Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 226: Winding up

"Du Cheng, they are so good and bad."

Cheng Hao obviously hated the eyes of Zeng Ge when she saw her. Speak softly in Du Cheng’s ear.


Du Cheng nodded gently and then walked straight toward the Zeng.

"What, do you want to do it?"

Zeng Ge was a lot of people, how could he be afraid of Du Cheng, but his words have not been finished, he found Du Chengyi’s heavy and heavy punches on his stomach, his body reacted at all However, the body of nearly two hundred pounds was even more than half a meter from the ground.

However, Du Cheng did not stop because of this, but raised his foot directly. At the moment when Zeng Ge’s body had not yet fallen, he kicked directly on the belly of the young man, so he gave the young man the volley. The kick kicked off.

If it wasn't for that Zeng Ge's body was strong enough, Du Cheng's two attacks would probably have taken his life.

And the gangsters next to them saw Du Cheng's hands so embarrassing, and so I am afraid, one by one has a bit of fear.

"Everyone, he married him to Zeng Ge."

However, after all, they are many people. How can more than 20 people be afraid of a person? I don’t know who shouted, and the more than 20 gangsters are all coming to Du Chengchong.

just. For Du Cheng, these people can't pose any threat at all, but in less than fifteen seconds, those gangsters have all fallen to the ground.

Du Cheng is not light, and there are a few miscellaneous people who are afraid that the flank of the body should be broken. As for the fracture of the arm or calf, there are no less than five.

For a time, no one at all could climb up.

At this time, an obviously modified old Toyota sports car in the distance rushed over in the powerful power roar, and then a young man came down the car.

When I saw the young man who was walking down the car, Zeng Ge on the ground did not know the strength of the place. He even sat down on the ground and sat up reluctantly, and hurriedly said to the young man: "Spring, you are coming. It’s just that, his mother’s, this hybrid is really awkward, you can help us report...”

Zeng Ge, who had seen the young man’s skills, was very powerful. They helped the old Dalian’s two punches to succumb to the surrender, which made him suddenly hope a little more.

However, the old man’s words had not been finished yet, and the young man was slamming his head directly on his head, and he also added two feet to his body.

After being finished, the young man glanced at Zeng Ge who was on the spot and walked over to Du Cheng.

"Du Ge, I am sorry. This gang was just received yesterday, has not come and cleaned up."

This is known as the younger brother of Chun Ge. In fact, it is one of the two deputy masters of Xuan Tang, which is one of the two twins. The full name is Lian Chengchun, and the other is his younger brother. Become a beam.

After Du Cheng called Ajiu, Ajiu sent Lian Chengchun to the first time, because an area on this side is now in the process of Lian Chengchun, and naturally he came out.

Du Cheng looked at Lian Chengchun, and his look was still very cold. He said directly: "No, go back and tell Ajiu. From today, the gangs that can be swallowed by the whole Nancheng District will swallow, and all that can’t be swallowed will drive me away. I don't want to see any other gang in Nancheng District."

"Yes, Du Ge." Lian Chengchun as the deputy of the Xuantang, naturally understands the true identity of Du Cheng, and heard Du Cheng's instructions, he did not think. It was directly dealt with, but his heart was clear, and then Nancheng District was afraid of another turmoil.

"Well, the things here are handed over to you. I don't want to see them in Nancheng District in the future."

After Du Cheng left a sentence, he left with Cheng Hao and did not say anything more.


In the evening, after Du Cheng and Cheng Hao finished eating dinner, Du Cheng only drove the car and sent home again.

When Du Cheng’s car stopped at a distance of nearly 100 meters from the villa, the silver Audi A8L, which had been parked outside the Chengjia Villa, had disappeared. Obviously, Guo Jin had left.

"Du Cheng, I am going back."

Cheng Hao said something uncomfortable toward Du Cheng, because she knew in her heart that she always had to go back, and she still had to face it.

"It's okay, don't worry, what happened to call me the first time, I don't know." Du Cheng thought about it, and some mysteriously said to Cheng Hao: "Maybe, just call me." I may appear in front of your eyes..."

"This is what you said."

Hearing the comfort of Du Cheng, Cheng Hao also relaxed a lot in his heart, but she thought that Du Cheng was only joking, and did not put Du Cheng's words too seriously.

After saying goodbye to Du Cheng, Cheng Hao got off the bus and took Du Chen to help her take out the trunk from the trunk and walked toward the villa.

Du Cheng always watched Cheng Hao enter the villa, and then left the car.

After returning to the villa. Du Cheng did not study immediately, but went to the mother's room. Because of the scene of the mother and son in the afternoon, Du Cheng recalled a lot of things.

Zhong Lianlan knew that Du Cheng had the habit of talking to his mother, so when Du Cheng entered, she closed and left.

Looking at the mother on the bed, Du Cheng’s eyes had some reddishness. While gently relaxing the muscles of his arms to the mother, he whispered, “Mom, why don’t you wake up, you are not hoping for you. Does your son have a good time, then you can wake up quickly and enjoy the blessing..."

"When you wake up, I will let Si Xin give you a grandson, granddaughter, and let the children call your grandmother, grandma..."


Du Cheng stayed in his mother's room for more than an hour, and when Du Cheng returned to the upstairs, the time was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

Because of Cheng Hao’s affairs, Du Cheng’s study was suspended for one day, but Xin’s development did not have any stagnation. It was only a time left. Xiner had completed nearly 50% of the progress, according to Xin. In terms of speed, at most one day. Xiner can complete the final development work.

However, Du Cheng’s mobile phone suddenly rang when Du Cheng was about to start preparing for the shower.

Calling Cheng Hao, the voice is obviously sobbing, apparently crying.

"Du Cheng, I am so tired..."

After Du Cheng connected the phone, Cheng Hao said a little choked. Obviously, after she went home, the issue of talking with her parents about her marriage was not successful.

“Does your parents disagree?” Du Cheng asked softly, in fact, the answer. There is nothing to be surprised.

Regardless of Guo Jinhui's identity, Guo Jin's identity and family history, it is true that no businessman will refuse to have such a son-in-law, it is obvious that Cheng Hao's parents are like this.

Cheng Hao, who was on the phone, sighed softly. It seemed to be too sad and did not explain anything.

However, just when Du Cheng wanted to talk, Cheng Hao suddenly went on to say: "Du Cheng, you are not saying that when I call you, you will definitely appear in my eyes, I will call now. You, can you do it...?"

Du Cheng did not answer immediately, but walked toward the floor-to-ceiling window, and then gently opened some curtains.

Inside the phone, Du Cheng heard the sound of insects and a slight sound of running water. Just with these two sounds, Du Cheng basically can determine where Cheng Hao is, and through the curtains, Du The guesswork has been confirmed.

At the moment, Cheng Hao, indeed standing next to the green river, and gently leaning on a willow tree, is holding a phone waiting for Du Cheng's echo.

"I said, I won't lie to you, Cheng Hao, you close your eyes. When you count to three, I will appear in front of your eyes." Du Cheng, while the Lord, gently moved away. The landing lock.


On the phone, Cheng Hao responded gently again. Although she did not believe that Du Cheng will appear in front of her within three seconds, she gently closed her eyes and began to count one, two and three. .

Du Cheng, at the moment when Cheng Hao half his eyes, he went straight out from the floor-to-ceiling window, so he stood directly at the window and looked at Cheng Hao.

"Okay. You can open your eyes." Du Cheng's speed is very fast, and there is no equal number to three, so after going out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Du Cheng said directly to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao opened his eyes in a truthful manner. However, the first time was habitually looking toward the side of the body and behind him. It’s a pity that except for her, there was only a faint light. Shining, you can't see the half-personal shadow at all.

This made Cheng Hao's eyes unable to bear a little more disappointment and sadness, but at this time, the voice of Du Cheng was heard in her mobile phone.

"Look at the opposite ~www.novelhall.com~ stupid."

Du Cheng's tone on the phone has some helplessness, but this is no wonder that Cheng Hao, how can he think that Du Cheng is on the opposite side, but also separated by a green river, of course, the most important thing is Du Cheng's The floor-to-ceiling window is diagonally opposite to Cheng Hao. Even if the lights inside are bright again, Cheng Hao will not be able to note it for a long time.

However, after hearing the voice of Du Cheng, Cheng Hao finally understood how to look in the direction, and soon fell on Du Cheng.

At that moment, two tears flowed completely out of control.

There are many meanings of the eye, but the most is happiness, and sweetness.

------------ [The following free] ------------

The tragic bird, who just discovered that the **** of law has only one chapter today, but has risen more than two hundred monthly tickets, and I have now eight chapters, but only rose more than one hundred, eight times the amount of updates, the result is only one The monthly ticket, I sweat, is his subscription several times that of me, it is completely impossible, don't say a few times, just say twice is over 10,000 subscriptions, I sweat. . . . (!)