Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 866:

"Enough? Of course not enough!"

Xiao Junlin said with a serious face: "Tianluodiwang is only a combat support department after all, the meaning of their existence is to welcome this upcoming global catastrophe!

But if we don\'t have absolutely strong logistics support and high-tech weapons, then we won\'t be able to gain an advantage in this war, so I need a new special department to develop weapons and guarantee all the logistics of the front-line troops! "

Tell the truth!

Since Xiao Junlin crossed over, new ideas have been popping up in his heart.

And he is always following the ideal in his heart and moving forward!

At this time, he encountered an old monster like Jing Qi who had lived for thousands of years, and he couldn\'t help but think more...

The most important thing is that now he is in the light and Jing Qi is in the dark.

If you want to deal with the catastrophe that this guy has messed up that can directly affect the world, you must be fully prepared!

Such a special army of more than two million people, such as Tianluodiwang, is only a small part of it at this time.

In addition to the special operations department, he must also set up a logistics department as soon as possible, as well as a special research and development department specializing in new weapons, otherwise...

How can it support the war that is destined to be very intense in the future?

Moreover, to deal with those evil spirits that gradually grow up with the recovery of the supernatural, ordinary things will definitely not work.

Even if it is a thermal weapon, only nuclear weapons can have any function.

It must also be a tactical nuclear weapon that has reached a certain yield before it is possible to use its huge ability to disrupt their own magnetic field, and then complete the final annihilation!

Relatively speaking……

Ordinary hot weapons, it is no different from scratching a tick!

So if you want to deal with them, you have to be the most professional things.

For example, in the previous line of Taoism, there are many such exorcism techniques.

There are also some more biased methods spread among the people, and Jarvis also studied the descriptions of these evil spirits in the original works given by the research system, and studied many plans for these evil negative energy bodies!

Coupled with Xiao Junlin\'s Taoist technique background, it is not difficult to truly arm the Tianluodiwang.

"Jarvis, turn on screencasting!"

Xiao Junlin gave an order.

"Yes, Master!"

After Jarvis agreed, he quickly projected some images onto the screen!

Looking at those images, Xiao Junlin explained directly: "In fact, if the evil must be explained from a scientific point of view, then their birth is actually a strong magnetic field effect after the convergence of negative energy bodies, and when such negative energy bodies converge. After the energy body reaches a certain level, it can also cause real physical damage to the human body!"

"And if you want to restrain this negative energy body magnetic field, you must find a way to make some special weapons rich in positive energy body magnetic field pulses to hedge, or even completely annihilate the evil."

"Let me give an example, such as Tiandaomen\'s lightning-inducing technique, and the golden light spell, Zhengqi body protection, etc. In fact, to put it bluntly, these techniques are all masculine techniques that can create a positive energy body magnetic field. , but it can effectively cause damage to evil spirits!

The most important thing is that the Daomen technique has its own special effects, which looks very intimidating..."

Xiao Junlin laughed and said: "Let me give an example, let\'s say that when the evil invaders, you can bring the thunder, oh that is lightning, to the ground, then you can also destroy a large part of the low-level evil!"

"And based on this setting, I asked Jarvis to design and manufacture a series of weapons and equipment for the magnetic field of the evil negative energy body. These are simple and easy to make and suitable for popularizing the weapons and equipment of the whole army."

872. Compass, weapons and coatings

Xiao Junlin talked with his hands on his back.

Every word of his seems to be able to affect the minds of the old people, all with indescribable magic power, deeply attracted them!

After a slight pause.

Xiao Junlin continued: "What you see now is something similar to a compass, or you can think of it as a seismograph made by Zhang Heng in ancient times to detect earthquakes!"

"At present, I have prepared a total of large, medium and small, and three styles of designs for it. The large compass will be placed in the residential area of ​​each city. Its coverage area is 1,000 square kilometers, and I will make it cover every inch of the country. land, and then cover the entire nation."

"Once there are evil fluctuations within the range of the large compass, it can respond quickly and lock the evil position immediately. At the same time, the small radar can be easily carried by the network members at the beginning of my design. With them, our warriors You will be able to accurately know the location of these evil spirits at any time, and achieve precise annihilation!"

"Secondly, I also have a set of equipment designs ranging from weapons to firearms. On the surface, they are actually just ordinary weapons, but they actually have a very complex circuit structure inside, which can be used when the ground net members are in the middle of the battle. Unleash high voltages ranging from 7 million to 30 million...

Although this still can\'t reach the strength of Tianlei, it has been able to cause very terrifying and irreversible energy damage to the evil spirits! "

"I also designed a camouflage coating during this time. In this coating, I mixed a lot of extremely rare and various metals and minerals, and it is colorless and odorless, and can actively absorb the energy of the sun, And it can continue to release interference energy at night, these energies can effectively hinder and weaken the energy level of evil spirits!

And if they are painted on the surface of the building, it can also effectively prevent the approach of evil spirits, or directly restrict the actions of evil spirits born in the house! "

Xiao Junlin kept explaining calmly by the side.

The more the elders of the major families listened, the brighter their eyes became!

Originally, they still felt a little fear of these evil spirits...

After all, the older a person is, the more afraid of these ghostly things!

Plus, there is something they don\'t even know about.

It\'s really hard not to be afraid!

But now after receiving Xiao Junlin\'s explanation, everyone felt a sense of peace of mind in their hearts...

Xiao Junlin is here!

It seems that these terrifying evils that can cause global disasters are not so scary anymore?

At least, there is a way to eliminate them, then it is not worth fear!

It\'s all that simple! ! !

"Hehe, as long as there is a way to destroy them!

Mr. Xiao, these things you have designed are really amazing. With these things, those evil people are a fart? "

Mr. Zhu said in a low voice with a look of excitement, his old face turned into a rotten chrysanthemum with laughter.

"Yes, yes, these are all good things!

We have to produce them all as soon as possible. "

"Yes, yes, not only does Tianluodiwang need a manpower, but it is better to be able to equip the entire army, and even popularize all the members of the Department of Political Affairs!"

"Yes, as well as those camouflage paints, we must also implement production as soon as possible, and then activate our Dragon Country infrastructure strength and apply a layer to every wall and floor of every building!"