Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 219: Complete defeat (today's outbreak)

The 219th chapter is defeated today

※When Du Cheng said the last one, it was time. Du Cheng can clearly see the thick ice cold killing in the eyes of Chuan Chuan.

The old man standing behind Guo Jin in this mysterious open eyes blinked in the same light as if the sword was sharp but quickly recovered.

Just as Du Cheng expected, Guo Jin resisted.

"You are really smart. But your radical method has no use for me.

Guo Jin quickly regained his usual look. After a moment of anger, he already understood Du Cheng’s intentions.

"But I can't deny that I am right." Du Cheng smiles Guo Jin even if he is restored, how to be more proud. As long as you find a pain, it is easier to deal with.

Du Cheng's simple sentence. However, after hitting the softest spot in Guo Jin, Guo Jin stood up and then said to Du Cheng: "Your purpose has been achieved. Don't say that I don't give you a chance to hear that you can do it." When a man beats me, I will be fair with you.


"But can, but why do I believe in you?" Du Cheng's heart has reached a point where the person who has achieved perfection without perfection is actually more and more flawed.

When I heard Du Cheng say that Guo Jin seems to see what is the most ridiculous thing, he said directly: "Is it true that Guo Jin’s two-character and Guo’s 100-year reputation is not enough?"

Guo Jia?

Du Cheng’s heart was tight at this moment. He finally knew what Guo Jin was in front of him. Because he listened to Ye Nanling’s saying that Guo Jin’s name was full of appreciation and admiration, he also mentioned the name of Guo’s family. a horror who has the power to speak in Beijing


Just how this does not mean that Du Cheng will be afraid of Guo Jin.

I thought that Du Cheng directly responded and said with a chuckle: "Come on, but lose in my hands, you are not surprised because you are not my opponent at all."

And again and again, Du Cheng’s tingling Guo Jin’s eyes are more intense, but he’s obviously a person with good control ability. It’s a hard time to live smoothly. Mentality.

There aren't too many words. Guo Jin left directly from the gambling table towards the open space

go with.

Du Cheng also followed the past. However, Du Cheng was looking at the old man when he left the table.

An old man with unfathomable strength is the real biggest threat to Du Cheng.

While watching Cheng Dufeng and Guo Jin, he is familiar with Du Cheng’s strength, but he also knows Guo Jin’s strength. If Du Cheng only relies on his ability to defeat him, he will never win. 50%.

Cheng Feng knows that Guo Jin’s strength and degree are indeed worse than Du Cheng’s. But Guo Jin’s 20-year-old Tai Chi is even more self-satisfied with some master-level characters. Tai Chi’s emphasis is on softness. Therefore, in the cognition of Cheng Feng, the victory rate of Guo Jin is definitely a majority.

"Get it out"

After walking to the open space, Guo Jin directly hooked up to Du Cheng and did not take the first shot.


He knows from Du Cheng that the strength of Du Cheng is just that even Guo Jin is as confident as he is or the idea is the same as Cheng Feng.

Du Cheng naturally is not polite, and his body shape is fierce and forward. It is already swiftly going toward Guo Jin.

Du Cheng did not completely explode the degree and strength and did not use any skills because Du Cheng's work was very simple. That is to test what Guo Jin's skills are.

But even the degree of Du Cheng is as horrible as the power.

Just looking at the speed of Du Cheng Guo Jin's eyes is a flash of disdainful look. Du Chengchong, after he just raised his hand, a slap in the palm of the hand toward Du Cheng.

This action Du Cheng is naturally very familiar. Just seeing Guo Jin’s action Du Cheng knows what Guo Jin is best at. Because Guo Jin’s simple Tai Chi pusher is not the standard that can be used to practice Tai Chi Chuan. Even if Du Cheng is even Du Cheng, this level cannot be found.

This shows that Guo Jin is definitely more than three years, four fires in Tai Chi, and maybe even ten or ten years.

Feel the ingenuity of Guo Jin’s ingenuity. It’s just a simple form of Yu Ducheng’s body, but it’s been pushed directly by Guo Jin. At the same time, Guo Jinyi’s palm has been swept straight toward Du Guan’s chest. And to.

Guo Jin’s action can be said to be a stagnation of a half-flow.

In the case of losing the center of gravity, Du Cheng can only block and the power of Guo Jin is also a bit of an accident.

Guo Jin’s figure is not stout. But the power of this palm is actually closer to two hundred than the Iron Army, but it is even stronger, not even weaker than Ahu.

It’s just that this power is nothing for Du Cheng, who is marching toward the 400th. However, Du Cheng did not fully display all his own strengths.

Guo Jin’s face was slightly dignified. It’s just that the corner of the mouth is a smirk of scorn and even the tone.

Du Cheng simply said nothing but moved: "You can beat me and say."

After Du Guo has already turned to Guo Jinchong again.

Looking at Du Cheng's archer posture Guo Jin's eyes are obviously some accidents. Obviously, I did not think that Du Cheng would actually use Tai Chi to deal with him and it is obviously not a beginner from Du Cheng's skill.


How can Guo Jin allow himself to be defeated in the field he is best at. He also knows that Du Cheng’s purpose of using Tai Chi is soon followed by Du Cheng.

The lead is a counterattack after the virtual opponent’s move.

Guo Jin knows this. However, he is self-sufficient in understanding Taijiquan. He is timid and does not believe that Du Cheng can beat him in this respect. Therefore, after Guo Jin was approaching, he directly attacked Du Cheng from the Taiji cloud.

It is undoubtedly correct that the cloud hand belongs to the palm of the hand and can be attacked and defended.

Only he is underestimating the strength of Du Cheng.

Du Cheng’s Tai Chi is really not as deep as his but the Tai Chi’s Tai Chi is a perfect tai chi that has evolved from the dozens of Tai Chi in the history of a boxing genius. The removal of the Wanjia is shorter than Guo Jin’s Chen Style Taijiquan, but it is necessary to make too much of it to make up for the gap. Even more.

Just Du Cheng’s advantage in strength and degree What does Guo Jin take to make up for it?

Guo Jin’s moves are very different from Du Cheng’s triggers, but it’s just when he wants to attack. However, Du Ducheng did not know when he was pushing his palm toward his chest so quickly that he was somewhat unresponsive.

"how is this possible."

Guo Jin has an unbelievable look. Can only go back to the palm.

The old man next to him is also a stunned look in the eyes.

The screaming slamming sound of Guo Jin’s body shape is like a cannonball that was blown away by Du Chengyu. Du Cheng did not have to stay with the strength of three hundred in this moment of fierce violence.

Looking at Guo Jin’s heavy impact on a gambling table outside the dozens of steps behind Du Cheng’s eyes, there is a hint of satisfaction. It’s surprisingly often more effective in areas where others are best at.

Because Du Cheng will only know that the strength of this Guo Jin is stronger than that of Peng Yuhua. And there is still a lot to be done, even if Du Cheng makes the best effort to get the most out of it.

However, Guo Jin’s understanding of Du Cheng was too little and he was too confident in his Tai Chi, so he gave Du Cheng’s chance.

The result is also obvious that Guo Jin's loss is more obvious.

Guo Jin, who was huddled on the table, only felt that the palm of his hand was like being crushed. Some of the feelings of powerlessness and Du Cheng’s strength through the palm of his hand hit his chest better. In the right chest, the power of that moment alone can directly make him fall to the ground. However, even if Guo Jin is not well received for a while, some of them can't be relieved, and the strong pain caused by the impact of the body, although he insisted on not insisting on it. But for a time, I simply didn't stand up straight.

at this moment. Guo Jin knew that he had lost his defeat.

See this love ~www.novelhall.com~ The old man was striding toward Guo Jin for the first time and his horror in his eyes was thicker. Obviously. He also did not think that the strength of Du Cheng was so strong and strong that even Guo Jin was a defeat.

On the other side, Cheng Feng is even more stunned and unable to react at all.

In his opinion. The battle between Du Cheng and Guo Jin should be a big battle and Guo Jin took advantage of some advantages. It was only the result that was completely beyond his expectations.

Guo Jin defeated. The defeat is very simple.

For the remaining three days, the ultimate goal of Xiao Leng was to spell a sentence in the twenty-fifth chapter of the three days of the flying number to the blade.

At 12 o'clock, the monthly ticket doubles cold and doesn't want to lose. You can't afford to lose. You can help the little cold. In the last minute, you can help the little cold. Now it is the monthly ticket, as long as it reaches a thousand votes, it will be out of the second chapter. Double the case. Only need the old ticket to get it. Then, from the one thousand votes, every extra ticket will be a little colder. It will be a chapter. Under double circumstances, the cutting edge ticket is equal to the old ticket and the upper limit is ten.

The storm started
