Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 391:

But when he saw who was coming, his fat face suddenly changed, and he growled anxiously:

"Can\'t check, can\'t check!!"

"What\'s the matter with you people from the Drug Administration? You start messing around when the procedures are complete? Stop, stop for me..."

"Me, me, me, what the fuck?!"

"I know Director Xu of your Drug Supervision Department. He is my cousin. You are here, does he know? All hurry up, stop filming, stop filming!!"

"I told you all to stop, did you hear?!"

The fat man growled anxiously.

Even the blue veins burst out! !

This scene was also captured by the accompanying photographers.

Netizens all burst into laughter on the spot.

"Wow hahaha... That fat man, listen to what the fat man is shouting?!"

"Is he really Director Xu\'s cousin?"

"Eh?! Don\'t say it, so this is really a surprise inspection? At least this notice must not be in place..."

"That\'s right! You didn\'t even look at him, didn\'t you say anything?"

"Hey hey?! It\'s kind of interesting..."

"Have we all misunderstood, this is really not a show?"

While netizens were laughing, many people were keenly aware of the problem, and everyone\'s interest was raised on the spot!

This live broadcast seems to be real.


And looking at the fat man\'s reaction, Huakang Pharma clearly showed that it was really tricky!

There\'s a good show here!


The interest of netizens was completely mobilized when Fatty appeared!

But that fat man Zhang Kairui\'s forehead was already covered in cold sweat!

Because after he finished shouting those words, he finally saw the burly figure of his cousin, Xu Junyong, in the crowd!

And the young female reporter with the microphone next to him!

Zhang Kairui was keenly aware of something wrong!

But he still shook the fat on his body for the first time and trotted over with a smile on his face.

"Watch, uh... Director Xu!"

"What\'s going on? Why did you suddenly come to check? I\'ve never received a similar request before..."

"Our Huakang Pharmaceutical is a top-ranked regular pharmaceutical company in the country. Don\'t you know this?"

Zhang Kairui asked in a low voice with a worried expression, and kept winking at Xu Junyong.


Xu Junyong chose to ignore it completely, but after glancing at him coldly, he sneered: "Zhang Kairui, you still have the face to say that you are the top regular pharmaceutical company in the country? As long as you still have a little conscience, you say it. Don\'t come out with this sentence!!"

"Let me ask you! During this time, a lot of people have reported that your Huakang Pharmaceutical is making and selling fakes, including many internal employees of your pharmaceutical company! Do you know this?"

"I made a surprise inspection today, just to see if there is such a thing! You\'d better pray that I won\'t find out anything...

Once I find out, I will be severely punished! ! "

"How many times have I told you that you must operate with integrity, especially your pharmaceutical industry, and you must not lose your morals! Because this is a top priority that directly affects our people in the Dragon Country!!"

"But what about you guys? You all ignored my words, didn\'t you?!"

Xu Junyong\'s high-pitched reprimand suddenly made Zhang Kairui dripping with cold sweat...

He is really confused now.

I don\'t know what my cousin is doing at all.

But even though he didn\'t understand it too well, he still couldn\'t help but secretly say "Oops" in his heart!

because he knows...

My cousin, today is really moving! !

364. Test results released

This is Huakang Pharmaceutical.

The Xu family is the real big boss! !

He Zhang Kairui is just an escrow...

Although he did secretly make a lot of fake medicines behind the Xu family\'s back, in his opinion, it was just a family affair, wouldn\'t it be okay for everyone to close the door?

Do you have to look for the media and media organizations with great fanfare?


Although he faked and sold fakes, he didn\'t take it for himself!

The Xu family also has a share, and it is still a big head!

No, Xu Wanyue even came to collect an account last month.

Unfortunately, due to the presence of the media.

Zhang Kairui was so speechless that he could only sigh with a bitter face:

"Director Xu, you really can\'t investigate!

Our pharmaceutical factory is in the process of industrial reform and upgrading. You can just do random investigations like this, but you still have the media, cameras, and live broadcasts...

That\'s a little inappropriate, isn\'t it? "