Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 850:

However, the general heads of these two departments need to be identified by me...

Yes, the two behind me! "

Xiao Junlin commanded indifferently, and suddenly raised his finger to Qin Yushuang and Hua Kaifeng.

And his actions made all the bigwigs present collectively dumbfounded!

Even Qin Yushuang and Hua Kaifeng were stunned in place!

No one thought of...

Xiao Junlin\'s previous preparations are so reliable, it makes people very convincing when they hear it!

But at this time, why is this decision so hasty?

A special combat department with more than 2 million people, a terrifying existence whose power and specificity completely override the Secretary of State Affairs, would these two ordinary people be in charge? !

Xiao Junlin, are you kidding me? ! !

are you crazy?

"Mr. Xiao, what do you mean?"

"Who are these two people, and why haven\'t they met before?"

"That\'s right, Mr. Xiao! If Xing Chou or Miss Ye Yu were in charge, we would have no problem, but are these two unfamiliar guys who appeared out of nowhere, are they reliable?"

"Where did you get this from? It\'s not such a joke!"

"Mr. Xiao, the top person in charge can\'t decide so casually? How about we choose some senior generals from the army for you to choose?"

All the bigwigs spoke out against it.

The implication is that Hua Kaifeng and Qin Yushuang are strangers, and everyone knows nothing about them, etc. Moreover, they are both too young...

It\'s really unbelievable! !

It is about the safety of a country, and nepotism is a must!

Even Qin Yushuang and Hua Kaifeng, the two parties involved, were still in a state of confusion at this time.

The two of them were equally unbelievable about everything today...

850. Supreme Commander, we are willing

First, someone came to the door inexplicably.

Then he was inexplicably threatened.

After the compromise, he was inexplicably brought to meet the current uncrowned king of the Dragon Kingdom!

Immediately after...

Inexplicably, he is about to become the top leader of a million army!

Even Hua Kaifeng with an IQ of 183 wouldn\'t dare to agree on the spot?

"Mr. Xiao, are you kidding us?"

Mr. Zhu couldn\'t help but ask with an embarrassed expression.

"Zhu Lao, do you think I look like I\'m joking with you?"

Xiao Junlin smiled and teased: "I choose Qin Yushuang and Hua Kaifeng to be in charge of these two departments, you don\'t need to ask so many whys, and you don\'t need to give me so many opinions, I don\'t want to listen, but also listen. Don\'t go in!

I\'m just going my own way, what can you do with me? "

"Anyway, you just need to tell me today whether you agree or disagree!"

Agree or disagree...

Hearing Xiao Junlin\'s domineering words, all the bigwigs present immediately became entangled!

Even the parties Qin Yushuang and Hua Kaifeng were helpless at this time!

First of all, they really didn\'t think about it...

It is even more unbelievable that Xiao Junlin would actually trust them so much!

Even Xiao Junlin gave the two of them the feeling that they knew them better than themselves!

This sentence may seem like a mouthful, but in fact, it means literally!

So much so that the two of them are still dizzy, just like Nima dreaming...

But this is really impossible! !

They couldn\'t believe it at all, they were just an ordinary person at first, but they suddenly fell into the eyes of so many super bosses, and now they are about to become the supreme commander of a million army!

This, this is too mysterious, right?

But both of them can hear it!

Xiao Junlin\'s question of disagreement seems to be asking those bigwigs, but in fact it should be asking them both...

Hua Kaifeng can see it!

Xiao Junlin is by no means as easy to talk as he looks on the surface!

If they dare to refuse at this time, then with their background and the strength behind them, it is very likely that they will be directly silenced!

After all, even Qin Yushuang, a high school student who was just about to graduate, could see that what was shown to them today was too secret...

Not only Xiao Junlin, even any of the bigwigs present would never allow this matter to leak out!

on the contrary!

If they choose to agree now, then they can become the absolute masters of this country!

The Supreme Commander of the Million Army!

What\'s there to hesitate about?

After just filtering the information in his mind a little, Hua Kaifeng nodded decisively and said, "Mr. Xiao, we are willing!"

"haha okay!"

When Hua Kaifeng finished speaking, Xiao Junlin immediately laughed with satisfaction: "Very good! From today onwards, Qin Yushuang, you will be the supreme commander of Tianluo, responsible for leading the top combat power to support the sudden evil invasion incidents in various places!"