Ultimate Intelligence

v2 Chapter 51: Lower set

After carefully studying the VIP member's information document, Du Cheng went to find Huang An.

Huang An arranged some simple tasks for Du Cheng to let Du Cheng start. Generally speaking, his work was divided into some for Du Cheng. Compared with managing the entire casino, there were disputes and contradictions in solving some gamblers.

In addition, Huang An also convened a meeting of all the casino staff to open a small meeting and introduced Du Cheng's identity.

After that, Du Cheng returned to his office.

Basically, the casinos in the afternoon are very leisurely. Du Cheng, in addition to occasionally walking outside, spends the rest of the time in the room to learn the wisdom of the field.

In the meantime, Li Enhui made a phone call to Du Cheng and told Du Cheng that she had already set off for Paris, so that Du Cheng had time to go to Paris to find her to play.

For Li Enhui's departure, Du Cheng was somewhat surprised. It is obvious that his performance that night should give Li Enhui an opportunity, so she can get rid of her parents.

After receiving the call from Li Enhui, Du Cheng made another call to Gu Sixin.

On the phone, Gu Sixin told Du Cheng that she was supervising the people of the etiquette company who arranged the hall, while Gu Jiayi was dealing with the debt problem.

Although Gu Sixin was sad, but had a slightly relaxed tone, Du Cheng’s heart was also put down.

Around six o'clock, Du Cheng left the casino and went to the restaurant on the second floor of the Huangpu Club. Within the restaurant, Du Cheng met Ye Mei, who was dining.

"How are you still used to it?"

Ye Mei was far away and gently waved to Du Cheng. After Du Cheng sat down on her opposite side, she smiled and asked Du Cheng.

Ye Mei is very professional, **** and cool today. After seeing Du Cheng, he gently put a cigarette on his hand.

"is acceptable."

Du Cheng nodded, but did not say much.

Ye Mei was very intoxicated and took a sip of smoke. He said slowly: "Huang An is doing a good job, but it is a kind of savvy and savvy person. If you find something wrong, remember it. Give him some."

"Well, I will."

Du Cheng looked at Ye Mei with some surprises. On the surface, this sentence seems to be for Huang An, and for his Du Cheng, but Du Cheng understood it. Ye Mei told Huang An’s weakness.

Looking at Du Cheng’s slightly unexpected look, Ye Mei smiled and then stood up from the seat and said, “Well, let's eat, I will go back first.”

After that, Ye Mei left with a shake, and it is undeniable that Ye Mei’s words and demeanor are full of a feminine feeling.

"Small things are savvy, big things are confused, and I don't know what kind of things are a big deal."

Du Cheng, however, began to meditate on the chair.


Du Cheng did not go to the hospital at night. After the restaurant was used up, Du Cheng returned to the casino.

From six o'clock, the casino became bustling, and Du Cheng sat on the sofa next to the casino and watched every incoming customer.

These customers are all diamond VIP customers of Huangpu Club, and most of them are tens of millions of wealthy people above the asset level.

Du Cheng not only looks at it, but also evaluates and observes each customer based on the documentation in the VIP customer profile.

Obviously, the records in the VIP customer information are very objective and very accurate. Basically, the general character of each person is clearly marked. Du Cheng only needs to follow the analysis above.

Gradually, the entire casino is already full of excitement, and the sound is very noisy. However, when Du Cheng intends to return to the office, Du Cheng has a person - Li Wei.

Li Wei is not single. She is standing beside her. She is still standing tall with a tall young man, a handsome face, and a white suit. This young man is in line with the image of Prince Charming in the eyes of ordinary girls.

Li Wei’s body was originally petite and delicate. At the moment, under the young man’s background, the bird was more dependent.

"Wu Yun, a professional little white face, narrow-minded, easy to impulsive..."

Du Cheng was no stranger to the young man, and suddenly there was information about the young man named Wu Yun.

Obviously, this Wu Yun is probably accompanied by a rich woman whose assets are absolutely more than 100 million yuan.

The appearance of Li Wei made Du Cheng give up the plan to return to the office. When Li Wei and Wu Yun sat on the table of Stud's gambling, Du Cheng's face suddenly floated a faint smile, and then directly He got up and walked towards the counter, and brushed six 50,000 chips and ten 10,000 chips with Ye Mei’s credit card.

After trading in chips, Du Cheng walked toward the gambling table where Li Wei and Wu Yun were sitting at the moment.

When Du Cheng walked over, the other two gamblers who were sitting at the gaming table just stood up and went to other places, just leaving Wu Yun and Li Wei.

"It's you...?"

At this time, Li Wei also discovered Du Cheng, watching Du Cheng, who sat down opposite himself, and Li Wei’s eyes were obviously unexpected.

"Hey, do you know him?"

Li Wei’s strange look also fell in the eyes of Wu Yun. In addition to his height, the rest of his appearance and temperament seemed to be slightly better than himself. Du Han’s eyes were obviously opposite. Du Cheng has a bit more hostility and jealousy.

“It’s just familiar, I’ve seen one in a friend’s house.”

Li Wei smiled and said, in the face of Du Cheng and the Wu Yun, Li Wei’s lies are exactly the same.

However, it can be seen from this sentence that Li Wei obviously did not want Wu Yun to know her other identity. Even Li Wei looked at Wu Yun’s eyes and even had a bit more gentleness.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng’s heart suddenly moved, and the smile on his face was stronger.

The dealer knew the identity of Du Cheng, and saw Du Cheng sitting down with a chip, knowing that Du Cheng might have to play a few plates, so she did not rush to deal, just looking at Du Cheng.

"How many play?"

Du Cheng put the chips in his hand on the table and then asked Li Xiao with a smile. The smile was very charming.

"On your chip, also play with me?" Looking at Du Cheng's more charming smile than himself, the enemy in Wu Yun's eyes suddenly became thick, but his eyes were more Disdain.

Although the maximum limit per game for this outside table is less than one million, the 400,000 chips in Du Cheng’s hands are slightly shabby.

Then Li Wei and Wu Yun were in front of him, but they had ten hundred and fifty thousand chips and twenty hundred thousand chips. There was no smaller chip.

However, Li Wei did not show any disdain for Du Cheng. She had seen Du Cheng sitting in the luxury car with millions of luxury cars, and no matter how temperament or brand-name dress, I don’t want to be a People who have no money.

"Just by you...?"

Du Cheng smiled lightly, and his tone was more disdainful than Wu Yun.

"Fucking, play and play, I will solve you."

Wu Yun was so excited by Du Cheng, and suddenly the fire was up. As the above said, Wu Yun was not only narrow-minded, but also very impulsive.

See Wu Yun want to play with Du Cheng, Li Wei did not play together, just sit quietly beside Wu Yun, looking at Du Cheng coldly.

Du Cheng, who threw two 50,000 chips to the table, then signaled the dealer to deal.

One hundred thousand is the biggest bet of this Stud table. Du Cheng knows that Wu Yun will definitely not play with himself, so he simply throws out 100,000 chips.

Sure enough, Wu Yun did not think about it, but also threw a 100,000 chips.

When the dealer saw the two bets, they began to deal.

Du Cheng’s clear card is a square 2, and Wu Yun’s clear card is a **** A.


Wu Yun’s face was big, and he first called it. However, after Wu Chong just looked at the dark card, he threw out three hundred thousand chips and shouted ShowHand. His face was full of confidence. Smile.

Obviously, Wu Yun’s card is definitely a very good card, and maybe even A.

Du Cheng also glanced at the bottom of the card, but he glanced at it and then pushed all the remaining chips in front of him.

"I don't know how to live and die."

See Du Cheng even dare to follow the card ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Wu Yun's eyes are even more disdain, sneer after saying a sound, it is indicated that the dealer will finish the remaining cards.

That Wu Yun's card is really good, the third one is still an A, and Du Cheng is just a box 10, but the next two, Wu Yun's luck seems to be over, one is the box K One is box 9, but if you look at the board alone, there are only three possibilities.

And Du Cheng's remaining two cards, one is box 6 and the other is box 8. Although the board does not seem to have a pair of straight and no straight, but has the chance to get a flush more than three.

"It seems that you are going to lose." Du Cheng's face is full of smiles, but does not forget to stimulate Wu Yun.

Wu Yun was provoked by Du Cheng, and immediately opened the dark card and said to Du Cheng: "I will not believe you can get a flush with the three sons."

"Sorry, I am really a flush." ​​Du Cheng also opened the dark card, which is a box A, which is a flush.

One of the biggest three is actually eaten by the other party's flush. Wu Yun's look is full of anger. If he doesn't even think about it, he throws a 100,000 chip and says to Du Cheng: "Come here again. Look at it once, you don't have that dog."

Seeing the angry look of Wu Yun, Du Cheng’s eyes flashed a chill of cold that no one else could find.


Second, ask for a ticket.

PS: In a word, the 4th or the 5th of the next month began to break out. Well, the number of outbreaks will not be said. Basically, 10,000 words are not within the scope of the outbreak, and 15,000 may be less, anyway, it will explode. When you are dumbfounded, no matter what tickets you have, you should not keep it.