Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 874:

"The trainees participating in this training are from the ninth major war zones across the country, with a total of 28,760 people!!" As soon as Hua Kaifeng finished speaking, Qin Yushuang immediately added: "All trainees have completed basic training. You can go to the frontline at any time and answer!"

"very good!"

Xiao Junlin nodded again: "I believe everyone knows that in the near future, the second blood moon invasion will soon be ushered in, and there will undoubtedly be another aura storm at that time, so after your training today, you will You must go to all parts of the country to lead your team and complete the next series of training tasks, so that the ground network organization can form an effective fighting force in the shortest possible time!"

"I am very satisfied with everyone\'s training during this period, but satisfaction alone is not enough! I am satisfied, it does not mean that you will be able to effectively form combat effectiveness, and it does not mean that you will be able to face evil. It will definitely be successful! The battle in the future will be very hard, because we will encounter more and more weirdness that cannot be explained by science!"

"So I will start the injection of the second-stage genetic enhancement agent for you, which will not only effectively improve your survival, but also significantly improve your success rate in completing combat missions!"

"Now, please queue up in order!"

Xiao Junlin finished his words.

The soldiers in the queue were suddenly surprised and secretly surprised!

Are you going to inject the second-stage genetic booster? !

Can they continue to become stronger! !

This is really nice...

"Line up!"

"Prepare to inject genetic enhancement medicine!"

While Hua Kaifeng and Qin Yushuang were excited and surprised, they also quickly issued an order for everyone to line up and take turns injecting!

And after Xiao Junlin finished speaking, Ye Yu also immediately asked Xing Chou to bring the other bodyguards to carry boxes after boxes of genetic medicines to Xiao Junlin, and Xing Chou personally took people to give The soldiers were injected one by one!

This second phase of the new gene-enhancing agent!

Naturally, it is a brand-new version that Jarvis has improved after deeply dismantling and decomposing the original formula of the system.

It can be said that this is the secondary design based on the original!

However, it also has a more important usage requirement, that is, before the injection of the second stage, the first stage of the genetic enhancement medicine must be injected!

And this second-stage strengthening potion can allow the soldiers after injection to carry out a secondary strengthening of their physical fitness!

And the strengthening effect will be stronger than the first time.

After more than a month of rushing to work, all the factories under Xiao Junlin have only urgently produced nearly 30,000 pieces!

Now it is just right to use it on these soldiers who are about to go to the front line.

And because these fighters are almost equivalent to the cornerstone of the ground network department after they are dispatched, their combat effectiveness must be strong enough!

That second injection is inevitable.

As for the other members of the ground network, we can only apologise to them for the time being!

882. National branch of ground network, start

Naturally, Hua Kaifeng and Qin Yushuang were the first to receive injections!

After the two received the injection, they closed their eyes and remained silent for a while, and then the blood vessels in their bodies suddenly twisted as if they were alive. Get up!



The two let out a painful roar that was suppressed to the extreme.

However, the body can endure it, but the facial expression still unconsciously suddenly becomes hideous.

Five or six minutes have passed...

The expressions on their faces gradually became calmer!

However, after surviving the pain and suffering like a capital punishment, the breath on their bodies became more and more quiet and restrained at this moment.


Qin Yushuang is a child after all.

She was very excited by the feeling of becoming stronger all of a sudden.

And with this excitement, he immediately rushed forward without hesitation, and the speed was as fast as a ghost!

After a blink of an eye!

She had already arrived in front of a military jeep parked not far from the crowd.

Everyone\'s eyes followed her figure, and at this time, they watched Qin Yushuang lift her beautiful little feet and kicked the innocent jeep body with a gun!

Boom! ! !

A muffled sound like rolling thunder suddenly erupted!

The nearly two-ton military jeep was swept away under Qin Yushuang\'s little feet like a toy, and rolled over a distance of more than ten meters.

And this terrifying scene immediately stunned everyone! !

This is a military jeep! !

It\'s not the kind of family car that Xing Chou used to show everyone his strength before!

After all, that kind of family car, basically the soldiers who have been injected with the first-stage strengthening agent can lift it up, but at this time this is a 1.7-ton military jeep...

The strength of the great commander, with the injection of the second-stage genetic medicine, has at least increased dozens of times, right? !

Is this **** human? !

"Okay, come back to the team when you\'re done!"

Xiao Junlin rolled his eyes a little funny, and ordered, "Continue the injection!"


"Keep injecting!"

After Ye Yu gave an order.

The soldiers were suddenly excited and screamed and surrounded them.

Everyone\'s eyes are full of excitement!

With the help of this powerful gene-enhancing agent, everyone\'s overall strength will definitely increase tenfold and one hundredfold!