Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 849:

Xiao Junlin carried his hands on his back and talked eloquently.

It\'s just that he chose to tell everyone from the very beginning, the horror and horror of those mysterious evils!

The purpose of doing this is naturally to prevent him from being held back by the big guys in Beijing when he is preparing...

Although they won\'t fight against their own face, it\'s rare to say that they won\'t make a stumbling block?

Now, let’s say it directly, and tell everything in full, everyone’s interests are a community, and everyone will be prosperous and all will be lost!

Only in this way can we share our enemies!

And after he completely attracted everyone\'s attention, he really stated all his plans without reservation, including the track arranged by the super maglev train is a feng shui formation, and the large-scale promotion of genetic enhancement drugs in the army. Wait, there is the last thing about the formation of two special departments that override all departments!

Immediately, all the big brothers who heard the news also had their eyes lit up!

If what Xiao Junlin said is true, then there will be such terrifying monsters that can easily wipe out a continent in the future...

Do not!

To be precise, if there will be dimensional creatures or dark creatures in the future, then this plan prepared by Xiao Junlin in advance is really very reliable!

Knowing that the other party is an energy body, his plan is much better than letting everyone face those unknown existences with long guns and short cannons?

"Everyone!" Xiao Junlin looked around the crowd and said solemnly, "The time left for us is running out. Within three months, we must make all preparations!"

"But Mr. Xiao, why must it be three months?"

"Yeah, will this time be too tight?"

Grandma Sun asked with a solemn expression.

The Sun family has always been responsible for government affairs and people\'s livelihood!

At this time, the countermeasures proposed by Xiao Junlin, no matter which one is pulled out alone, are all very ruinous to people\'s livelihood!

"Old lady, I remember what I said before?

The supernatural recovery will happen nine times in total, and each time it is stronger! "

Xiao Junlin spread out his hands a little helplessly and explained: "It happened once last night, and the next supernatural recovery will happen a month later. Likewise, every recovery will be accompanied by the appearance of a blood moon!

And after the ninth time, the evil era will come completely! "

"But you don\'t have to worry too much. The strength of the first three supernatural revivals is all limited compared to the first time, and those who can go out to harm humans are just those mutant animals that have just begun to return to their ancestors. That\'s all...

But once the spiritual recovery is activated for the fourth time, the newly emerging evil will become very, very terrifying! "

"So, we must have more than 300,000 super soldiers injected with genetically enhanced drugs within three months, and then within eight months, we must have an enhanced army of millions of super soldiers! "

"Also, within three months, everyone must complete the construction of the super maglev train track in my inner ring. Only when my super feng shui array starts to operate, can we completely suppress the avenues of luck on our land in Longzhou!"

"And, it\'s also within three months!

You also have to complete the special departments I need, and all training must be in place, otherwise, we will face the slaughter of evil spirits and have no resistance..."

Xiao Junlin calmly told his plan in a heavy tone, and the consequences that he would face if the plan failed, which immediately made all the bigwigs in the hall stunned!

849. Tianluo, ground net

Same time!

Every big guy couldn\'t help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart!

If the situation is as critical as Xiao Junlin said, no matter how much the price is paid, they will fully support it without reservation!

"If everyone has no other opinions, then it\'s best to start focusing on these three things from tomorrow!"

Seeing that everyone\'s emotions have been mobilized by himself, Xiao Junlin no longer hesitated, and directly ordered: "The first thing is to start producing gene-enhanced medicines with all our strength! Under the premise of high confidentiality, we can only produce ten at most every year. More than ten thousand strengthening potions, this level is far from enough!"

"So I suggest that in such a crisis situation, the confidentiality level should be appropriately lowered, and under the premise of sufficient external confidentiality, all the forces that can be activated should be launched, and all matters related to production and promotion of genetic medicines in the army!"


Xiao Junlin slowly stretched out his second finger and continued: "I ask all railway bureaus and all construction units to make every effort to speed up the track construction of the super maglev light rail train. This is the most important event related to the survival of all of us!"

"The third thing is to speed up the construction of the two special departments I mentioned earlier, and then select suitable personnel from the army to join my two special departments, and step up the training and emergency skills of all personnel, so as to be able to deal with all possible future emergencies. the whole crisis!"

"By the way, I\'m going to name my two new departments Tianluodiwang. Do you have any questions?"

After Xiao Junlin finished speaking, he looked around the crowd with indifferent eyes.

The elders nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Xiao worry too much, I\'m fine."

"I\'m fine, I\'ll do whatever Mr. Xiao says!"

"Let\'s do this then? Mr. Xiao, we\'ll start implementing this plan right away!"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao said it well."

All the big guys, you and I, all express their meanings with a lot of tongues.

There was not even a single objection in the audience!

Of course no one will object at all...

After all, these things Xiao Junlin proposed are all closely related to their own vital interests!

Whoever opposes him is no different from going to death himself! !

How can the big brothers present be so stupid?

"Tianluo and Diwang are two organizations!"

"The ground network organization is responsible for the field, setting up 72 departments, each department is divided into 72 teams, each team is divided into five teams, and each team has 18 official combat members, and 30 Two reserve members, fifty logisticians...

A total of 2,592,000 people! "

"And this department is mainly responsible for the stability of public security in various cities and many remote mountainous areas, rural areas, etc., and incidentally to deal with the supernatural recovery incidents in those areas!"

"Tianluo is used as a command and dispatch support center, as well as a gathering place for all advanced combat power!"

"This department needs to set up nine high-strength teams!

Likewise, the Tianluo candidate will be decided by me. "

"And the establishment of the various departments of Tianluodiwang also requires the full cooperation of everyone from the military department to the local government and other departments, and management at all levels, team leaders, etc., also need to be carefully selected by everyone!