Ultimate Intelligence

Chapter 66: charming

"Si Xin, are you not afraid that I will sell you?"

Looking at Gu Sixin's very obedient eyes closed, Du Cheng felt that the deepest part of his heart was like a string of power being dialed.

At this time, Gu Sixin looks undoubtedly very moving. The long white eyelashes on the white and jade-like face are fluttering gently, and the lips are gently opened, so that Du Cheng has a desire to kiss. Impulse.

"I am not afraid, I believe in you."

Gu Sixin responded very playfully, but did not open his eyes.

However, Gu Sixin is very expecting, but also wants to know where Du Cheng will take her.

At this time, the sky outside was already dark, and the street lights were lit up. The Bentley car was moving rapidly under the dim light. If Gu Sixin opened his eyes at this moment, she would definitely find this. How familiar she is to the road.

After a few minutes, the Bentley car finally stopped slowly, and Du Cheng took the small hand of Gu Sixin and said softly: "Si Xin, don't open your eyes, I will help you."


Gu Sixin responded, she could very clearly feel that she had been helped by Du Cheng, and then walked through a meadow, it seemed to go up the stairs again, and opened a door into a scent of fragrance. room.

After stopping, Du Cheng gently let go of Gu Sixin's little hand, and then softly said: "Okay, let's open it."

However, Gu Sixin did not immediately open his eyes, because of the female intuition, coupled with a sense of familiarity with the environment and the faint familiarity of the fragrance, Gu Sixin has already guessed where he came, pretty Above it is involuntarily filled with an excited look.

Slowly opened his eyes, two drops of crystal clear tears straight down from Gu Sixin's eyes, Gu Sixin's beautiful and moving eyes are now instantly red.

In front of her eyes, it was a scene that she could not forget. It was the room she had lived for more than ten years. The furnishings in the room were exactly the same as when she left, even the faint aroma in the room did not completely dissipate. .

"Du Cheng, is this true?"

Gu Sixin's voice has been a little sobbing, the look is full of incomparable excitement, and some unbelievable, but Gu Sixin can clearly feel that a strong sense of happiness and faintness is rapidly surrounding himself.

"Well, I bought this villa back. Later, you can live back to this room again." Du Cheng whispered.

After bidding farewell to Gu Sixin in the afternoon, he went to the hospital first, then directly let Liu Fusheng pick him up to the auction house, and the whole auction process was very smooth, although several real estate developers competed together, but Du Cheng finally It was shot at a price of 18 million, and the place he and Gu Sixin said is here.

Du Cheng knows that Gu Sixin has a strong sense of attachment to this room. After all, he grew up here, and here he can make Gu Sixin feel closer to his dead father.

Of course, he Du Cheng also needs a good environment to resettle his mother, so although it costs 18 million, Du Cheng knows that it is all worthwhile, not to mention the money he won from the casino. It’s too easy to get Du Cheng’s realism, so Du Cheng won’t feel any pain.

"Du Cheng, thank you."

Gu Sixin was very grateful to Du Chengdao for her gratitude, but she did not have the reason why she had the money to buy this villa, because before Du Cheng came to pick her up, Gu Jiayi was telling her about Du Cheng, and including Du Inheriting from the hands of Li Wei to win money.

After that, Gu Sixin suddenly blushes his face, and then he gently puts his toes on his toes and turns his head to gently kiss him on Du Cheng’s face like a little water.

Although Gu Sixin’s kiss was very light, but the softness made Du Cheng feel a strange feeling. Then, looking at the shy red face and Gu Sixin, Du Cheng suddenly had an impulse to embrace.

This impulse is like having a special kind of magic, which allows Du Cheng to involuntarily extend his hand, and then gently push Gu Sixin into his arms, the more hug and tight.

At this moment, Du Cheng can clearly feel that Gu Sixin's body twitched slightly. Similarly, Du Cheng could also feel the softness of Gu Sixin's chest and the delicate touch of the hands.

And Gu Sixin feels that a strong sensation of numbness spreads all over the body. The whole person feels like losing his strength and gently squatting on Du Cheng’s chest. The look in the eyes is somewhat dissociated, and there is a different kind of charming.

"Shin Xin..."

Feel Gu Sixin's breath like the orchids, the scent of the scent of the orchids flowing in the chest, and the rare and charming look of Gu Sixin, Du Cheng's heart once again had an impulse.

"Yeah." Gu Sixin gently responded, and later Du Cheng said to her ~www.novelhall.com~ subconsciously raised his head.

"I want to kiss you..."

Gu Sixin, with a few girls' shy and charming attitude, let Du Cheng feel the impulse of his own heart is like breaking through the bondage, the voice has not yet fallen, he has quickly kissed Gu Sixin's lips.

Feeling Du Chen's slightly hot breath, Gu Sixin's eyes flashed a trace of confusion, and then slowly closed his eyes, but from the shaking eyelashes can be felt, Gu Sixin heart at this moment How excited.

Du Cheng was the first to kiss, and the soft feeling made Du Cheng have a feeling that he wanted to keep asking for it. The tongue was extended to the jade tooth that Gu Sixin was tightly closed because of tension. But still gently opened Gu Sixin's teeth, and found Gu Sixin's lubricated tongue, mysterious sweet feeling, so that Du Cheng is like walking in the clouds.

At the same time, Du Cheng's hands began to slowly slide down, and then fell on Gu Sixin's but not full but very upright and full of amazing elastic double hips, that full of elastic touch makes Du Cheng love put it down And gently knead.

Gu Sixin only feels that Du Cheng's hands are like magical powers, making her body softer and softer, as if the spring water is completely lost, the body is getting hotter and hotter, and the breathing becomes more and more heavy.


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