Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 184: fall

The villa area where Li Enhui lives is a designer of the ‘Paris Family’ and some high-rise residences, which are not for sale.

As the ace designer of the 'Paris Family', Li Enhui not only owns his own villa, but also one of the best villas in this villa area.

The BMW Z4 was parked at the gate of a villa full of European style. In the distance, Li Enhui controlled the switch of the electric gate of the villa, so the BMW stopped and did not turn off the fire, but waited for the door to slowly After opening it, it opened directly into the villa.

The size of this villa is not large, more than two hundred square meters, but whether it is design or decoration is super-class, and only Li Enhui live alone, is absolutely enough.

After getting off the bus with Du Cheng, Li Enhui and Du Cheng went straight to the door. Just a few steps away, Li Enhui suddenly stopped and said to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng, I will tell you first. Clearly, you won't be able to laugh after you enter, knowing that if you laugh, I will turn your face with you."

If it is just an ordinary friend, Li Enhui naturally let Du Cheng go to live in the hotel, but in the heart of Li Enhui, Du Cheng is not an ordinary friend, so she naturally asked Du Cheng to go home.

"it is good.."

Du Cheng looked at Li Enhui with some incomprehensibility, but he did not understand why Li Enhui reminded him of such a sentence. However, Du Cheng did not ask.

Seeing Du Cheng promised, Li Enhui was only relieved, then went straight to the stairs with Du Cheng and opened the door of the villa.

Du Cheng was originally somewhat puzzled. However, when Du Cheng entered the villa, Du Cheng understood why Li Enhui would warn him in advance.

If it is not because Li Enhui is around, Du Cheng simply does not believe that he has seen a house where a woman lives. Instead, it is more like a house where a lot of big men live.

The inside of the house was very chaotic, and some of them couldn’t bear to look at it. The first step into Du Cheng’s eyes was a huge and spacious hall. On the sofa in the hall, a lot of various snacks were thrown, and the middle Above the coffee table is an empty bottle with a lot of drinks, and a variety of design drawings. On the floor, there are shredded papers scattered everywhere because of dissatisfaction.

In the kitchen next to it, the dishes that have not been washed out are stacked high. . . .

Looking at this scene, Du Cheng tried to control his own smile, but Du Cheng found that he could not control it at all.

Li Enhui on the side looked at Du Cheng’s smile, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Finally, Du Cheng couldn’t hold back anymore, and suddenly laughed out loud.

Because this scene reminds Du Cheng of the messy appearance when he went to the hotel where Li Enhui lived in F City. It is obvious that Li Enhui has a genius-like design talent, but it is not a concern for the details of life. woman.

Du Cheng can even imagine that Li Enhui’s room is absolutely messy.

Thinking about it here, Du Cheng’s mind couldn’t help but think of the thong that was so tempting at the time. . . .

Looking at Du Cheng's laughter, Li Enhui regretted that the intestines were all green. I already knew that I would just find a hotel and throw Du Cheng into it.

Therefore, in desperation, Li Enhui had to threaten: "Let me laugh again, I am angry..."

I heard Li Enhui say this, Du Cheng stopped the laugh, but his face was still a smile.

"I will take you to your room."

Seeing Du Cheng’s knowledge, Li Enhui’s heart was so good that he pointed to the upstairs and took Du Cheng to the second floor of the villa.

The room that Li Enhui arranged for Du Cheng was clean. This room was basically no one to live in. However, when she came to play with a female partner a few days ago, she stayed overnight, so it was clean and it only needed to be replaced. It is.

Li Enhui quickly took out a brand new white quilt from the side of the cabinet and gave it to Du Cheng for a simple replacement. Li Enhui took out a new set of pajamas from the closet and said to Du Cheng: This is the nightgown that I prepared for my dad to come out to play. You will use it. The things in the bathroom are new. You can use it all the time. Ok, it’s too late. Go to bed early, see you tomorrow morning. ""

Li Enhui was still a little angry, and after screaming at Du Cheng, he left the room.

Looking at Li Enhui's moving back, Du Cheng is a slight smile. He naturally knows that Li Enhui is not really angry. It is just that his own laughter has made him unable to step down. It is natural to sleep.

Therefore, Du Cheng went straight into the bathroom and washed it. After that, he put on his nightgown and lay on the bed. The only regret is that the nightgown is obviously old-fashioned and worn on Du Cheng’s body. Years are getting older.


Du Cheng’s guess is not wrong. Li Enhui’s bedroom is indeed more messy. All kinds of clothes she has only once passed through are thrown everywhere, and there are various styles of underwear. If Du Cheng sees it, I am afraid that this will be a warehouse for clothing, and there is no place in the whole room where you can stand.

At the moment, Li Enhui, while holding his own pajamas and underwear from the same messy closet, said slyly: "This dead Du Cheng, dare to laugh at me, mad, and waste me a good heart to ask him. Come home, hey, mad at me."

Li Enhui was even more angry when he remembered how he had laughed before.

Then, while holding the washed clothes, walked toward the bathroom.

At this time, Du Cheng just sat on the bed and began to learn the field of wisdom. However, Du Chengcai just started learning. It was not long before he heard the sound of heavy objects falling in the room next to Li Enhui. Then, Li Enhui suddenly issued There was a cry, and then there was no sound.

Du Cheng stood up from the soft bed in the first time. With Du Cheng's ear force, he could clearly hear that Li Enhui fell, and from the voice of Li Enhui, it was obviously not light.

Therefore, after getting out of bed, Du Cheng did not care so much, and directly opened the door and strode toward Li Enhui's room.

Li Enhui’s room door was just closed, and it was not locked. Du Cheng opened the door easily and glanced at the pattern inside Li Enhui’s room. Du Cheng directly went to the left side of the indoor bathroom, the black tempered glass door. Go.

At this time, Du Cheng had no mood to pay attention to whether Li Enhui’s room was messy.

After coming to the door of the bathroom, Du Cheng asked Li Enhui in the bathroom for the first time: "Enhui, what happened, what happened?"

However, waiting for Du Cheng is a silence, and Li Enhui inside has no sound of a little bit.

Du Chengxin didn't know well. Then he asked, and Li Enhui still had no voice. Du Cheng also refused to take so much. He directly pushed the black tempered glass door of the bathroom.


In the moment when Du Cheng pushed open the room of desire, the voice of Li Enhui in the bathroom was very hard to ring.

However, Li Enhui’s voice was a little late, because Du Cheng had already pushed the tempered glass door away while her voice was sounding, and the scene inside the bathroom was clear at a glance, and Du Cheng’s eyes, It was also the first time that he fell on Li Enhui, who was sitting on the bathroom floor.

Du Cheng’s line of sight stayed for almost three seconds, and then he slammed the tempered glass door that had been pulled away by him.

Because Du Cheng found that Li Enhui's body was actually naked, Du Cheng could clearly see that Li Enhui's abundance of the twin peaks was pressed by her knees into a very attractive shape, very attractive.

However, Du Cheng’s view is far more than that, because Li Enhui is facing him with his knees, Du Cheng can clearly see Li Enhui’s slender and beautiful legs, and between the legs. A thick secret.

And because Li Enhui was sitting on his knees, Du Cheng only looked at it, but it was clear at a glance. . .

However, in addition to this, Du Cheng also saw Li Enhui's original white knees, which was already a blue-green.

Obviously, Li Enhui had just accidentally slipped out of the bathtub after taking a shower, and he came too fast. Under the strong pain, Li Enhui could not answer his own question at one time. words.

In the bathroom, Li Enhui’s pair of pretty faces has long been red and delicate, and his face is full of shame. Even his eyes are a little reddish. I don’t know because it’s because of the knees. The pain that came from the pain, or because of their own delicate body was seen by Du Chengren.

Just when she was showering and was about to change her clothes, because she was facing Du Cheng’s room, she remembered the odiousness of Du Cheng~www.novelhall.com~ Li Enhui, who was angry, raised her slender legs. Symbolic to kick in the room of Du Cheng, want to quit, but Li Enhui did not think that she just made a kicking posture, but under the soles of the foot is a slippery, then the whole person is so inclined Slanting toward the tile on the bathroom floor.

In addition to the bruises at the knees that Du Cheng saw, it was extremely shameful for Li Enhui to have her left hips not to fall, but she had a feeling of paralysis.


Second, there is an update at night, Xiao Leng is working overtime, huh, huh, before going to bed, cold will say a word in advance. . . .

What is the first thing after rebirth? Go to "Business Sea Hegemony" and enjoy the most gorgeous second life!

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I feel good, waiting for everyone inside, connecting the starting point of the advertisement, or not playing the following
