stay here to accompany him, and Du Cheng also promised to come over to accompany her at night. So the disappointment quickly disappeared, and quickly invested in the familiarity of new work.


When Du Cheng drove back to F City, it was already more than 11 noon. Du Cheng did not go to Ah Ji immediately, but returned directly to Villa No. 15.

Gu Jiayi wants to come back the day after tomorrow, so in addition to Du Cheng’s mother in the villa, only Xia Haifang and Zhong Lianlan’s mother and daughter.

When Du Cheng entered the villa, Xia Haifang was preparing a rich lunch for Du Cheng, because Du Cheng came back and called back in advance.

And Zhong Lianlan, who was just pushing Du Cheng’s mother to go back to the sun, is sitting on the sofa in the hall and looking at some books.

Those are all books on medicine, and there are some business management.

These books are all seen by Du Chengrang Zhong Lianlan. Zhong Lianlan is still young. Although Zhong Lianlan takes care of his mother very well, Du Cheng must consider it for Zhong Lianlan later. Du Chengke does not want to wait for his mother to wake up, but Zhong Lianlan is therefore And unemployment.

The most important thing is that Zhong Lianlan is a girl after all. If she stays here, she will undoubtedly reduce her chance to know the opposite sex. One or two years, two or three years will be fine. If it is a long time, Du Cheng is the fallacy of Zhong Lianlan. After all, it is too remote, and the Pingqi Lianlan basically does not leave the Villa No. 15.

Therefore, Du Cheng let Zhong Lianlan begin to contact these two aspects, first learn. After mastering it, if his mother wakes up, Du Cheng can also arrange Zhong Lianlan to Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, and when he chooses what kind of career for Zhong Lianlan, it depends on the level of Zhong Lianlan himself.

If it is good, Du Cheng does not even care for Zhong Lianlan to replace himself in Zhongheng Pharmaceutical. After all, getting along for so long, Zhong Lianlan is a kind of girl, Du Cheng is still very clear.

"Fully, how is the progress?"

Looking at Zhong Lianlan, who was very serious looking at the book, Du Cheng sat down at the sofa and smiled and asked Zhong Lianlan.

"Du Cheng, you are back."

When Du Cheng’s voice sounded, Zhong Lianlan discovered Du Cheng’s return. After some embarrassed smiles, he said: “Alright, although there are some difficulties, I can barely understand it.”

After Du Cheng thought about it, he said, "Well, it’s not a way to read hard, so after I have eaten, I will take you to a place. When Hui Min comes in the afternoon, you will go to that place. Internship, you can have more hands-on experience."

The place that Du Cheng refers to is naturally Zhongheng Pharmaceutical.

In fact, the ability of Su Hui and Zhong Lianlan can take care of Du Cheng’s mother alone. This is why Su Hui is rarely here in the morning, and these days, Xia Haifang’s teaching under Zhong Lianlan has gradually Some of the ability to take care of plant patients, so Xia Haifang helped. It's even easier.

Therefore, Du Cheng intends to let Zhong Lianlan go to Zhongheng Pharmaceutical for an internship every afternoon. He has such a good place and is very helpful to Zhong Lianlan.

"Du Cheng, what about the aunt?" Zhong Lianlan was worried about Du Cheng. When she was in the afternoon, she would also take care of her. If she left, she would be somewhat unaccustomed.

Du Cheng waved his hand and said directly: "It's okay, Hui Min will take care of it, you can learn it with confidence."

See Du Cheng said so, Zhong Lianlan is also embarrassed to say anything, but the study is more serious.


After lunch at noon, Du Chengxian talked with his mother at home for a while, and told the story of nearly an hour. When it was two o'clock, Du Cheng drove the car and Zhong Lianlan went to Zhongheng. Pharmaceutical industry.

In the past few days, Lin Zhongling had made a phone call to Du Cheng, and named the newly developed drug that can cure AIDS for Zhongheng Yu Aizhong tablets. Du Cheng was very satisfied with the name and decided directly.

These days, it is the most intense stage of the development of Zhongheng Yu Aizhong tablets. Lin Zhongling is basically in the Zhongheng Pharmaceutical industry every day.

Lin Zhongling knows clearly that if the Hengyue Aizhong tablets really work, then Zhongheng Pharmaceutical will usher in the second peak after the tablets in Zhongheng.

In the past few days, Zhongheng Pharmaceutical Market Department has started to promote the three countries of Japan, South Korea and India. The first batch of marketing personnel has already set off. In the last few days, it should be Can start to promote.

In addition, Zhongheng Pharmaceutical's production lines have all been put together, and all of them have been put into production, while the old-fashioned production line has been directly moved to a vacant delivery room, and production has not stopped immediately, although the output is small. However, the sparrow is also small meat, for Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, which is now in short supply. Still very useful.

The addition of ten new production lines, together with the production capacity of the seven production lines that followed, is even higher. The manufacturing speed of the tablets in Zhongheng Weight Loss has suddenly increased by more than five times, which is basically enough to satisfy the domestic sales. You can even start stocking up.

These things Lin Zhongling have been notified on the phone with Du Cheng, so Du Cheng is very clear about all the actions of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical~www.novelhall.com~ After waiting for Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, Du Cheng will directly bring Zhong Lianlan went to his office.

Although Zhong Lianlan did not ask Du Cheng what he was doing, but from the usual family Du Cheng and Gu Jia sisters chat, Zhong Lianlan also knows about Du Cheng’s career. He also knows that Zhongheng Pharmaceutical is Du Cheng’s holding company. Therefore, after Du Cheng took her directly into Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, she understood it and relaxed some of it.

It was not long before Du Chenggang entered the office. Lin Zhongling came.

Lin Zhongling can now say that it is full of sunshine. The business of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical can now be said to be getting better and better. He is naturally more and more happy. After all, Lin Zhongling thought that Zhongheng Pharmaceutical would be defeated in his hands. Now, it seems that Zhongheng Pharmaceutical will not only fail, but will reach a higher level than a previous one. This is undoubtedly full of temptation for Lin Zhongling.


Sixth, call, although not much, but it can not be considered less, huh, huh, this represents the cold and did not lose power because of the failure of the monthly vote list. (!)