Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 167: Assassination

The next day after Su Cigar contacted the Coca-Cola official endorsement, Gu Sixin went to Shanghai with Su Xueru and Peng Yuhua.

It is very reassuring that Peng Yuhua is surrounded by Gu Sixin. He himself can safely stay in the city to welcome the next round of attack by Du.

Du Cheng really wants to see what other means the Du family can take.

What Du Cheng wants to wait is that this situation has made Du family fundamental. It is impossible to move from the power of Yingyinglian Electronics Dujia, and Rongxin Motor Company has not yet created the last remaining Zhongheng Pharmaceutical Ducheng.

So now the Du family has only two choices, either the underworld or the power in the hands.

Du Cheng is not worried about the underworld, but Du Cheng is even more worried about his current identity plus the Ye Jiaxiang behind him. How can he be afraid of Du Jia?

The most important thing is that even Gu Sixin’s affairs have solved him. Du Cheng can say that there is no more weakness.

In this kind of sentiment, Du Cheng’s work is to wait for Du Cheng to use Zhongheng Pharmaceutical to directly link Du’s home with tyrannical means and never leave any chance for Du.

Night Du Cheng took Gu Jiayi very comfortable and recommended the big bed. Gu Sixin and other women left Gu Jiayi and once again fell into Du Cheng's claws.

After three peaks, Gu Jiayi has fallen asleep.

Du Cheng is also in his sleep, just a dream, Du Cheng suddenly opened his eyes and filled with cold and cold colors.

Because Du Cheng stopped to a very small but not the footsteps of anyone in the villa.

In the horrible hearing of Du Cheng, the footsteps of all the people in the entire villa can be clearly distinguished and the other party is obviously a list.

And from that slight footsteps, it is obvious that the skill is not weak.

So just heard the footsteps Du Du will know what Du Jia wants to do to himself. This makes Du Cheng's eyes more cold.

Gently loosened Gu Jiayi Du Cheng simply did not wear clothes because the footsteps have come to the huge floor-to-ceiling window next to the big bed.

Gently, Gu Jiayi pulled the quilt and followed Du Chen’s body to rush to the window with his fastest speed. Then the whole person clung to the wall next to him and let his movements make any sound.

Du Cheng's windows are always open when they are fine, and most of the time they will leave at least two small windows. It is obvious that the person wants to come in from this small window.

If Du Cheng does not have that terrible ear force, it is definitely not possible. This makes Du Cheng’s eyes more cold because Du Cheng knows that Du Jia wants to kill him.

Originally Du Chengyi did not see why Yao Ying would see this in the blood. Now it seems that Du Cheng is expected to be wrong. The most poisonous woman like He Yaoying, the woman has no family.

Sure enough, Du Chen’s black figure appeared quietly outside the window.

The figure is wearing a black dress and a black face towel. But from the figure, it can be seen that this is a woman's petite and exquisite.

After the appearance of the black figure did not come in immediately, but carefully looked at the situation in the room, especially when I saw a person lying on the bed, I took a black bamboo tube out of my arms and passed it. The window blew gently toward the inside, and a faint white smoke quickly filled the room.

Du Cheng just took a sip and felt an extremely strong sleepiness. Now Du Cheng quickly let Xiner control his nerves to maintain the most sober state.

It’s just that Gu Jiayi, who was already asleep on the bed, is sleeping more fragrant.

The figure outside the bed didn’t even think that Du Cheng would have been hiding and waiting for Du Chen, who felt that the bed in the room seemed to have fallen asleep, and she was just as small as the worm, and she climbed up directly from the window. .

What Du Cheng wanted was this moment, when the figure climbed halfway, Du Chengmeng moved.

Du Cheng's whole person is like a sharp arrow and goes straight to the person's shadow. In the case that the other party has no time to react, he directly hits the other's back neck.

The black man could not react to the reaction and directly fainted.

Apparently she couldn’t think of Du Cheng’s hiding and she could ignore her fragrance.

Du Cheng directly stunned the other party and pulled the other party in from the window.

The body of this black man is very light and the yang is only about 90 pounds. It is a breeze to complete the current strength.

After pulling the other party up, Du Cheng took the other person directly toward the bathroom because Du Cheng did not want to wake up Gu Jiayi, although she may have no consciousness at the moment.

In the bathroom, Du Cheng just made a bath towel around his body to reveal the perfect upper body muscle that people can't face.

Then Du Cheng then reached out and pulled it toward the black towel on the black man's face.

What made Du Cheng somewhat surprised was that after the black towel was pulled away, it was revealed that a very delicate face was not half as thin as the queen. It was just above the face but it was full of thick cold, even if it was a coma. It is still incomparable indifference.

Just Du Cheng did not have any pity and cherished jade. He took a towel from the side and tied the hands of the female black man and then reached out to explore the body of the female black man.

Du Cheng’s men didn’t have any politeness. No matter whether it’s the female black man’s plump chest or the tender white long legs and the tender secrets, Du Cheng’s all touched the last Du Cheng in this female black man. Inside the dark pocket of the right brain, he found a photo of his Du Fu,

Shimichi has said that the purpose of the other party is already obvious.

In this case, Du Cheng naturally will not be pity, but will not be polite. It directly fills a basin of cold water and then falls on the female black man.

The stimulation of the cold water caused the female black man to wake up slowly and the first sight she woke up saw a cold face and the perfect body of the half not far away.

"You want to kill me?"

Du Cheng, who was looking at the black woman who was waking up, asked directly.

The woman in black did not mean to speak. It was just a cold look at Du Cheng. No words.

"Tell me who sent you to kill me, is He Yaoying or Du Qingwu?" Du Cheng did not take it seriously and asked.

The woman in black is still indifferent or unreasonable.

Looking at the black woman's face, Du Cheng's face suddenly raised a slight smile with a little bit of evil and said, "You don't believe me, I actually have a lot of ways to let me open, so I hope that you will cooperate with me~ If you don't want to, don't blame me for being mad."

The black woman’s eyelids are obviously a little bit of fear, but the teeth should not be half-sounded.

Du Cheng did not hesitate to stand up and walk outside the door and wait for him to come in again. He had one more Bu in his hand.

This is a brand new Bu is Gu Sixin bought for Du Cheng, but Du Cheng has never used it once, but this time it came in handy.

"How do you regret to come back now?" Du Cheng asked Bu to open and then asked again coldly.

The female black man is still steadfast when he wants to speak.

He did not hesitate to hold the female black man. After placing the Bu in his hand, he directly squatted down and then dismissed the clothes on the female black man~www.novelhall.com~women in black At this time, the look of panic was revealed, but it was hard to bear the words.


A crisp dress shattered and the female black man's shirt was already smashed by Du Cheng's force. The female black man's incomparably beautiful upper body suddenly exposed Gu Ducheng's eyes.

Although the female black man is petite, but the body is a very good black bra. The first two jade are free to come out and the deep cleavage between them is even more charming.

It’s just that Du Cheng didn’t appreciate it. Because of this, Du Cheng’s hand was already reaching the lower body of the female black man.

"Don't tell me."

At this time, the female black man finally couldn’t keep sinking again.

Du Cheng heard that the female black man finally loosened his mouth and didn't take it off because it was no longer needed.

Sixth more.