Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 183: dancing

Chapter VIII Dancing

Note that Li Enhui, who has already chatted with Cheng Hao’s daughters. Du Chengzhi was next to Chan Chan.

This is not a deliberate indifference to the girls, because this is a rare opportunity to ask Li Enhui to discuss the fashion trend of this summer. Cheng Hao’s girls are naturally not to be missed.

And just when they chat. Three people walked into the bar.

Two men, one woman and two men are not too young, one forty or so, and one for about thirty, all wearing expensive suits and looking at the look of the spirit should be the type of successful person.

And the woman’s age is not too small, she is very mature and very sexy. When she comes in, she gently holds the 40-year-old man’s arm and looks very close relatives.

When the three of them saw Cheng Hao and others, they quickly came over.

The younger one of the two men is more closely staring at Cheng Hao’s obsessive age and better.

See the friends of Cheng Hao. Du Cheng has already left the meaning, but Li Enhui is talking to Cheng Hao and others. Duan Cheng Du Cheng is also embarrassed to say something, so Du Cheng directly sat on a separate sand. I went to a glass of red wine and tasted it quietly.

After the three people joined, Li Enhui and others chatted slightly, and then the two female companions of Cheng Hao introduced it to Du Cheng and others.

It turns out that the two men are the captain and the captain of the city's international airport. The captain of the 40-year-old man named Zhang Zhongtao divorced from his wife and the 30-year-old is the vice captain named Zhong Zhifeng. single.

However, the 30-year-old woman turned out to be the head of a large city in Paris, named Donna. It is not easy to see the relationship between her and Zhang Zhongtao's relatives.

After the three joined, Du Cheng, who was sitting on the side, was even more deserted. After knowing the identity of Li Enshi, all the other people except Zhong Zhifeng’s topic were transferred to Li Enhui’s body. Only Zhong Zhifeng has always been crazy. Looking at Cheng Hao, even Zhang Zhongtao sometimes consciously or unintentionally sweeping the process.

Li Enhui was the center of the topic and couldn't walk away. Cheng Cheng saw that Du was in the cold and was too unwilling to give himself a glass of red wine and then walked to Du Cheng.

The Zhong Zhifeng is his eyes closely following Cheng Hao. He was ignoring Du Chengyuan’s moment. He saw Cheng Hao’s look into Du Cheng’s eyes and suddenly showed a bit of awkward look.

Because he had just said to Cheng Hao that he had only one sentence without a sentence, and he just had to pay for it. Even the toasting was just to see Cheng Hao’s initiative to find Du Cheng’s nature.


"For our fourth meeting. How about a drink?"

Cheng Hao sat down at another sand beside Du Cheng and gestured gracefully and said to Liang Cheng.

"It is indeed a good drink." Du Cheng is also a smile, not to say anything else, which makes him Du Cheng have some meaningless fate. It is true that you should also have a drink.

Two wine glasses touched gently. Cheng Hao not only gestures elegant drinking is also very elegant as if the elegance is scattered from the bones.

"Cheng Wei, I asked my friend today to bring a few signature albums from Gu Sixin from China. How about letting people send you over to you?"

Zhong Zhifeng apparently did not let Du Cheng and Cheng Hao chat to see Cheng Hao and Du Cheng had a cup. He also sat down with a glass of red wine and said softly to Cheng Hao.

"Is it the Gu Sixin who plays the "Love of the Sky"? small. Cheng Hao’s eyes are bright. She is a city person who is naturally very familiar with Gu Sixin’s name.

Zhong Zhifeng saw that Cheng Hao was very excited and said: "Yes, she is the most talented pianist I have ever seen. Her "Day of Love" is definitely the most experienced masterpiece of the world. If you are interested Then I will let people send the record now."

Cheng Hao really has a bit of interest. She also likes to listen to piano music. Just being interested does not mean that she will accept Zhong Zhifeng's kindness. So Cheng Xiao smiled and shook his head and said: "No, thank you Gu Sixin and I are in the same city, I have a chance. I want to ask her for one."

"Oh, you see my memory. I used to live in Paris. I almost forgot that Cheng Hao is also a city person." Zhong Zhifeng is obviously rejected. Although disappointed but not depressed

I heard Zhong Zhifeng say so. Cheng Hao’s eyes flashed a bit of contemptuous appearance but it was not revealed in front of Zhong Zhifeng but instead said to Du Cheng: “Dong Cheng should you mind not asking me to dance?”

In the eyes of the intercourse, there was a bit of help in the eyes. Apparently, Cheng Hao wanted to get rid of the entanglement of that kind of ambition.

"I am very happy to have a slight smile and put the glass in my hand and stand up and reach out to Cheng Hao.

In fact, Du Cheng did not have any good feelings about that Zhong Zhifeng. It is even more uncomfortable to take Gu Sixin's album to pick up the girl. Therefore, Du Cheng’s help for Cheng Hao is naturally not


Cheng Hao was very happy to extend his hand and then walked with Du Cheng to walk towards the background.

Cheng Hao's little hand is very soft and very soft. It feels like holding a piece of warm jade and making Du Cheng feel very comfortable. Cheng Hao is a pretty red face because she can feel the faint heat of Du Cheng's palm. Give her a strange feeling as if she would melt her.

Du Chengzhong, who is looking at the stage with Cheng Hao, went to the stage and his face was obviously white and his eyes were filled with the look of grievance.

The eyes of other people in the sand at the moment also fell on Cheng Hao and Du Cheng's body. The eyes of the two female companions showed an unbelievable look. Instead, Li Enhui's eyes were somewhat flashing.

Du Cheng came to the stage with Cheng Hao at this time and then gently extended his hand to Cheng Hao's soft waist and danced with music and Cheng Hao.

Such a close distance Du Cheng can clearly understand that Cheng Hao's scent of orchids is so close that Du Cheng can appreciate the near-perfect beauty of Cheng Hao's beauty.

Cheng Hao is slightly looking down at his eyes but he is afraid to look at Du Cheng at this time. She is now very calm in her usual heart. It seems that she is speeding up and jumping faster and faster. This has caused some gaps in Cheng Hao’s thoughts.

Suddenly there was a fear in the heart of this moment. She thought she would not look at any man, but she now has a kind of fall in front of Du Cheng.

This idea made Cheng Hao suddenly have some flustered and at this moment she suddenly appeared to have stepped on something.


I watched myself stepping on the wrong footsteps and stepping on Du Cheng’s foot. Cheng Xin’s heart was even more flustered and apologetic and apologized to Du Chengdao.

"It doesn't matter, let's continue." Du Cheng said softly and softly, at this time, he naturally would not blame Cheng Hao. What's more, Cheng Hao's stepping is not heavy for Du Cheng and it is no different from scratching.

After such an episode. Cheng Mei’s heart was a lot smoother and then he finished the song smoothly with Du Cheng.

After the dance with Cheng Hao, Du Cheng and Li Enhui left.

And Li Enhui in the car is looking at Du Cheng with a smile.

"I have flowers on my face?"

Du Cheng naturally knows that the meaning of Li Enhui's eyes is only Du Cheng's heart but it is a tale that there is nothing at all.


Li Enhui shook his head but he continued to say: "But I am a little admired by you, Cheng Hao, then a big beauty wants your call, you can even refuse, but what is the meaning of your fifth meeting?"

I heard that Li Enhui said that Du Cheng only smiled a little and then said something about himself and Cheng Hao, and did not hide anything.

When he left, Cheng Hao asked him for a phone call. Although his friend’s meaning was mostly, Du Cheng refused because Du Cheng wanted to see if he and Cheng Hao were really so close, so Du Cheng said to Cheng Hao. If you have a chance to meet for the fifth time, let me call you.

However, when Du Cheng said this sentence, only Cheng Hao and Li Enhui heard it.

After listening to Du Cheng’s eyes, Li Enhui’s eyes are obviously more and more unbelievable and he said: “If you can still meet again, then I’m afraid it’s really a grade.

Du Cheng smiled but he was extremely humble with Li Enhui.

Moreover, Du Cheng does not reject this kind of fate. It is only a good memory of life, but it does not have to show anything from this fate. If that is the case, it seems to be the same fate. www.novelhall.com ~ Go to my house at night. I have nothing to do tomorrow, let me be a guide to accompany you to play. How about?"

Seeing Du Cheng smile Li Enhui, while driving the car into a very quiet villa area, said to Du Cheng.

"I don't have any opinion about you."

Du Cheng did not refuse to come out and he did not intend to go back.

Moreover, Du Cheng heard from Cheng Hao’s two female companions that there is only one class of planes tonight and Paris to the city. So if Du Cheng returns tomorrow, he will run into Cheng Hao again. The fifth time I imagined was a little different, so Du Cheng decided to go back to the wrong day and see the fifth time without any surprises.

First, I would like to thank you for your support of Xiao Leng. Hehe has risen a hundred times a day and is very excited and wants to be violent. But today, my daughter’s cold is very powerful. Little cold heart and some chaos can only try to be more than five or six chapters. After a day or two, it’s a good cold.