Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 225: 1 teenager

"This little brother, I am really sorry. Xiao An is not intentional. I apologize to you."

The mother is obviously afraid of the other party, because the other person is not a person, but a group of people, who are either naked or wearing a tight vest. At first glance, they know that society is a gangster, and the mother is an honest person. Nature is very scared.

"Apologize, apologize for the **** use of a fart, can you hit the old man, apologize and think about it, do you know who Laozi is?" The young man’s face is very arrogant, obviously thinks this pair Mother and child are very bully.

"Mom, don't apologize, he deliberately hit me."

Although the child is very scared, but after seeing his mother apologize, the other party is still close to each other, suddenly opened the thin hands in the middle of the mother and those mixed, although the voice is a little trembling, but very determined.

"Xiao An. Don't talk indiscriminately." The mother certainly saw it clearly, but these confuses made it clear that it was a matter of how a woman might dare to rebel against her.

The child shook his head very seriously and said: "No, I am not allowed to bully my mother."

"Ha ha ha."

The young man was like a big joke. He laughed and said: "Fucking, a little boy also dares to cross in front of Laozi. Are you owed?"

After that, the young man raised his fist and wanted to face the child.

Seeing the movements of the youth, the mother suddenly became anxious, and quickly guarded the young child and said to the young man: "Xiao An is not intentional. He is still young and ignorant. If you have a large number of adults, let us go."

The young man did not mean to fight really, but the fist was tight, and a few joints rang, and then said: "If you let him go, it depends on your sincerity."

How could the mother not know the meaning of the young man, and quickly rushed into his own pocket, but the mother took a long time to get out of a dozen dollars, apparently did not bring much money on her body.

"Little brother, I have only so much money on my body, and it is still a grocery shopping at night, you see..." The mother handed the money in her hand to the young man, and said with care.

"Mom, it’s only a dozen dollars. You are swearing."

The young man looked at the ten dollars for a very disdainful look, but he reached out and grabbed the dozens of dollars.

However, the young man’s hand has not yet reached half, and he was caught by the side.

The young man only felt a pain in his hand, and the hand holding his hand was like a hoop, so that his hand could not break free.

Du Cheng, Du Cheng's look is already a bit more anger.

"Fuck, you glass let me let go, Lao Tzu is not interested in men." The young man was caught by Du Cheng, and suddenly he turned to Du Cheng with a look of anger.

Du Cheng’s eyes were cold, and there was no such thing as nonsense. It was a twist on the hand. It turned out that the young man’s arm was twisted to the back, and even the sound of the fracture was heard. It can be seen that Du Cheng’s It is not light to start.

The young man made a scream, but the whole person was twisted by Du Cheng, and he could only cry, but he could not move half a point.

"You take the child first. I will help you with this matter."

Only Du Cheng did not pay attention to the young man, but said to the mother.

"Little brother, thank you, you can run quickly, these people are not easy to provoke."

When the mother saw Du Cheng’s shot, he said very anxiously that he would not leave at all.

Looking at the sincerity in the mother's eyes, Du Cheng no longer said anything more. Anyway, he is here, these gangsters can't hurt her, and there is no need to let the other party run first. .

In Du Cheng’s speech, the six young associates of the youth were surrounded by Du Cheng, but their companions were in Du Cheng’s hands, and they were very miserable. They did not dare to do it. They were afraid that Du Chengyi would use force. I twisted my hand.

Behind Du Cheng, Cheng Hao was sitting at the table with a small face looking at Du Cheng, a smile on his face.

She knows Du Cheng's skills, how these people may be Du Cheng's opponents.

Du Cheng did not talk nonsense. He directly used his hand and the young man who had his arm twisted fell to the ground. He was very anxious, and his arm was close to the back, which looked a little scary.

However, this kind of injury looks very heavy, but as long as the joints are moved back to the position, it will be fine, but it will be ten pains.

"Do you want to start, or roll?"

Du Cheng turned his attention to the remaining six people. The tone is very cold, but it is very straightforward.

The six young people looked at each other, and some of them were obviously showing a bit of fear. After all, they were not idiots. From the simple hand of Du Cheng, they knew that Du Cheng’s skills were absolutely Not what they can deal with.

Therefore, the six young people did not say anything, but the young man who directly raised the ground quickly left.

Looking at the young people who left, Du Cheng did not say much, but said directly to the mother: "Well, can you go now?"

"Thank you, thank you."

The mother apparently did not think that the matter would be solved in such a simple way. After a few consecutive sighs, this took the child to leave.

The child, known as Xiao An, turned back and looked at Du Cheng as if he wanted to remember Du Cheng.

Looking at the back of the mother and son when they left, Du Cheng’s heart secretly sighed. At that time, who is there to help?

However, Du Cheng quickly dissipated the feeling of dullness. After walking directly to Cheng Hao, he said, "Okay, things are finished. Let's go."


Cheng Hao responded and then stood up and left with Du Cheng.

(PS: This is a foreshadowing of the mother and child, not an insignificant plot, nor a passerby, first affirming.)


When Cheng Hao left the cold drink shop, it was only four o'clock in the afternoon. Du Cheng did not send the trip back, because Guo Jin is likely to finish dinner and then leave, so Du Cheng and Cheng Hao continue to go shopping. time.

However, Du Cheng and Cheng Hao left the cold drink shop soon. I found that someone behind me seems to be following her own.

That person's tracking technology is very bad, Du Cheng just pretended to inadvertently look back, it cleared the other's appearance, turned out to be one of the previous gangsters.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng’s brows were slightly wrinkled.

Here is the Nancheng District, which used to belong to the area covered by Du Qingwu, but now it is taken over by Ah Jiu.

Du Cheng’s order to Ajiu is very simple. The elite strategy is to drive out the insignificant group of small-mixed people out of Nancheng District, leaving only some relatively large gangs, but they all need to be completely controllable.

After all, Nancheng District is so big that it can't be managed by a few hundred people under the name of a mysterious hall.

Looking at the other side's appearance, obviously not an ordinary small mixed group, coupled with the other party's follow-up, Du Cheng basically knows what the other party wants to do.

This made Du Cheng's eyes a little more cold, and after gently speaking to Cheng Hao's ear, he and Cheng Hao went to the more remote streets.

The followers saw Du Cheng and Cheng Wei walked toward the remote streets, and their faces suddenly became overjoyed. Then they took out the mobile phone and dialed a few numbers, and he himself was far following Du Cheng and Cheng Wei. .

Sure enough, Du Cheng’s expectation was not wrong, but after less than ten minutes, Du Cheng found that there were more than a dozen people around him.

Five of the previous six meditations are inside, and the rest of the people are basically the same dress, either on the straight or wearing a tight vest, then one stop, it is also a little momentum .

Looking at the other side, Du Cheng was just a cold smile, and Cheng Hao next to him was gently squatting Du Cheng. When she had just arrived at these people to bully the mother and daughter, they were very disgusted with these people. So, she really wants to watch Du Cheng's beating of these people, but Cheng Hao knows. Du Cheng simply did not bother to shoot these people.

Those people quickly went to Du Chengwei, and in the distance, there were still a few people who came in and there were more than twenty people.

"Zeng Ge, that is, he broke the old eight's hand."

After Du Cheng and Cheng Hao were in the middle, one of the young people who had been behind them immediately pointed to Du Cheng and said to a young man in his thirties.

The young man was very stout, but his face was thick and flat, that is, his face was full of suffocation, and when he listened to the person next to him, his gaze fell on Cheng Hao.

Tight and charming flight attendant uniforms, beautiful to the pretty face that has been suffocating, and the elegant and moving temperament, Cheng Hao, no matter where it is, standing on any occasion, is undoubtedly the most eye-catching focus.

It is no wonder that Guo Jinhui wants to get Cheng Hao. If he only talks about appearance, Cheng Hao can be said to be the ultimate beauty, not to mention the temperament of a temperament.

"Is you breaking my eight brother's hand?"

The young man, known as Zeng Ge, reluctantly took his eyes back from Cheng Hao’s body~www.novelhall.com~ This turned to Du Cheng and shouted at Du Cheng.

Du Cheng looked at the Zeng Ge coldly and did not mean to speak, or said that Du Cheng was very disdainful.

"However, don't blame Laozi for not giving you the opportunity to give your girl a chance to play for a few days. I will let you have a horse. Otherwise, Laozi will not only interrupt your hand today, but even the thing below you. Oh."

The young man said it was very hooligan, and Cheng Hao, who was listening, had some blushing.

However, Du Cheng's face is a bit colder.

----------【The following free】------------

Seventh, the remaining three are as close as possible before 6 am, and everyone can look up tomorrow morning.

PS: The monthly ticket was pulled too much, sweat. (!)