Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 201: impossible?

More horrible skills than the martial arts actors in the Kung Fu movie. The elegant temperament is like a prince in a fairy tale. The face of fortitude, although handsome, is not so good, but with the deep eyes, it is extremely attractive.

Coupled with the obvious weakness of the body, Cheng Hao found that its practical perfect to describe Du Cheng, it is not too much.

Cheng Hao can't imagine why a man's body has so many excellent factors. As long as ordinary people can have the same, it is already very good, but Du Cheng is basically all-inclusive.

It’s just that Cheng Hao doesn’t know, but she is thinking about it, but she is guessing, but she is only more involved. For her, Du Cheng is like a black hole. If it is sucked in, it’s even if it’s feared. I can't go back.

Cheng Hao actually realized this, just waiting for her to realize. It was a bit late, which gave her a fear in her heart, a fear that made her unable to call herself.

A man who is so perfect, Cheng Hao does not believe that the other person is still alone, and then remembers Du Cheng’s last rejection of himself. Cheng Hao’s heart has a bad feeling, but before that, she simply Not willing to face it.

In this fear, Cheng Hao did not pay attention to what Du Cheng said to Ajiu and others, but he was thinking about it. When Du Cheng got up and was about to leave, she came back and stood up. I got out and went out with Du Cheng.

After going down the stairs, Cheng Hao suddenly said to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng, let's have a drink, how?"


Du Cheng nodded, and then went straight to find a remote bar with Cheng Hao.

He had already discovered the strange look of Cheng Hao. However, Du Cheng did not say anything. He knew what Cheng Hao was thinking and knew what Cheng Hao was worried about. If Cheng Hao was going to ask, Du Cheng knew that he also There won't be any concealment.

Or, Du Cheng also wants to find an opportunity to explain clearly with Cheng Hao. As for how Cheng Hao chooses, Du Cheng will respect her.

Du Chenggang sat down. Zhang Dagui, who had long been found in the distance, did not wait for Du Cheng to drink wine. He sent Du Cheng a bottle of red wine worth more than 20,000 for the first time. Then he left very well and did not have any Dredging with water.

Du Cheng just nodded to him. This Zhang Dagui is indeed somewhat savvy and somewhat careful, but Du Cheng is not disgusted with this kind of person. On the contrary, Du Cheng still appreciates this Zhang Dagui, but Du Cheng now has no such thoughts.

The red wine was opened before it was taken. After Cheng Hao picked up the red wine, he poured a cup for Du Cheng and gave her a cup of it.

After pouring the wine, Cheng Hao directly picked up the glass of red wine in front of himself and said to Du Cheng with a smile: "Du Cheng, this is our seventh meeting, how about a drink?"

"No problem." Du Cheng smiled slightly, but also picked up the glass, and gently touched the wine with Cheng Hao. Then drink a large portion of the wine directly.

Cheng Hao is also the same, but compared to Du Cheng's heroic, Cheng Hao's attitude of drinking is very elegant, clearly in a toast, but it gives people a feeling of light drink.

Cheng Hao’s amount of alcohol was actually not good. When she went to the bar or went out with her female partner, she only had a light drink. Moreover, she did not tell Du Cheng that her dinner had not been eaten. She originally thought After I went home, I cooked something and ate it, but I didn’t expect to encounter Du Cheng.

Drinking on an empty stomach is very easy to get drunk. In the case of a bad drink, this is especially true. So, after such a cup of stomach, Cheng Hao’s pretty face quickly floated a layer of red clouds, a touch of light. But it makes Cheng Hao look more charming.

However, the red wine just came down, Cheng Hao even if the amount of alcohol is too shallow will not be drunk immediately, so Cheng Hao poured a cup for Du Cheng, and then asked Du Cheng some expectations: "Du Cheng, you this time Can you shake it and show it to me once, just like last time."

"it is good."

Du Cheng smiled slightly, and he naturally would not refuse to Cheng Hao's request. After picking up the glass that Cheng Hao poured for him, he gently shakes it.

This kind of technique Du Fu is now very skilled, and there is no need for Xiner to help him to carry out the work. Under the shaking of Du Cheng, the red wine in the cup is like boiling. . .

Looking at the magic in Du Cheng's wine glass, Cheng Hao looked very seriously, and the smile on his face was a little bit sweeter. After Du Cheng finished shaking, she asked directly to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng, can you teach me? Shake the wine."

This method of shaking the wine, ordinary people simply can not learn to come, but Du Cheng did not let Cheng Hao disappointing, but pointed to the sofa next to him and said to Cheng Hao smiled: "Good. You are sitting here, I am teaching you."

Cheng Hao was originally sitting opposite Du Cheng. He heard Du Cheng say that her pretty reddish face suddenly got a little more blush, but Cheng Hao stood up and went to Du Cheng, and Sitting down beside Du Cheng.

"You take it, I will teach you how to shake it first."

Du Cheng hand handed the wine glass to Cheng Hao and said. While gently holding the small hand of Cheng Hao holding the glass, the whole person was closer to Cheng Hao.

Du Cheng’s relatives’ actions made Cheng Hao’s heartbeat unable to start to speed up, especially Du Cheng’s holding her big hand, but it was full of fiery heat. However, Cheng Hao did not remove it, but instead gently leaned in. Du Cheng's body.

Du Cheng did not mean anything else, because the matter of shaking wine has no difficulty for him now, but he is distracted.

Therefore, after holding the small hand of Cheng Hao, Du Cheng explained the movement of each step very seriously. While holding Cheng Hao's small hand and starting to shake, although some inconvenience, Du Cheng can still barely shake it out.

Looking at the red wine in the wine red slowly atomized, and then flying like a dragon in the wine glass, Cheng Hao's attention is gradually attracted by the red wine in the cup, but ignores Du Cheng's Interpretation, because I just listened to every step of Du Cheng's explanation, plus my own personal experience, Cheng Hao knows that this wine method is not something she can shake.

By the end of Du Cheng’s action, Cheng Hao had returned to God for a long time, and then he said unbelievably toward Du Cheng: “It’s too magical to shake the wine, but it’s too difficult. It seems that I’ve been in my life. Maybe it is impossible to learn."

Although it seems to be very difficult, but after Du Cheng explained, Cheng Hao found that this method is more difficult, but Cheng Hao did not say anything more, but the red wine that has been scattered from the wine With a small mouth, I drank it again.

And her body, still gently relying on Du Cheng, but no longer speak, because after waiting for the second cup, Cheng Hao has felt that his own mind is a little dizzy, obviously, the wine has come up. This makes Cheng Hao's eyes have begun to be somewhat blurred. On the face of the pretty face, there are two red clouds, and the red ones are very charming.

When Du Cheng saw Cheng Hao, he knew that Cheng Hao was not drinking enough. After thinking about it, Du Cheng said softly to Cheng Hao: "The time is not early, I will send you back."

Cheng Hao is indeed a little drunk, the original amount of alcohol is not good, in the case of an empty stomach, two glasses of red wine into the stomach, the wine will not let her immediately drunk. But consciousness is already a bit drunk.

However, when he heard that Du Cheng said that he would send her home, Cheng Hao sat up a little and sat up. After reaching for the red wine on the table, he said, "I don't want to go back, I want to drink again."

"Don't drink any more, I will send you back."

Seeing that Cheng Hao was obviously drunk, Du Cheng naturally would not let her drink again, and when she reached out to the bottle, she whispered to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao was like not hearing Du Cheng’s generality. When Du Cheng reached out and grabbed the bottle in her hand, he removed his hand and prevented Du Cheng from robbing the bottle and then directly drunk the bottle. The mouth made a small mouth and said while drinking: "I don't go back, I want to drink again."

However, Cheng Hao was obviously anxious. After a few mouthfuls of continuous sputum, he was squatting and coughing.

Seeing Cheng Hao like this, Du Cheng directly took the bottle away from the other party's hand. I don't know why it was a little angry. He whispered softly: "Don't drink any more, go, I will send you back."

After being so softly swayed by Du Cheng, Cheng Hao was so stunned. Then, Cheng Hao’s eyes began to glow red, and then, the drops of crystal clear tears fell.

Looking at Cheng Hao's appearance, Du Cheng's heart was inexplicably painful, and he reached out and wiped it away from Cheng Hao's corner.

However, Du Cheng did not reach out, but when he reached out, Cheng Hao was crying like a big grievance, and he screamed at Du Cheng’s chest and cried.

Fortunately, the place where Du Chengxuan was relatively remote, the people at the next few tables ran to the stage to dance at the moment, and with the noise of music, no one noticed them.

Looking at Cheng Hao who was crying in his chest, and the one that had been wet before his chest, Du Cheng did not know how to comfort Cheng Hao.

Fortunately, Cheng Hao just cried for a moment, then stopped ~www.novelhall.com~ then gently raised his head, tears and looked at Du Cheng, looked a little painful toward Du Cheng asked: "Du Cheng Are we not impossible?"

--------【The following free】----------

There are friends in the book review against Zhong Ma, and even asked if the cold is not written to the stallion, and if it is said, Xiao Leng is really speechless.

I can only say that this is a harem article. The kind of horses are about women. They don’t need emotional foundation. Let’s talk about it first. Although Hougong has many women, it will give different women. The soul, this is the goal of Xiao Leng, but this is the first city book of Xiao Leng. It may be inappropriate in this regard. I hope everyone will forgive me.

In fact, the book is an urban text anyway, and urban texts are basically left without women. Women are an important part of urban literature. Everyone is interested to look at urban clicks or collections. The top 20 of the list, whether it is the book of the Great God or the book of the Little God, basically no one is not a harem or a horse, which means that everyone must be clear.

Ok, just send a few grievances, then the code word, already three o'clock, the next chapter try to code out before five o'clock, and then go to sleep, huh, huh. (!)