Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 867:

"Ah, then this is a big project..."

"Yeah, I don\'t know how much it will cost!"

"No matter how much it costs, we have to do it! Do you still want to be blocked by evil spirits while everyone is sleeping?"

"It makes sense! It makes sense!"

The more the clan elders talked, the more excited they became, and the more they talked, the more excited they became!

Obviously, at this time in their minds...

I have already made up the intense scenes of fighting against evil in the future!

Just by looking at the expressions on their faces, Xiao Junlin knew that they had already started various plans in their minds.

873. Longhua Special Research and Exhibition Department

"Okay, since everyone has no opinions, it\'s best."

"Then I\'m going to set up this new special department. For the time being, I\'ll name it the Longhua Special Research and Exhibition Department? It\'s specifically responsible for the production of these evil-targeted things, as well as the logistics of safeguarding the Tianluodiwang army!"

"And the selection of all personnel, addresses, etc. in this department must be extremely careful, and to achieve absolute confidentiality, R&D personnel and security personnel are best selected from the military.

At present, the tentative number is about 500,000! "

"However, Jarvis will fully assist you in the construction and overall arrangement of this department."

After Xiao Junlin\'s remarks, all the clan elders immediately gave a solemn salute.

"Don\'t worry, Mr. Xiao, we promise to complete the task!"

"Mr. Xiao, now all of the more than one billion people in the entire Dragon Country are listening to your orders. If you say a word, let alone half a million people, I can find you even a billion people!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Junlin nodded with great satisfaction, and said with a smile, "I\'m relieved with your words!"

"After the establishment of Longhua\'s special research and exhibition department, I will immediately ask them to start mass production of various special products for evil spirits, and then I need you to be able to completely change Tianluodiwang within a month.

Within three months, the entire army must be popularized, including the Home Affairs Secretary!

All the front-line soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom must be equipped with the equipment I have prepared! "

"As well as those special coatings, you should put it on the agenda as soon as possible, and it is best to paint all the buildings up and down the country within three months!

Don’t worry, although this coating uses a lot of rare materials, its cost and required craftsmanship are not high, and we can fully afford it. "

"Finally, in order to comprehensively improve the chance of success in fighting against evil spirits, I want you to start subtly from now on to change the fear of evil spirits and evil spirits in our Dragon Kingdom. I will let Jarvis write a book about evil spirits. A handbook of knowledge.

At that time, you must achieve the expected goal I set for you in the shortest possible time, that is, one book per hand, and then urge them to study seriously, and you must ask them to complete it as a task, understand? "

"Okay, Mr. Xiao!"


The clan elders quickly agreed with a serious look.

Xiao Junlin\'s request seems to be issuing an order!

But actually...

However, he was only reminding the senior leaders of the major families what to do in response to the spiritual recovery.

Of course everyone is grateful to him.

And even if they know that this task will be very arduous, and it may even cause domestic turmoil and panic among the people, but now the second recovery of spirituality is imminent, and they do not have much time to continue to hesitate... …

Right now!

Xiao Junlin\'s words are tantamount to imperial edicts!


in the next period of time.

The orders and various requirements that Xiao Junlin issued to the elders of the major clans are all being carried out in an orderly manner!

The materials collected by major European and American consortiums from all over the world were all sent to the major coastal ports of the Dragon Kingdom through various methods.

The Dragon Kingdom has already made all the arrangements.

All relevant departments are quickly classifying these materials and goods, and all kinds of hoarding and preservation work are also proceeding in an orderly manner!

The Tianluodiwang organization also took shape a few days ago.

Although it has not reached the huge population of 2.59 million people in the perfect period, it has already reached the scale of millions of subordinate members!

And the first stage of special training has officially started.

The establishment and production of Longhua\'s special research and development department for logistics and the manufacture of special equipment for fighting against spirits are also accelerating overtime.

In front of Jarvis\' powerful thinking and logic ability!

All the tedious and complicated work is arranged in an orderly manner.

874. Exorcism Manual

With Jarvis\' help!

The first version of the handbook Xiao Junlin mentioned before about evil knowledge has also been written!

After all, the system has already included all the information related to the original book into Jarvis\' artificial brain, so Jarvis easily collected a lot of information about common evils, and then added the reasons for their growth, and their The growth environment, the place where it is easy to be born, etc., and even how to prevent, avoid and even deal with the unfortunate encounter, are all clearly written!

at the same time!

Printing factories all over the country also began to print frantically when they received the manuscript.

In just half a month, more than 1.5 billion copies have been printed and published!

And this slap-sized handbook was also quickly distributed to the hands of various relevant departments.

When the local regional departments saw these small manuals, they were all shocked by the contents!

What kind of hallucination does everyone think they have?

"What the fuck?!"
