Turn the Universe

Chapter 248

When Li Feng is also like other people, the voice of Hanyu Xiaotian suddenly appears in Li Feng's mind again.

This is a kind of martial arts skill that can only be cultivated by high-level martial artists. Its principle is to bind the sound with the strong internal breathing of the warrior and send it to the target's ear, which can't be heard by others.

Hanyu Xiaotian has no internal breathing, but he has a higher level of divine consciousness.

A moment later, Li Feng stood up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of the matter. What we need most is that we can work together to come up with a practical proposal to advance and retreat together. I'll just give you my opinion and give you a piece of advice. "

After attracting people's attention, Li Feng said again: "I'll make sure that I don't think about it like this. We must punish each other enough and return the benefits we deserve. So the next question is how to do it.

Let's not talk about the alliance of Panlong martial arts schools. I talked about the drug monopoly incident just now. The business community, underground forces and members of the Communist Party all participated in the background. If the business community is concerned, I think there should be no problem in encircling and suppressing the other party with the strength of all present. "

Many people nodded subconsciously when they heard this.

Yes, these people who come here today are not worth more than 100 million yuan?

If they unite to attack merchants, they are confident that they will not turn the other side over.

After people digested it for a while, Li Feng said again, "let's talk about underground forces. I don't think any of you has not contacted underground forces."

There is no objection to this.

Which pharmaceutical industry has not gone through the channels of underground forces to go through the private medicine?

So they all have their own collaborators in the underground world, and some even cultivate their own underground spokesmen.

"We lost a lot in this incident, and I think our underground partners will also have losses! The underground forces are all in the interests of the most important, they lost certainly not good!

In this case, we will mobilize our respective underground partners and make certain interests. I think they will help us to smooth out the underground black hands of this incident! "

Hearing this, Li Fengti's method is really feasible!

"As for the last member of the committee, I think it's OK to stabilize this one first by relying on our contacts. Of course, the most important one is that of several presidents?

When we finished the work and cooked the rice, he could do nothing.

As for whether there is anyone behind him, we can only take a step and see. "

Li Feng frowned. In fact, the business man was most afraid of dealing with big officials, followed by those who were not afraid of the world.

At this time, the atmosphere of the venue has been warming up a lot, at least people no longer feel despair.

As a matter of fact, what Han Yu Xiaotian had just said was concise and to the point. Li Feng carefully analyzed the advantages and disadvantages and found that what Han Yu Xiaotian said was really feasible. He combined his own words to achieve this effect.

Li Feng now has sincere admiration for the 16-year-old and 7-year-old boy from his master's home. A group of old people who have been wandering in the mall for many years have not thought of any way, but let others think of it.

In fact, it's not that hanyu Xiaotian has more experience than others. It's really that the alliance of Panlong martial arts schools and the behind the scenes actors who participated in it put too much pressure on people, including the president, so that they didn't dare to think of a way to break the game.

And Han Yu Xiaotian is different, he has no pressure.

What he needs to think is how to deal with this matter simply and efficiently, and then go to the ancient Xia college to see the talented warriors of the whole earth gathered there.

As the saying goes, the onlookers see clearly.

They stand in different positions and have different ways of thinking