Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 844:

Just like Guo Jingming, Fang Wenlun and others were recruited before.

Xiao Junlin chose to find these two people at this time, which must mean that these two people must have something special after all, or they are top talents in a certain field!

Once he said that, it represented the two...

She must recruit Xiao Junlin\'s hands!

If you can\'t recruit, or the other party doesn\'t want to, then don\'t say it!

They don\'t need to live in this world anymore.

Those who can be controlled by them and can serve them are talents, and those who are out of control or have many emergencies can only be enemies!

"Now, we just need to silently wait for the first recovery in three days..."

Xiao Junlin let out a low sigh, and once again turned his eyes to the dark night of Shangjing outside.

842. Blood Moon! First Reiki Resurrection

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Until nightfall on the third day!

Countless human beings all over the world suddenly exclaimed in shock!

Because all over the world, they have either witnessed it with their own eyes, or through the live broadcast function of social media platforms, etc., they have seen this strange scene that they cannot understand!

That is……

moonlight! ! !

The moonlight tonight is very strange and eerie.

Just like the scarlet moon in horror movies such as vampires and werewolves in the Middle Ages, a layer of faint red light completely shrouded the moon.

So that the whole world, all the places that can be radiated by moonlight, all seem to be covered with a layer of blood!

This bizarre, terrifying, and bizarre scene that subverted the three views immediately made everyone start shouting and shouting, and countless people began to take out their mobile phones to take pictures of this rare and strange celestial phenomenon.

The whole Internet is also crazy about this matter.

High-level officials from various countries and various media platforms also sent reporters to the observatories in their respective countries to conduct interviews.

The blood moon hangs high, giving people an ominous and terrifying omen since ancient times!

Does the terrifying picture that appeared this time also mean that the world is about to start to undergo great changes?

Everyone is making their own guesses. There are a large number of netizens commenting and discussing under each video about the blood moon, and the entire Internet is completely boiling because of this incident!

"My grass, the blood moon is in the sky, is this a sign of a catastrophe?"

"The older generation of my ancestors said that whenever a blood moon appears, there will inevitably be earthquakes, tsunamis and other very large natural disasters..."

"I have lived for so many decades, but I have never seen such a miraculous celestial phenomenon, it is magnificent!!"

"Cao, this thing looks weird at first glance?"

"Iron sons, this old man calculates with his fingers, I\'m afraid there is going to be a big change in this world!!

Hurry up and give the old man money, and let the old man open the altar and put an end to this calamity! "

"Shut the **** upstairs! Astronomers have said that this is a normal celestial body change. It is the fluctuation of atmospheric pressure that causes the light refracted by the moonlight to appear abnormal. This is a part of quantum mechanics. Profound knowledge, don\'t **** show your fortune-telling skills!"

"Yes, we have to believe in science!"

"Everyone, stop arguing, this is the anomaly of the magnetic field caused by the solar storm, it is a normal astrophysical phenomenon, you keyboard warriors understand a ball?!"

Netizens were excited to discuss.

But obviously.

Most people didn\'t take tonight\'s blood moon incident as a major event...

There are even many so-called experts who have come out to refute the rumors.

Experts from some developed countries have even formed a group to tell the public that this is a normal phenomenon, so that everyone should not panic at all. It is time to eat and eat, sleep and sleep, and those who should go to work continue to work!

Business as usual!

However, time passed after midnight!

There are many well-qualified people around the world who were the first to discover something was wrong!

And these people, men and women, young and old!

At the same time, they all began to feel that their bodies gradually seemed to be enveloped in a mass of warm gas, the whole body seemed to be suddenly soaked in a hot spring, and there was an inexplicable smell in the air that was very, very good for them. Smells sweet and sweet!

For these people, the surrounding air quality seems to have suddenly improved several notches at this moment!

In other places, many earthquakes broke out one after another!

These earthquakes also directly caused many coastal cities around the world to be hit by tsunamis...

Same time!

The violent earthquake also directly caused the magma in many extinct volcanoes that had already been extinguished to suddenly become active again...

All kinds of natural disasters keep hitting one after another, and it can be said that disasters continue to occur all over the world!

As for these frequent natural disasters, no one associates them with the previous blood moon at all. At most, there are boring netizens arguing with each other across the computer screen on the Internet.

Only Xiao Junlin and Jing Qi, as well as Lu Tianding who was behind Jing Qi the whole time, and a few more powerful Taoists from Tianyi know...

The first aura recovery was actually completely completed as early as silently! ! !

843. I don\'t know what happened?

The degree of aura recovery in the first three times was actually very low.

Unqualified top-notch people can\'t feel it!

However, for the overall quality of all human beings, there is still a one or two percent improvement!

For example, for many sub-healthy people, after experiencing the spiritual qi recovery event, the body will be restored to health in an instant...

And many animals and plants have suddenly become more and more tall and mighty!

One of the most notable features of the first aura recovery is...