Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 177: energy

Energy is a technological issue that is closely related to many industries.

For example, the technicality of mobile phones is showing up in horror, but mobile phone batteries have become a limitation of mobile phone exhibitions.

For example, the automotive industry, whether it is a hybrid or an all-electric vehicle, will be the subject of the future, and energy is the most important point.

However, these problems that have caused headaches for modern scientists are not difficult for Du Cheng. However, Du Cheng has already started to study in this field in the early years of learning. It has not taken this method for five hundred years. High technology can make Du Cheng an absolute leader in this vital industry.

If you just want to make money, Du Cheng really can rely on selling these technologies to make money. But Du Cheng does not want to be like that. He does not want these future technologies to make money for others. This is an idiot.

And there is something called a butterfly effect. A "small change may change the whole world. If you sell patented technology, you can get rich quickly. But for Du Chengju, the last money is just a number. Du Cheng can not want to be because of himself. The technology of trafficking provokes the world’s exhibition variation because it is not impossible.

Therefore, Du Cheng’s decision is only one, and he only has to do everything in his own hands. Although it may take several years to spend, the return is far from selling technology.

Therefore, while the three industries are stable and stable, Du Cheng has begun to plan the fourth line of energy industry exhibition.

This is the most important main line of Du Cheng. On this line, Du Cheng can perfuse various related industries such as mobile phone manufacturing, automobile industry and so on.

Going along this industry is a component of a business empire and this is the real purpose of Du Cheng.

However, the funds needed for this industry will be very, very terrible. Therefore, before this, Du Cheng needs to let his current three other industries grow rapidly and then provide their own absolute funds for use in new industries.

Of course, these are only a preliminary model in Du Cheng’s mind. The real implementation still needs more considerations. However, as long as the funds are sufficient, Du Cheng will immediately acquire an energy manufacturing company and begin the initial growth and exhibition.

Therefore, before this, Du Cheng must let the three lines of his own hands get back on track as soon as possible.


Gu Sixin. It was back in the morning and Du Cheng did not go to the airport to pick up the plane because the carpenter of Peng Yuhua was at the parking lot of the airport.

Perhaps because of these days, I often have a little tiredness on the face of Gu Enxin's pretty face. So when I come back these days, I can let her relax.

In just a few days, Gu Sixin’s pure and holy atmosphere is more and more obvious. The unattainable feeling of being full of superstars between words and deeds is becoming more and more unobtrusive and unbearable. Read the heart.

Because Gu Sixin had just picked up, Du Cheng did not talk about the advertising aspect with Gu Sixin, but let Gu Sixin take a good rest for a long time. After Du Cheng, this afternoon, he talked with Gu Sixin about the endorsement of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical’s Zhongheng slimming tablets. thing.

"Du Cheng's advertisement for diet pills seems to be very sexy, right?" This is Gu Sixin's first sentence to ask Du Cheng. Although she will promise Du Cheng, this makes Gu Sixin feel a little embarrassed, but if Du Cheng really needs it. She will also agree.

"If you are stupid, it's not a bad idea for your image. You just need to play a song and you can do something else."

Du Cheng tongue has scratched the thought of the delicate little nose of Si Xin. He naturally considered the question of how Du Cheng’s hard work on Gu Sixin might cause Gu Sixin’s image to be damaged, so Du Chengyi would like Gu Sixin to think about it. The idea of ​​advertising is also a great idea.

“Really?” Hearing Du Cheng said that Gu Sixin was naturally happy with the dog and then asked “When did we start shooting?”

"A few days, you should take a good rest for a few days to let the color recover a little bit and then say that you are tired of what you are now." Du Cheng, some of them loved to look at Gu Sixin softly.

"I am not tired."

Gu Sixin smiled sweetly and then said, "Just remember that every penny I earn can help those who are poor, even if they are ten times more tired, I am willing to stick to it."

"How much do you earn now?" Du Cheng looked at Gu Sixin's serious look and was very happy because Gu Sixin found a road that suits her and is the road she likes. Although Du Cheng can raise her, Du Cheng I hope that Gu Sixin has his own pursuit instead of being a beautiful canary! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

When I heard Du Cheng said that Gu Sixin was very excited, it was like a treasure. He was very excited. "At present, Xinxin Charity Foundation has more than 36 million funds. The sales of new albums have exceeded 3.5 million. According to Xue Rujie’s prediction, my album sales will exceed 10 million copies next month. By then, Xinxin Charity Fund can break through the 100 million mark."

Du Cheng, who scored the results of Gu Sixin, was also shocked to say that Gu Sixinxiu was somewhat sighed. "It seems that we are a lucky cat who will make money at a level."


Gu Sixin was very proud of the wrinkled little nose. He seemed to think of something and then said to Du Cheng, "Du Cheng said that we can carry out the plan now... Has the current charity fund been running enough? There should be no problem."

"Don't worry, wait a little longer before your national tour ends. It's not too late." Du Cheng shook his head. If it is now, Gu Sixin is simply too busy.


Gu Sixin’s decision on Du Cheng was naturally very obedient, and he didn’t think much about it, but he nodded very well.


In the evening, Du Cheng did not stay in the villa on the 15th and left after dinner.

When Du Cheng came to the Qinyang Shangye District, there were two people who had been waiting for Du Cheng for a long time.

Waiting for Du Gong is the queen who has been guarding this place all these days, and Ah San who has just passed the Chinese medicine.

"Duo Ge is not what happened?"

After watching the Tao Ducheng's car drove to the Queen and Ah San directly on the back seat of the Audi car and so on, Ah San asked Du Cheng in the first ten days.

"When I go to a place and wait for you, you will know."

Du Cheng mysterious smile and then drove directly to the south side of the open area.

The opening is divided into three areas and the south side is the direction close to the center of the city. It is said that the southern suburb of Nanjiao Street has several kyang bars and entertainment city is one of the main entertainment places of the city.

In addition to this, there is also the city's most famous red light district, one street to the evening, which is basically the red and green wine red.

Du Cheng’s goal here is a entertainment city called Huangdu. It’s already very lively in the southern suburbs. It’s the biggest entertainment in this street. The Emperor Entertainment City is the most lively place here. a place.

Ah San and the Queen are both restless. The two masters know that Du Cheng brought them here. It’s definitely not to play. It’s a bit more exciting between the look. Because if you come here, if it’s not just to play, then the purpose is There is only one, that is the market.

"Does Du Ge have to take the plunge?"

A Sancha licked his tongue and glanced at the Emperor Entertainment City, which had already mellowed the music and then excitedly asked Du Cheng.

These days, in the Chinese medicine industry, I almost gave Ahsan a light bird. It’s very exciting to have an opportunity.

Just let Ah San be somewhat disappointed that Du Cheng was shaking his head and shouting. "It’s not to look at people."

"Do you have any fun Duo in the field? You won't be so bored?" Ah San said very disappointed.

Du Cheng looked at the time and said, "Looking at other people's fields doesn't mean you can't take a look at the situation first, then you may want to shoot you. It's not necessarily ~www.novelhall.com~ you know that Du Ge is not that kind of boring. People." A San Wu Wu and the Queen looked at each other and their faces were full of excitement.

"Well, let's go in, let's have a few drinks and talk."

Du Cheng extinguished the fire and Ah San and the Queen said a word and then opened the door and went out.

Ah San and the Queen naturally did not hesitate. The two quickly got out of the car and walked behind Du Cheng to the Royal Casino.

The size of this royal city is very small, although it is not as good as the Jinqiu nightclub, but it is only a little bit worse. The business is indeed good. It is only 8 o'clock in the evening but it is already very hot.

When Du Cheng and A San and the Queen entered the first floor lobby, there were hundreds of people gathered in the big ballroom. Both the stage and the stage were very lively.

Looking at this scene, Du Cheng’s face showed a faint smile and some incompatibility with this kind of enthusiasm.