Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 873:

Just looking at these things is enough to make people feel strange!

But what is even more surprising is that it is the person who is behind everything...

Xiao Junlin, Mr. Xiao!

As the world\'s richest man, the master of science, the owner of a series of super titles such as Feng Shui master, Xiao Junlin\'s own wealth and social energy are amazing.

Coupled with his previous acts of righteous extermination of relatives, he has gained a large number of absolute loyal fans in the Dragon Kingdom, and Xiao Junlin like this, at this time, will require the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom to spend such a huge amount of effort, using such a With huge resources, what he does is definitely not aimless!

As a country with a large population, there is no shortage of smart people in the Dragon Kingdom!

After many people connected all these clues together, everyone immediately became a little more vigilant in their hearts!

880. Inspection training base

The day passed in peace and tranquility.

At this time, the time for the second blood moon to be in the sky is getting closer and closer!

All the preparatory work Xiao Junlin has done before has basically been completed, but in order to ensure that it is safe in the end, he decided to go to Tianluodiwang headquarters to do the final acceptance work in person!

These two special departments have their own branches established in various regions of the country.

The departmental headquarters of are all built on a vacant lot in the northeastern area outside the Fifth Ring Road of Shangjing.

The area within a radius of 30 kilometers has long been under martial law!

The overall building is also like a military frontline station, which can accommodate at least 30,000 people to train here.

And those who can be sent to the headquarters for training are the absolute tops of the pyramid in the army!

These top fighters, together with Hua Kaifeng and Qin Yushuang, were sent here to receive unified training, and after the training was completed, these fighters would also be sent to all parts of the country to become team leaders or deputy team leaders.

Of course, this was also deliberately arranged by Xiao Junlin.

Because only by allowing the heads of the major divisions to train with Hua Kaifeng and Qin Yushuang for a period of time, can they form a better friendship and then form a relationship called trust!

Only in this way can the huge organization of Tianluodiwang be fully formed into combat power!

Just when Xiao Junlin arrived here with Xing Chou and Ye Yu!

Hua Kaifeng, Qin Yushuang and the others are leading the others to do the training.

Rows of soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom each have a Tang knife, and at this time they are practicing slashing neatly...

And that\'s part of their training!

This set of swordsmanship performed by Tang Dao was created by Xiao Junlin combined with various ancient martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom.

There are only nine moves in the whole sword technique!

Overall, it is very easy to learn.

However, the simpler the technique, the stronger the combat power displayed after practicing to the extreme.

The destructive power of this sword technique itself is very huge...

But it is precisely because of its simplicity that in just one month, these soldiers have all been trained to look good!

Hua Kaifeng and Qin Yushuang were also mixed in the crowd, frowning and practicing hard.

No better than other dragon warriors.

They were both normal people!

However, after the spiritual recovery, due to their aptitude, their physiques have increased a lot compared to ordinary people, and they have been injected with gene-enhancing medicines...

Therefore, after nearly a month of hard training, they are no less inferior to any elite fighters in terms of combat skills, physical fitness, etc.!

And their performance like this naturally won the respect of all the soldiers in the entire headquarters training camp.

Every soldier has already regarded them as the chief commander of his own department at this time, and he has no desire to resist, and he is very cooperative with any orders Hua Kaifeng and Qin Yushuang give!

"Oh, it\'s alright."

Xiao Junlin stood in the dark and glanced silently, then nodded in satisfaction.

With his ability, he can clearly see the reality of these warriors at a glance, and to be able to complete such a huge transformation in such a short period of time, I have to say that this is indeed somewhat unexpected.

"Everyone has it, stop training!!"

"Line up!"

"stand at attention!"

"Take a break!"


"I have seen Mr. Xiao!!!"

After Hua Kaifeng and Qin Yushuang saw Xiao Junlin hiding in the dark, Hua Kaifeng immediately roared, followed by a series of orders.

The soldiers also stopped the training movements in their hands without hesitation.

It\'s neat and tidy! ! !


After everyone stood at attention for a while, they all saluted Xiao Junlin with a frenzied look, and roared in unison: "I have seen Mr. Xiao!!!"

881. Preparation for injection, the second stage genetic enhancement agent

Most of the soldiers in the actual training base had never seen Xiao Junlin himself.

However, under the effect of the gene-enhancing agent, everyone\'s genes have been deeply imprinted with the gene of submission to Xiao Junlin, so every soldier will subconsciously show a kind of fanaticism when he sees Xiao Junlin. mood!

"haha okay!"

Xiao Junlin smiled again with satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, he asked casually, "How is the training going?"

"Report Mr. Xiao!"

After Hua Kaifeng saluted, he said loudly, "All basic training has been completed!"

"In our training in the past month, in addition to a large number of swordsmanship training, we have also conducted additional training in the identification of evil spirits, training in tracking evil spirits, training on the use of positioning compass, and training in battle formations, etc. Seventeen combat mission training!"