Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 220: Unfathomable

The twentieth chapter is unfathomable

Also to Guo Jinhou. The old man stretched out the massage paint on the back of Guo Jin for a few years. In this small moment, Guo Jin’s original pale face turned out to be rosy and then returned to normal.

Du Cheng did not shoot again because there was no need to shoot.

Just looking at the old man's movement Du Cheng's eyes is a little more dignified. Because the strength of this old man is unfathomable.

"you win."

With the help of the old man, Guo Jin stood up straight, but he also simply lost or lost without any muddy water.

But Guo Jin’s heart is clear. His loss is not the strength, but because the two points are the ones that are big and the other is that the understanding of Du Cheng’s strength is not enough.

The masters only need one of them to lose a lot, but Guo Jin actually made two mistakes.

According to his previous character of Guo Jin, it is absolutely impossible to make these two mistakes. But at this moment, Guo Jin suddenly understands that the reason why he is so is actually completely cited by Du Cheng.


Recalling every face change before Du Cheng and every action and even every smile Guo Jin's heart suddenly had a kind of chill because at this moment Guo Jin suddenly Du Cheng's heart is actually so terrible. Just a word of words and even a smile can make him fall into the already well-organized bureau.

This made Guo Jin have to re-examine the strength of Du Cheng. At this moment, Guo Jin has already appeared to be standing at a height that can be with him. Of course, he only needs to give Du Cheng time to show.

And when I heard Guo Jin said that Du Cheng just smiled and did not say anything.

Guo Jin’s smile in Du Cheng’s smile was extremely uncomfortable. Slowly said: "But you don't want to be proud of you. You may not be able to get a hand. I forgot to tell you something. Cheng's parents have already agreed to my relatives."

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Du Cheng’s accidents were nothing but a trace of the boat. “Are you sure that you promised you or did you see the process?”

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Du Cheng either did not talk or said that he hit the pain of Guo Jin, but Guo Jin’s city was deep enough to say: “This is my business has nothing to do with you.”

"So, can I leave now?"

Du Cheng is also slowly saying that Du Cheng did not turn and leave. The reason is very simple because Du Cheng knows that this time Guo Jin came to find his own purpose is not just because of Cheng


"Don't you want to know what Huang Jiedong is doing now?" Sure, Du Cheng's guess is not wrong. Guo Jin really has something to say and is related to Huangpudong as Du Cheng expected, and this Guo Jin is probably yellow. The capital of Pudong is guilty of the crime.

"Do you want me to tell the truth?" Du Cheng just smiled and then said: "In fact, I really have no interest in Huang Pudong."

Du Cheng said that it is true that Huang Pudong now does not care about Du Cheng because he still does not have that strength. Huang Pudong does not want Du Cheng to be because of him because Huang Pudong has no chance to make a comeback unless Du Cheng can pull Guo Jin down.

It is only in the case of Du Cheng's current strength and power that defeating Guo Jin may want to bring down Guo Jin's words, but it is totally impossible to make a difference of 100,000 miles.

"Then do you want to know about Du Qingwu?" Guo Jin just smiled and then asked.

Du Cheng is silent. at this moment. Du Cheng already knows that Guo Jin’s intention is to watch Guo Jin’s eyes in the blink of an eye.

The incomparable violent killing made Guo Jin feel like he was falling into the abyss of the nine secluded a chill. He was involuntarily attacked his heart. At this moment, Guo Jin had an illusion that Du Cheng would kill him.

In fact, what Guo Jin feels is not an illusion. Because at that moment, Du Cheng really wanted to


If Du Cheng does not have any concerns, Du Cheng will certainly not have any hesitation, because any thing that blocks him in front of Du's family will be wiped out even if it is Guo.

But Du Cheng has too much concern and the biggest concern is his mother.


So Du Cheng did not say anything. Turned away and left.

Guo Jin’s intervention is undoubtedly a barrier on Du Cheng’s way to deal with Du’s family. This makes Du Cheng’s difficulty in dealing with Du’s family undoubtedly a lot more.

This is the worst ending and the worst plan that Du Chenglai had thought before was just that it seems to be fulfilled now.

Looking at Du Cheng's departure from Guo Jin did not stop the meaning and quickly regained his gaze and said to the side of the front: "Cheng Feng, go ahead."

"It is the captain."

Cheng Feng nodded and did not hesitate to walk straight toward the elevator.

After Cheng Chengfeng also left, Guo Jin turned his gaze to the side. "After the test, I said! 渝师. How do you say the pattern?"

The old man, known as the sorcerer, silenced for a moment and said very calmly: "A terrible young man today."

Guo Jin obviously had some accidents. He obviously didn’t think that the teacher would give Du Cheng such a high evaluation.

"Guo Jin. If I can, I don't want to be an enemy of this kind of person. I don't want to do it too much."

After the monk paused, he continued: "Unless you have the ability to let him never turn over or kill him directly, it would be a revenge for the death of such a person that Guo family might not be able to bear."

After listening to the teacher, Guo Jin’s heart was not willing but he agreed with the teacher, but he still needs to prove it. That is what kind of realm Du Jun’s strength has reached. He asked directly to the sergeant: "How strong is his strength?"

Although I know that I am defeated by the general and under the enemy. However, Guo Jin's defeat is too simple and does not see the true strength of Du Cheng, but Guo Jin is very trusting for the eye of the teacher.


The short four-character evaluation only showed the aunt's affirmation of Du Cheng's strength, and then the sergeant went on to say: "So Guo Jin. This kind of person you can't play against him because he once picked it up. As a result, only one loses both."

"I know that I will be able to defeat him in all aspects."

The high evaluation of Yanshi did not let Guo Jin have any retreat and he was proud of Guo Jin. He will not disdain any means of yin.

The face that left Du Cheng from the Huangpu Club has always been yin.

It is obvious that Guo Jin has already released Du Qingwu. In terms of Guo’s power, this is simply a matter of ease.

Guo Jin’s intervention is a headache for Du Cheng.

If there is no Guo Jin to join, Du Cheng has already been sure to deal with Du Jia, but with Guo Jin joining, Du Cheng knows that the difficulty will be much higher.

In fact, Du Cheng’s guess is not wrong.

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On the second day, Lin Zhongling made a phone call to Du Cheng. Du Cheng told him that the two drugs he studied could not be tried. It was approved and was approved for less than half a day on the Internet.

Du Cheng did not say anything to drive directly to Zhongheng Pharmaceutical because Du Cheng knew that this Xuan was definitely the means of Du’s secret and was supported by Guo’s.

Obviously. Du Jia also knows that Du Cheng’s opening of these two drugs will at least have a certain impact on Du.

Du Cheng had already had some hunch in it last night. So after receiving the call from Lin Zhongling, Du Cheng did not have any unexpected look.

It’s just that Lin Zhongling is not so. When Du Cheng sees Lin Zhongling, Lin Zhongling is sitting down on the sand in Du Cheng’s office. Perhaps this is for the now-snowing Lin Zhongling who is struggling for him. Although the blow is not big, it is very affecting morale.

Lin Zhongling is full of confidence in the two drugs, and the pharmacists who study the drugs have clearly told Lin Zhongling that the effects of these two drugs will be much better than those of Tianrong Pharmaceutical.

In this regard. Lin Zhongling is naturally a very big hope for the newspaper. Not only Du Cheng wants to overthrow the Du family, but Lin Ling is also so. Just the bigger the hope, the more disappointing it is.

"I am sorry for Du."

Seeing that Du Cheng pushed the door in. Lin Zhongling stood up from the sand for the first time and said to Du Cheng with a look of sorrow.

He did not know the relationship between Du Cheng and Du Jia, but he knew that this thing must be the means of Du’s secret. Therefore, www.novelhall.com~ Lin Zhongling thought that he was so tired that Du Cheng would be so embarrassed.

"You have done a good job, don't say anything, sorry. This matter has nothing to do with you."

Du Cheng is still very satisfied with Lin Zhongling's work attitude. Therefore, Du Cheng does not want this matter to hit Lin Zhongling's morale and confidence. Now Zhongheng Pharmaceutical can be said that Gao Zhanlin Ling's mentality can never be changed.


Lin Zhongling wants to say nothing but can't say it.

Du Cheng did not let Lin Zhongling say it but said it directly: "Well, let's put this thing first. I have more important things that you need to do."

Now Guo Jin’s involvement in Du Cheng knows that he has to start some things ahead of time.

The second is sent first. After about ten minutes, I will be more vocabulary and more chapters.
