Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 202: Drunk

Chapter 202, Drunk, Seventh, More Monthly Pass


Du Cheng did not know what kind of concept this is or whether the decision was not in his Du Cheng.

Because Du Cheng needs to take into account the feelings of everyone, taking into account the feelings of Gu Sixin, taking into account the feelings of Gu Jiayi and Ye Mei. Although Du Cheng is confident that he can give each woman the absolute happiness of his own ability, it is a breeze. Even Du Cheng can give his woman absolute sex. This is not even more doubtful, but Du Cheng is not sure that every woman is willing to share her love.

This is the most critical. At least Du Cheng can't be sure that Cheng Hao will choose to continue to be with him if he knows that he has three women. This is a question that Du Cheng does not know how to answer.

Looking at Du Cheng’s silent eyes, the sorrow may be because some of the drunkenness may be because some people are not willing to ask Cheng Cheng directly to Du Cheng: “Duo Cheng, why can you tell me why?”

Du Cheng sighed. Under such circumstances, he Duan could say something and smiled and said directly: "You can think of me, I already have a girlfriend."

Hearing Du Cheng’s answer, Cheng Hao’s eyes are even more dazed. In fact, she already knew this answer, but she just refused to face it and left.

At this time, the wine has begun to slowly become Cheng Hao. Du Cheng, who is in front of his eyes, has had some vagueness and no process, or insisted on insisting on Du Cheng: "Do you love her? Du Cheng?"


Du Cheng nodded and said nothing because Du Cheng did not need to say more than a short answer is enough.

It’s just that Du Cheng.com’s current situation seems to be a bit wrong. Cheng Hao’s shaking a few things turned out to be directly tilted toward the table and his eyes closed tightly and turned out to be drunk.

Du Cheng’s heart was so surprised that he quickly reached out and pulled Cheng Hao back. However, Cheng Hao was directly in the middle of his arms. Some of the heavy sinking was actually a deep sleep.

Du Cheng did not think that Cheng Hao was so incompetent, but had no choice but to take Cheng Hao to the real and then walked toward the outside of the entertainment city.

Holding Cheng Hao's soft body. It’s just that Du Cheng at this time didn’t have the heart to think about anything else after opening the door. Du Cheng directly placed Cheng Hao on the back seat to let Cheng Hao recline and then drove away from the Huangdu nightclub.

After leaving the nightclub, Du Cheng drove directly to the direction of Xicheng District.

However, Du Cheng’s destination was not his No. 15 villa but the villa where Cheng Hao lived because of this. Du Cheng did not know where to take the trip.

It’s impossible for his own Villa No. 15 If you let Zhong Lianlan and Xia Haifang’s words, Du Cheng’s fear is that he can’t say it and he’s not going to the hotel. It’s not appropriate if Cheng Hao is conscious and has no consciousness. Du Chengning would rather take her back to her home than go to the hotel.

So sending home is definitely the best choice.

Fortunately, it is not too late at this time. Only at about 10 o'clock in the evening, Du Chengxin wants to send Cheng Hao back to the villa where she lives. There should be no problem.

Although Audi is very stable. However, Du Cheng still did not drive the car too fast. Du Cheng was afraid of drunking Cheng Hao could not stand the shaking, so Du Cheng all opened very slowly.

Just when Du Cheng’s car drove to the traffic light in Xicheng District, Cheng Hao, who was lying down, actually sat up and swayed. He could be said to be drunk and obviously didn’t wake up completely.

Cheng Hao first glanced at the scenery around him and then glanced at Du Cheng, who was looking at her from the back view. He said softly: "Du Cheng, I don't want to go back to you and send me to the hotel."

Du Cheng sees that Cheng Hao has been somewhat awake and did not say anything to directly adjust the car and then headed for the exhibition hotel.

While Cheng Hao is softly leaning against the seat, she is forced to keep her eyes closed because Cheng Hao knows that she will be completely drunk when she closes up.

Fortunately, Xicheng District is not far from the Convention and Exhibition Hotel. In addition, at night, the car is not a lot of Du Cheng. It’s just a little faster. It took less than five minutes to find the parking lot of the Convention and Exhibition Hotel. After the seat stopped the car, Du Cheng opened the back door and helped Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao did not speak because Du Cheng helped her to walk to the lobby of the Convention and Exhibition Hotel. Although she always kept her eyes closed, her consciousness was already blank, and even her eyes became a little blurred. If it wasn't for Du Cheng's support for her, I'm afraid it was already soft.

工具, they are all over. So Du Cheng did not say anything directly to the process.

"Five states; a presidential suite. After brushing Zangkalan, they will support Cheng Hao to the elevator office.

Just not taking a few steps, I feel that my line of sight is getting more and more blurred. Some of them are fluttering as if walking on the clouds. In desperation, Cheng Hao had to say to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng I can't seem to be fine. Can you hold me up?"

Du Cheng did not say anything to directly take Cheng Hao and then walked up and down the elevator directly to the customers of the Presidential Suite.

Although there have been some people who can't move, but Cheng Hao still does not want to close his eyes. After Du Cheng is in his arms, he looks so dull and seems to remember what Du Chengchang looks like.

Du Chengqiang resisted letting himself not look at Cheng Hao. In this case, the degree of the elevator was very fast, but it made Du Cheng feel like a year.

It’s hard to get to the 16th floor Du Cheng. The first time I walked out of the elevator and walked towards the gate of the suite.

After opening the door, Du Cheng immediately walked straight into the bedroom with Cheng Hao and then gently placed Cheng Hao on the huge round soft bed.

"You take a good rest, I go back first. What's the matter? You call me. I put the number next to the phone.

Du Cheng whispered to Cheng Hao gently covering the quilt.

Cheng Hao just looked at Du Cheng quietly but his eyes were a little floating.

Du Cheng tried to restrain himself from looking at Cheng Hao and then took out his personal business card from his arms and put it next to the phone.

"Du Cheng, can you stay with me?"

And when Du Cheng intends to leave the room. Cheng Hao was shaking and sitting up from the bed. The voice was very light but it was a little trembling. Obviously what decision was made.

"You are so drunk and take a rest. I will come back to you tomorrow." Du Cheng did not choose to stay and should leave the room and gently bring the door.

Looking at the back of Du Chengguan's back door, the tears in his eyes are like a broken kite.

If Cheng Hao is saying this when he is awake, Du Cheng knows that he will definitely stay. It’s just that Cheng Hao is saying this in the drunkenness. Du Cheng is not sure about Cheng’s true thoughts. I chose to close the door and leave.

However, although Du Cheng left the door and left the phone, he did not leave because Du Cheng was not worried about how he could not hear the cry of the inside of the room with his ear force. Cheng Hao’s suitcase is still in Du Cheng’s car. and so. After Du Cheng closed the door, he took the room card and walked toward the door.

When I went downstairs, Du Cheng drove a car and ran a nearby medical city. Before the medical city closed, I bought some hangovers. People who don’t have a good amount of alcohol can wake up the next day after drinking.

After buying the medicine, Du Cheng returned to the Convention and Exhibition Hotel and then took the elevator and took the elevator to the 16th floor.

When Du Cheng returned to the presidential suite, Cheng Hao’s crying had stopped. Du Cheng put the suitcase to the side and then walked quietly toward the bedroom. Because Du Cheng still had some reluctance, Du Cheng wanted to see it. See if Cheng Hao is really asleep.

It was only Du Cheng that gently opened the door. A wine is already Du Chengchong. By the faint light outside, Du Chengcheng was asleep, but spit out the wine tonight, not only spit out the bed, but also spit out her own body. The whole room was completely surrounded by alcohol. .novelhall.com~ Seeing this scene, Du Cheng did not want to open the door completely and then walked toward Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao is already completely drunk just. The clothes and skirts on her body are wet and full of wine.

In this case, Du Cheng did not have any idea of ​​the road. He did not want Du Cheng to directly carry Cheng Hao from the bed and walked toward the other bedroom on the other side.

Fortunately, Du Cheng ordered that there are three rooms in the presidential suite bedroom. If you only book an ordinary suite, then you will have trouble.

More than five o'clock, but seven more violently finally get sweat to hurry to sleep. If you come, then you can get up in the morning and then code a chapter. Hehe seems to recognize this effort. If you have a ticket, you can enjoy a few songs.

The stocks of women in the book say that every woman's appearance actually represents a protagonist's exhibition line. Gu Sixin is, Gu Jiayi is, Ye Mei is also the same Cheng Hao's appearance is also the most important part. Hehe, so it is useful to spend more and more of these chapters on Cheng Hao’s body.