Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 176: Future development ideas

On the second day after I returned to the villa on the 15th, Gu Sixin left. After going to Fuzhou, they had to rush to Chengdu and Chongqing and other first-tier cities. I am afraid it will take a few more days.

However, the fund of the Xinxin Charity Foundation is like a snowball, and the growth of charitable funds of more than 10 million Xinxin Charitable Foundations from the original hundreds of thousands to millions to now is extremely high. Fast.

And this is just the beginning. With the profit of this record, I am afraid that the charity fund that has earned more than 100 million yuan from the Xinxin Charity Foundation, together with the national tour after the local publicity, will be only the fund of Xinxin Charity Foundation. more.

On the third day of Gu Sixin's departure, Gu Sixin's advertisement for the Coca-Cola Company began to broadcast on TVs around the country.

In the advertisement, Gu Sixin sat in front of a red piano and surrounded by a soda ocean. With every play of Gu Sixin's soda, it was like a beating tone that jumped to form a very cheerful and coherent company. The image is fully integrated.

And Gu Yuxin in the soda is like a goddess who gives people a very pure and holy feeling. The slight sweet smile is even more fascinating.

When the advertisement was broadcasted, it caused a rush in the country and even many people kept changing channels to search for this advertisement. On the Internet, the video download of this advertisement was increased with horror.

This made the Coca-Cola Company's already famous reputation in China once again upgraded to overturn the previous popularization of the Suspension. The young and joyful craftsman Su Xun occupied the site that was robbed by Pepsi.

The popularity of several enthusiasm has made Gu Sixin's popularity almost reached a peak.

In this craze, Du Cheng has begun to discuss with Lin Zhong Ling, the national promotion of tablets in the reduction of duty.

In the past month, the sales of tablets in the weight loss have not had any adverse effects. Although some people will have some signs of rebounding, they can be reduced again if they are combined with exercise.

However, after Du Cheng’s instructions, Lin Zhongling has already started to produce a large number of finished products in the whole production warehouse of the pharmaceutical factory.

“Do you want to promote the national promotion from the surrounding cities or from the major cities?”

In Du Cheng’s office, Lin Ling asked excitedly toward Du Cheng.

The results obtained by Zhongheng slimming pills in the city are only the small city that Lin Zhongling saw with his own eyes. It is the middle of the market... The tablets in the weight loss have achieved more than 10 million performances. This makes Lin Zhongling have some ideas and can’t wait for the towel to reduce. What will happen when the pills in the path are promoted to the whole country.

100 million small 200 million?

That is definitely far more than the final performance of Lin Zhongling's own calculations is definitely more than one billion and the profit is also very amazing. Although Lin Zhongling now only has less than the shares, but the dividend is also the time to go. Hundreds of millions of dollars.

This is undoubtedly a kind of tonic for Lin Zhongling. No one wants to make waste by nature. In the case of seeing opportunities, Lin Zhongling naturally puts all his mind and body into his career.

"With the resources in our hands, we can't promote them at the same time in the country. But we only need to do promotion work in several major cities, and then slowly promote them within the scope of the country. ""

Du Chengton later said, "The first line in Shanghai Xiaojingcheng Xiaoshen, etc., needs to be promoted simultaneously. In advertising and publicity, sales should be no problem if you keep up."

“Good Du, I am now preparing the marketing plan for the marketing department.”

Lin Zhongling wrote Du Cheng’s general notes on a note and waited for Du Cheng to ask “Du’s endorsement. Have you found a suitable spokesperson?”

Lin Zhongling is now concentrating on his career. Doesn't he know that Du Cheng and Gu Sixin have been rumored to be the last ones, but it is only a matter of less than two days to stop Lin Zhongling.

Du Cheng nodded and said, "I have chosen the endorsement. I will let Gu Sixin give the spokesperson of Zhongheng's weight loss pills to her current popularity. As long as we do our own promotion work! It can definitely be in the shortest time. Open the door to the domestic market."

This matter Du Cheng has already said to Gu Sixin that Gu Sixin may not agree if he knows Du Cheng’s company.

"What Du You said is the spokesperson Gu Sixin?"

Although Lin Zhongling did not know the last Dushui and Gu Sixin's affairs, but it does not mean that Lin Zhongling does not know the degree of enthusiasm of Gu Enxin. And when looking for a spokesperson, Lin Zhongling's first thought is to find Gu Sixin to endorse the tablets in weight loss. Lin Zhongling did not. The thought is that Du Cheng has already chosen Gu Sixin to be the endorsement.

"Well, this time the endorsement fee will be very high, the endorsement fee will be 6 million per year and I also intend to contribute the company's profit loss to the Xinxin Charity Foundation to help charity."

Although it is only the profit of friends, as long as the market reaction of tablets in Zhongheng diet is good, this is definitely a big number. Of course, these Gu Sixin do not know that Du Chengcheng’s decision is to help Gu Sixin. Better to let Lieutenant famous in the country.

Lin Zhongling naturally understands how powerful the role of Gu Sixin's current popularity will be to the company. He heard that Du Cheng said that he didn't even think about it and said, "If there is no problem, please go to Gu Sixin as our spokesperson." There are no problems with 20 million."

It is not mentioned in the profit forest of the company because Lin Zhongling clearly knows that the benefits that Gu Sixin will bring to Zhongheng Pharmaceutical are far more than that.

"This servant thing, you are ready to give you ten days to prepare. I will try my best to make publicity advertisements and propaganda matters. I am very satisfied with Lin Zhongling's reaction. People are very satisfied. Lin Zhongling has been since. After the last incident, the character of the whole person has changed a lot.

And although there are only shares in the nest, but in terms of Du Cheng's arrangement and plan, this building's shares can definitely let Lin Zhongling once again restore Lin Zhong's prosperous home.

"I will let the market department arrange the Du General. This time we... China Pharmaceuticals must make a piece of our world out in the country." Lin Zhongling said with confidence that he had absolute confidence in Gu Sixin’s popularity. Zhongheng's weight loss tablets also have absolute confidence.

Looking at Lin Zhongling's confident fullness, Dürr just smiled.

The country is indeed a big market, but the real purpose of Du Cheng is to promote Zhongheng weight loss tablets to the world that is the real biggest market.

And in the middle of ... fertilization in the pill is only one of the beginnings and has already had countless future prescriptions in the hands of almost all of them have already allowed Du Cheng to obtain horrible profits.

The towel that Du Cheng expects most is the cosmetics of the future. This is the absolute profiteering industry. Du Cheng now needs to wait for Zhonghao Pharmaceutical to become stronger and bigger and then show it on a large scale.


After talking about Lin Zhongling's promotion, Du Cheng also told Lin Zhongling a few coups about propaganda to let the marketing propaganda department grasp these small coups. The propaganda concept of the future is some but it may be borrowed.

After everything was completed, Du Cheng drove back to Villa No. 15.

Gu Sixin has ended the signing and marketing of Chengdu and other places and completed the publicity activities of most first-tier cities. The next second-tier cities are not so urgent.

Gu Sixin needs to come back tomorrow, but Du Cheng, who returned to the villa on the 15th, is not doing nothing. www.novelhall.com~ Du Jia’s business Du Cheng is now not worried and beats the exhibition of the towel Heng Pharmaceutical. Tianrong Pharmaceutical is only a matter of time, so Du Cheng is now planning to plan for the future.

In the electronic aspect, Yinglian Electronics will make direct Yinglian Electronics reach more layers after the scale is bigger, including online games and hardware.

These Du Cheng have a heavenly advantage. However, he does not have enough funds yet and his foundation is not stable. It is not so fast that it is too fast to control.

In the middle of the pharmacy industry, it is naturally unnecessary to say that Zhongheng Pharmaceutical itself has a very good foundation and it is much easier to display.

In addition to these two lines, Rongxin Motor Company also played a very important role in Du Cheng's plan. Du Cheng's ambition is not small. What he needs to do is to open the beginning of a motor king just the exhibition of Rong Xin Motor. It also takes time.

In addition to these three lines, Du Cheng has already thought about creating two other lines. One is the auto industry and the other is the energy industry that is absolutely the most important to Du Cheng.