Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 5:

Let me ask, can such a wasteful CEO really lead the King\'s Landing Group to a more brilliant future? "

"Although I\'m sick in bed, I\'m not dead yet!"

"Zhang Wudi, as the second largest director of the group, don\'t tell me you really don\'t know anything?"

Zhang Wudi\'s fat face trembled, and he sat down again with a smirk.

He just wanted to come out and make a round of it, and felt that this was just a hasty decision made by his big brother in a moment of anger.

But he never expected that he would not sell his face like this!

"So it seems that Big Brother wants to regain power?"

Zhang Wudi secretly said in his heart that he was a little unhappy.

After holding back for so long, the time will soon be ripe!

He immediately had the illusion that the cooked duck was flying.

The King\'s Landing Group seems to be about to usher in a major reshuffle!

In the field, some people felt uneasy, like sitting on pins and needles.

Without exception, they are all surnamed Shen...

"Next, I declare..."

Xiao Junlin glanced at the field again and said directly: "The second decision."

"Liu Guanghai of the Logistics Department appointed the general manager of the Personnel Department, effective immediately!"

"Hu Yao of the Propaganda Department appointed General Manager of the Finance Department, effective immediately!"

"Dong Tianshu of the Planning Department appointed the General Manager of the Project Department, effective immediately!"

"Department of Transportation..."

Xiao Junlin read out more than a dozen personnel appointments in a row, without stopping, without taking a breath.

In the conference room, the group of people sitting at the back stood up excitedly!

Liu Guanghai, Dong Tianshu, Hu Yao, Wang Jingheng…

These people are all old subordinates who used to follow Xiao Junlin to fight the country.

Each of them is a great talent who can stand on its own, with one to ten!

But since Xiao Yi took over the company, he has been squeezed out and severely suppressed by the Shen family, and some people have been resigned early on...

Even those that remain are mostly in less important departments such as logistics, warehousing and transportation management.

Now that Xiao Junlin wants to take over the company again, he still has to rely on them to a large extent!

This process is quite lengthy and cannot be done in a pinch.

This turbulent personnel change made everyone\'s heart tense, and at the same time, it also made those old people who have always stood on the side of the King\'s Landing Group burst into tears with excitement!

Under the circumstance that I had no hope, I actually managed to keep the clouds open and see the moon...

At the moment, the old people of the group headed by Liu Guanghai and Dong Tianshu got up one after another and bowed in the direction of Xiao Junlin.

Liu Guanghai was the first to say, "Thank you for your trust, Chairman! We will not disappoint you!"

The group is still the group they are familiar with, and the chairman is still their original chairman!

Shen family, hum...

Many elders, either explicitly or secretly, glanced at the other side of the conference room with malicious eyes.

All the people sitting there are the Shen family!

Over the years, they have used their identity as Shen family members to make a fool of themselves in the group and act indiscriminately.

Toss the originally good super giant into a miasma, and people are panicking!

The Shen family is the culprit! !

"Chairman Xiao!" Zhang Wudi saw that Xiao Junlin had rejuvenated the entire company with just one sentence, and couldn\'t help standing up and said angrily, "Why don\'t you have a meeting with our board of directors in advance to discuss such a big personnel change? Now? In the face of such a hasty appointment, please forgive me for not accepting it!"

"Zhang Wudi!"

Xiao Junlin named him by name, resisted the disgust in his heart, and said bluntly: "Do I need to emphasize it to you again?

I\'m not discussing with you now. Whether you accept it or not, the board of directors will implement my resolution! "

"If you are not satisfied with my arbitrary conduct, then you can reconvene the board meeting after the meeting and impeach me at the meeting!"

Xiao Junlin finished speaking in one breath, then turned his head and glared at the shareholders, and said, "Do you have any objections?"

The shareholders looked at each other in dismay.

"Zhang Wudi, how about you?"

Seeing that the shareholders did not dare to say a word, Xiao Junlin looked back at Zhang Wudi, who had a fat face and a blue face.

"Impeach your uncle..."

Zhang Wudi cursed in his heart, and sat down again bitterly.

005. Collective opposition

No way, who let Xiao Junlin own 60% of the equity of the entire group?

This is absolute holding, one word!

"If not, then I announce a third resolution."

Taking another deep look at Zhang Wudi, Xiao Junlin said, "This third resolution is aimed at the major management of the company.

From now on, within half a month, the entire group will conduct internal assessments, including performance, ability, loyalty, etc., and those who pass the assessment will receive a promotion or salary increase opportunity.

As for failure..."

Xiao Junlin said, glanced at the face of the Shen family members indifferently, and said, "Just prepare to pack up and leave!"

"This matter will be handed over to Liu Guanghai of the Personnel Department, and Dong Tianshu and Hu Yao will assist."

"Within ten days, I want to see a complete and detailed assessment report. Is there any problem?"