Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 168: Go straight to Dujia

Who told you to assassinate me? Du Cheng once again asked this sentence but Du Cheng knew that the other party had already served softly.

"I don't know what the other person's name or what comes to me because I am only responsible for collecting money." The black woman's cold response was just watching Du Cheng's eyes but full of fear.

The clothes on her body have been pulled away by Du Fu. This makes her feel very uncomfortable. Especially Du Cheng’s body is only surrounded by a scarf and it is very obvious. This makes her eyes only dare to stay in Du. The face of Cheng is not afraid to remove half a point.

"Are you sure you don't know?" Du Cheng's eyes were cold but this time there was no threat.

"The other party just transferred the money to me through the middleman. I really don't know." The black woman looked at Du Cheng's cold eyes and knew that she had no choice at all. .

"The other party can't pay all your money in one lump sum. After the mission is completed, they should still pay the rest of the money to you?" Du Cheng actually only asked because he didn't need to ask at all to know that Who is going to kill him?


The woman in black did not nod.

"That's okay, then you should know where to collect money?" Du Cheng asked faintly.

"Golden autumn nightclub.

The black woman did not even think about directly reporting a place name, a place name that made Du Cheng have an accident but quickly enough.

Dürr sneered at the fact that the Du family did not intend to hide anything in this regard.

Just after asking, Du Cheng has a problem, that is how to deal with this woman.

"Kill her?"

Du Cheng’s heart suddenly flashed this thought to the other person’s identity. Du Cheng actually killed her and there would be no problem.

It’s just that Du Cheng didn’t kill anyone at this time. At this time, he didn’t know how to start.

After all, Du Cheng is not a cold-blooded human. He does not want to do it.

The woman in black looked at Du Cheng’s hateful look in the twilight eyes that suddenly flashed a bit in his eyes.

Seeing Du Cheng for a long time, I didn’t decide that the woman in black felt that Du Cheng’s eyes were like a blunt knife that kept on going back and forth on her own body. Generally, she became more and more fearful as a killer. The dead comprehension, the woman in black asked directly to Du Cheng, "Do you want to kill me?"

Du Cheng apparently had made a decision to make a cold color in his eyes, but he nodded.

"I know that I am damn, but if you don't kill me, I am willing to do anything for you." The woman in black obviously didn't want to die like this and looked forward to Du Cheng.

I heard that the woman in black said that Du Cheng did not immediately come down and asked, "What can you do for me?"

From Xiner, Du Cheng knew that this black woman said that she was not saying that because the black woman’s heartbeat was only slightly improved because of the tension, but it was not because of the rapid increase in panic.

"Killing..." The answer from the woman in black is very simple.

Du Cheng’s eyes were just Du Cheng but still did not fully believe her but asked

"I can promise you but you must let me believe in you?"

"I will take you to a place and you will believe me."

The woman in black sees Du Cheng’s willingness to spare her a bit of excitement.

"Let's go now."

After Du Guo went straight out of the room and took a shirt that he usually wore, he gave it to the woman in black and then gave her the towel on her hand.

The black woman looked at Du Cheng’s accident and saw that she had already untied her at this time. It only shows that two points are that the other side believes that she still has a point that the other party has absolute confidence. The first point is that the black woman naturally It is not believed.

Du Cheng did not pay attention to what the black woman thought, but Du Cheng did have absolute self-confidence. The strength of the black woman could not escape his palm. So Du Cheng went directly to the room and quickly put on his clothes.

The black woman did not fearlessly rebel or leave the small window of the bathroom, although it was not impossible with her petite figure.

Because she knew in her heart that this was a test that Du Cheng gave her. If she left the small window, Du Cheng would certainly not hesitate to kill her.

So after putting on the shirt that Du Cheng gave her, she walked out of the door.

When she came out, Du Cheng was changing clothes.

Looking at Du Cheng's eyes, the perfect figure in the black woman's eyes, the obvious flash of amazed look.

Du Cheng's change of clothes was quickly changed, and he left the Villa No. 15 directly with the black woman.

The place where the woman in black is talking is not far from the city, which is a dozen kilometers away... The small village is very poor and looks very poor.

The woman in black let Du Cheng stop far outside the village entrance and then walked with Du Cheng to the village.

When the village gate stopped, Du Cheng knew that the black woman was going to take him to where it was! ! !

Du Cheng guessed that in order to fully obtain their own trust, the black woman knows that she can only gain the trust of the other party by showing the weakest place in front of the other party.

The most important thing is that she has no choice.

"I don't have to go in, I believe in you."

Just watching the Tsuchiya ~ Eye Du Cheng did not go in because Du Cheng knows that this black woman has gained trust in her own.

"Thank you." The woman in black was very grateful and nodded but said nothing.

"Okay, let's go."

Du Cheng did not say anything after leaving a sentence and then left directly, while the black woman was behind Du Cheng.

Du Cheng said that the place is not the Golden Autumn nightclub because it is already around 3 am Ding Jinqiu nightclub has long been closed and the time that the black woman and the other party agreed to go to the next day is no use.

Therefore, Du Cheng drove directly to the Dujia Villa's eve because Du Cheng knew that it would be more useful to go to Jinqiu Entertainment City.

Du Cheng stopped the car in the distance and then got off the bus with the black woman.

When I was in Lanzhou, Du Cheng already knew the name of Ding Black’s woman, Liu, a name similar to Ah San.

This is not the code name of the woman in black but her real name.

Du Cheng did not say anything to Ah Jiu and then went to the door of the Du family with Ajiu.

Du's gate is tight in the half-field, but this is difficult, but Du Cheng is because the wall outside the Dujia villa is very short, only two meters more. Wall.

Ah Jiu is a killer. Although she is in the hands of Du Cheng, her own strength is not weak. This is why Du Cheng stayed with him.

While Du Cheng turned over and entered the wall, A Jiu also turned over the wall with Du Cheng's back.

It was only two people who turned into the wall and immediately had two black shadows rushing toward the two and arrogant.

It is two large wolf dogs with almost a nine-high, which is no stranger to Du Cheng.

It’s just that such a small two wolves are enough. Du Cheng’s moments when the two wolves were thrown at the moment, Du Cheng’s direct legs were kicked very accurately. The two wolf dogs on the throats of the two wolf dogs did not have any The ability to resist directly fell from the air to the ground and could no longer climb.

Looking at Du Cheng's simple but very deadly action, Ah Jiu feels that the stock is cold and straightforward.

Although it is only a simple two-legged, but Ah Jiu has been finished, it is certain that Du Cheng’s strength is far beyond her.

Only the sound of two wolf dogs caused the attention of all the Du family. The lights around them suddenly lit up and the footsteps kept ringing.

Du Cheng simply did not take it for granted, but went directly to the gate of the Dujia Villa Building with A Jiuyi and then kicked the door of the tight field directly to the homepage ~www.novelhall.com~ Anyone dared to run to my home in Du Qingwu to scatter wild. ”

The door was kicked open and the voice of Du Qingwu was heard for the first time. However, there are obviously many people besides Du Qingwu.

Du Cheng did not respond, but went directly to the villa with A Jiuyi.

A Jiu has always followed Du Cheng's behind him but only in the eyes but full of shocked look. She did not think that Du Cheng actually did so directly to the Du family without any cover.

At the time of the Dujia villa hall, Du Cheng and A Jiu went to the eight halls, and the familiar or unfamiliar figures were all gone from the upstairs and even Du Cheng’s. Father Du Enming is also among them.

He Yaoying was the last one to come out. When she saw Du Cheng standing in the hall, she clearly flashed a astounding look.

However, the most surprising thing is that Du Qingwu took a look at Du Cheng and then looked at Du Cheng's Ajiu Du Qingwu already knows what Du Chenglai's purpose is for.