Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 813:

without any exaggeration……

Even a small doll playing in the mud at the entrance of the village can easily kill an ordinary adult!

When the distance between the two sides is less than 30 meters, even if firearms are used, they may not be able to suppress them!

More than a hundred years ago, when the warlords fought in a melee, Jingqi dominated one side by relying on the villagers of Wangjiaba!

Modern hot weapons are all like this, let alone the ancient cold weapons period?

Once these people are released, they will all be super experts who can go to the top of the Forbidden City to participate in the duel! ! !

So Xiao Junlin transferred the entire 53rd Group Army early.

With the gene-enhancing potion in the front, and the feat of eliminating the Torch Country Rattlesnake Legion in the back...

Now that the Dragon Kingdom\'s army is dealing with Xiao Junlin, it can be called obedience!

And the soldiers who were injected with the gene-enhanced medicines belonged to the special forces kings of this reinforcement company as the most elite among the elites!

Not only are they proficient in various shooting skills, they are even proficient in individual combat!

That one-handed military punch...

In a strengthening company, there are more than a dozen people who can fight head-on with Xing Chou and Ye Yu!


It\'s the one that hits the spot!

Therefore, although these special forces kings do not understand what martial arts are and what is the ancient martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom, they are no worse than these warriors in Wangjiaba in terms of fighting and killing!

Even if they really want to fight like this, the Wangjiaba villagers are likely to be easily crushed by them!

Because before they were injected with the gene-enhancing potion, their physical fitness was not much worse than that of these ancient martial artists who had practiced martial arts all their lives!

Although the ancient martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom are mysterious, how can people who practice...

After all, it is still in the category of mortal bodies!

The genes of these special forces kings have already undergone qualitative changes because of the enhanced potion!

Now, it is no exaggeration to say that each of them can rival thousands of troops!

And as Xiao Junlin told them at the beginning, at this time, everyone can easily lift a car...

These special forces kings with a thousand jins on one arm, if they were to be placed in ancient times, they would all be fierce men at the level of generals! ! !

So they have to deal with ancient martial artists such as Wangjiaba, which is more than enough!


As soon as the expert makes a move, you will know if there is any!

When these special forces kings lined up in front of everyone, all the villagers in Wangjiaba Village suddenly rioted!

With their eyes, it is natural to see that these soldiers are unusual!

So they panicked on the spot!

"Damn! Damn!!"

"How come so many masters suddenly appeared?"

"These people are full of blood, and they seem to be very difficult to deal with..."

"Everyone, look at their bottom line, they are as stable as a rock!"

"Masters, all masters!!"

"Looking at their eyes are so fierce, they have really seen blood!"

The villagers of Wangjiaba were talking in low voices with ugly faces.

Jing Qi\'s face suddenly sank.

He really did not expect that Xiao Junlin\'s preparations could be so abundant!

Not only brought a large group of ordinary military and police, but also brought these special soldiers who are very difficult to deal with at a glance!


He issued a document to force Wangjiaba to be demolished, which is also reasonable and legal, and directly stood on the moral commanding heights! !

This series of operations is simply a dimensionality reduction blow! ! !

With Jingqi\'s eyesight, it is natural to be able to see the special body of these warriors!

He is even more aware that once the two sides really fight!

That ordinary warriors like Wangjiaba will definitely be easily killed by them...

He knew that the villagers in Wangjiaba would definitely be easily knocked down by the opponent, and there were so many military and police raids around, if they really fought, the result would be worrying!

806. I, Jingqi, will accompany you to the end

"To move or not to move?"

"Is this really hard to choose?"

Xiao Junlin said with a sneer: "Everyone, don\'t force me to be rough?

Otherwise, the scene would definitely be ugly, right? "

"You\'re talking, Mr. Jing? Mute?"


Being questioned by name like this, Jing Qi\'s face suddenly sank!

He suddenly felt that his face was a little unstoppable!

You must know that the hundreds of villagers in Wangjiaba Village are all his most loyal little brothers! !

If Wangjiaba villagers are allowed to be bullied, but cannot fight back, where else can he put his face?

However, it is a pity that he has been sleeping for so many decades, and no one will sell his face when he wakes up!

In other words, everyone who knew him was basically dead...