Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 812:

This is really outrageous, isn\'t it?

Simply unbearable!

If they really swallowed this breath today, then everyone in the Wang family will not have to mix it up in the future!

After going out from this side, just find a piece of tofu outside and kill it!

Most of the people who practice martial arts have an explosive temperament, and each of them will basically not obey the secular control.

As the saying goes...

Heroes are forbidden by martial arts!

Who can bear the humiliation of digging the grave of the ancestors, who can draw a knife to kill a person who disagrees?

No, let alone the ancient martial artists of the Wang family, even ordinary people would definitely not be able to accept such humiliation...

Jing Qi\'s face suddenly turned snow-white.

It\'s shameful!

He understood that Xiao Junlin was here for him!

Not only is this guy going to slap him in the face in public, but he is even going to step on him a few more times in public! ! !

Lived for over three thousand years!

What kind of enemy Jingqi has not encountered before?

But he has always been the only one who stepped on others!

Even those ancient kings of a country, the rulers of other civilizations would be inexplicably short when they saw him!

How could anyone dare to be so arrogant in front of him?

This can\'t be described as arrogance anymore...

"Stinky boy surnamed Xiao, you are playing with fire!"

Jing Qi glared at Xiao Junlin expressionlessly, his eyes undisguised revealing a coldness and killing intent!

However, in the face of Jing Qi\'s threat, Xiao Junlin was not afraid, and even couldn\'t help but burst into laughter...

Contrary to Jing Qi\'s expectations, Xiao Junlin was not afraid at all!

Instead, it was full of excitement!

To be honest, he came to provoke today!

You are so angry...

Not convinced? If you are not convinced, do you get angry if you have the ability?

Jing Qi slept for decades.

Basically, since the new Dragon Kingdom was first established, he has fallen into a deep sleep!

And it has been out of touch with this world for too long, and the current international situation has already been turned upside down.

Long Guo said unceremoniously now, that is Xiao Junlin\'s base camp, his territory!

He is also the new hope for the hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom!

Therefore, even if Jing Qi is not convinced, he can\'t do it! !

"It doesn\'t matter whether you play with fire or not, I\'ll just ask you if you\'re done?"

Xiao Junlin sneered and looked at Jingqi for a while, then waved his hand impatiently and said, "If you\'re done, then get ready to move! The money will arrive soon. If you want to move today, move quickly, if you don\'t want to. You have to move!"

"I think who dares?!"

"We\'re not going anywhere today, we\'ll accompany those who want to die!"

"Xiao Junlin, don\'t be too arrogant!"

"Do you really think that with these little rookies, you can force us to obey the demolition?"

"Fuck! Who dares to move us? Can you try?"

Hearing that Xiao Junlin still insisted on asking them to move, everyone in Wangjiaba was so angry that they picked up the guy on the spot and prepared to work hard!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense!

"Hehehe! Don\'t do this, it\'s not good for anyone to be rough."

Xiao Junlin smiled and looked at the ignorant behavior of the Wang family villagers, and said indifferently: "Our demolition this time is reasonable and legal. If you dare to resist, you are resisting law enforcement. Even if you are arrested in the Department of Political Affairs, there is nothing wrong with it!

And I don\'t want to be rough with you, because I don\'t want to hurt your confidence. I hope you don\'t know how to flatter you? "

"Don\'t think that if you know a little ancient martial arts, you can act wild in front of me?

I want to see today, who dares to be rude here today! ! ! "

"Where is Yun Zhengyuan?"


As soon as Xiao Junlin finished speaking, the company commander of the Special Warfare Reinforced Company, Yun Zhengyuan, hurriedly stepped out to salute.

"Special Warfare Reinforced Company, come out!"

With this roar, the 200 special soldiers who had been waiting on the side suddenly roared and stood up, and the rearrangement of the team was completed in the blink of an eye!

Their aura is like a rainbow, and they are as strong as newborn calves!

Everyone still exudes an aura called "horror"...

As soon as he appeared on the scene, the villagers in Wangjiaba were so frightened that their faces changed wildly!


All are masters! ! !

805. It is simply a dimensionality reduction blow

Wangjiaba has a resident population of several hundred.

All are martial arts masters!