Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 845:

The oxygen content in the air was at least three percent higher than before.

Moreover, in many unseen places around the world, strange and strange-looking, brutal, and extremely aggressive evil spirits have long been born!

They caused a lot of panic and casualties in many parts of the world at the beginning of their birth!

There have been many mysterious and mysterious sightings all over the world...

And these are naturally all under Jarvis\' big data monitoring!

It clearly records all the sightings and the place where the evil was born. At this time, I am afraid that no one in the world, except Jarvis, can record this aura recovery so clearly and intuitively. Come on!


Early morning the next day!

The patriarchs and clan elders of the major wealthy families in Shangjing rushed to the Wangjiang Villa with many heavyweights from various positions and departments in their respective families!

And their arrival immediately made the other residents in the entire Wangjiang Villa area nervous!

At this time, the entrance and exit roads of the community have all been blocked by the military and police. Even if the residents inside want to enter and exit, they must go through layers of strict and solemn inspections!

But for all this, in the final analysis, it was just a small order from Xiao Junlin.

"Mr. Xiao came to us today, what are you planning to do? Do any of you know?"

"Yeah, yeah! After I got the notice last night, it was really up all night..."

"Yes, I\'m afraid that someone accidentally offends Mr. Xiao somewhere!"

"Don\'t panic! We haven\'t offended Mr. Xiao recently. He summoned us in such a hurry. There must be something big to announce..."

"Yes, I don\'t know what happened?"

"But don\'t tell me, even though I haven\'t slept all night, my spirits are very good.

I don\'t know if it was because of being summoned by Mr. Xiao and excited? "

"Be patient! Mr. Xiao asked us to come to the meeting, so he must be able to look up to us! You don\'t even look at it. With so many families in Beijing, not every family can come!"

"Hehe, of course!"

"We\'re all obliged by Mr. Xiao\'s love. Have you all been having a good time these days?"

"Old Li, isn\'t that nonsense? We don\'t have to worry about our illnesses or our own longevity now. We don\'t have to worry about anything, so how can we be uncomfortable?"

After everyone whispered for a while, they began to blow business with each other.

Obviously, everyone had a good time during this time!

"Damn! Stop talking, Mr. Xiao is here!"

"Hello, Mr. Xiao!"

"I\'ve seen Mr. Xiao!"

I don\'t know who said that Xiao Junlin is coming, and the crowd that was still discussing heatedly suddenly fell silent.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Xiao Junlin who was walking downstairs, and all of them suddenly became silent!

The bosses got up and said hello to Xiao Junlin, with a very respectful and humble attitude!

"good good good good!"

"Sit down, everyone, please sit down!"

"Everyone, don\'t be so polite to me!"

Xiao Junlin smiled lightly and waved hello to everyone.

Seeing him so easy-going, everyone\'s hearts that have been hanging all the time are released!

This at least shows that he didn\'t invite everyone to ask for guilt today!

That\'s good! !

But as soon as everyone\'s hearts were put down, they immediately caught a glimpse of a man and a woman following Xiao Junlin...

Immediately, everyone was confused again.

These two are very face-to-face! ! !

844. I intend to set up two new departments

A man and a woman followed behind Xiao Junlin.

The woman looked very young, and her childish appearance seemed to be not even twenty years old, but she was always indifferent.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man in his early thirties, although he looks very simple and young, everyone can see at a glance that these two are just ordinary people!

But the more ordinary they are, the more the bosses start to mutter in their hearts...

Why are these two people appearing here?

However, in the face of everyone\'s doubts, Xiao Junlin did not intend to explain.

Because these two are Qin Yushuang and Hua Kaifeng brought back by Ye Yu!

These two are more evil than one!

Moreover, since they were able to emerge in the original work when their spiritual energy recovered, it naturally showed that they were excellent enough, whether in mind or character, they were not comparable to ordinary people!

So after they knew it was Xiao Junlin who wanted to find them, both of them immediately reacted. They were afraid that they might be involved in something. Compared with Xiao Junlin\'s opponent, resistance is absolutely useless. !

So they all chose to come here directly with Ye Yu!

And at this time, following behind Xiao Junlin, of course, they also saw these big guys here!

The two had already set off a storm in their hearts at this time!

Because no matter how stupid they are now, they can still guess the identities of these people...

Besides, the two of them are not stupid!

Several of the people in this crowd are all very familiar!

Can you not be familiar with the super bosses you can often see on TV?

Most of the bigwigs in the military, political, and business circles are here at this time.