Turn the Universe

Chapter 247

If we say that the local forces, government officials and commercial giants may still be able to confront each other for a while, the opponents of the three forces at this level are enough to completely crush the Medical Association.

In this regard, president Yu thought very clearly. If he was in charge of this matter, he would undoubtedly take the egg of the whole medical association to hit a stone.

But if he directly said that he would quit regardless, it would undoubtedly chill the heart of the whole pharmaceutical industry, and he would not have to work as a president.

So he has to tell the truth and let everyone choose.

For the truth of the fact, almost all people are somewhat unacceptable, the reality and their original imagination is too far away.

At the moment, even the medicine family that has been saying that it will not be light Rao each other has begun to be silent.

Listening to the voice of the discussion gradually subsided, president Yu spoke again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the black hand behind the incident has begun to surface gradually. If we continue to pursue, there may be more people and forces involved. Where should we go? I also ask you to express your views. "

There was silence in the field.

This is no longer what they had intended to punish their opponents, but a war that could be a complete defeat.

But if you don't fight, the other party has already entered your house and slapped you in the face. Do you dare not fight back?

This makes these presidents and managers who are also famous on weekdays how to behave?

Everyone is thinking, constantly considering the pros and cons, the atmosphere has become more and more dignified.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly stood up.

After finishing his clothes with his hands, he asked with a heavy breath and hoarse voice, "can you tell me which of the three forces you just mentioned?"

President Yu looked at Li Feng and said, "according to the current clues, it should be the Panlong Martial Arts Association."

"It's really the Panlong League!"

sat as like as two peas in the crowd, who smiled at the cold weather.

Just now he also secretly instructed Li Feng to ask questions, so now the answer is finally determined.

"Panlong martial arts association!"

People's hearts moved again. Although the Panlong alliance ranked the bottom of the three forces, it was still far from what they could shake. Whether it was the strength of the warriors or other aspects of energy, it was much stronger than them.

"What to do?" This is what everyone on the scene is thinking about.

We can't fight again, but we can't do it without fighting. Now the scene seems to be in a dead end.

"Sure enough, as I had worried, if the other party is not really in urgent need of these special medicinal materials, or the other party is not afraid of the consequences of doing so! Fortunately, I didn't act rashly at the beginning, but asked for help from my master

Li Feng secretly looked at Hanyu Xiaotian and was afraid.

Li Feng had a premonition that the matter would eventually have to be resolved by the master.

Hanyu Xiaotian is also thinking about how he should do it. If these people finally shrink back, it can only be solved by him and Lengyu alone.

Although this is not impossible, Hanyu Xiaotian believes that relying on his own and Lengyu's strength alone can solve the behind the scenes forces that are just like monsters to others.

If it's not his own but Hanyu's attack this time, even Hanyu won't cooperate with these people at all. Instead, after getting the news, he killed his opponent alone, until he uprooted all the behind the scenes!

But Hanyu Xiaotian is not willing to do so. He is not a person who likes to solve everything by strength alone. This may have something to do with his inability to practice martial arts as a child. More often than not, he likes to use his brain.

Since he doesn't want to do this, it's just