Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 390:

Before the matter of Huakang Pharmaceutical is dealt with, it is always like a high-hanging sword, which will give a fatal blow to the Nuo Da Xu family at any time.

If it doesn\'t work out...

The Xu family may not even sleep well!

Early in the day.

Xu Junyong, director of the Medical Inspection Department, led a large group of people and a large group of reporters to the Huakang Pharmaceutical production base in the suburbs of Shangjing.

This is a huge industrial park with several thousand employees covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres.

Xu Junyong has visited here many times.

Seventy percent of the annual profit of the fashion company\'s accounts is handed over to the Xu family. Although the manager is Xu Yinian\'s in-law\'s family, it is actually the Xu family\'s own industry!

Today however.

His arrival was full of frost!

When the convoy entered the gate of the base in a mighty manner, and stopped at the central square of Huakang Pharmaceutical.

Xu Junyong immediately got out of the car and shouted loudly: "Quick! The field team, immediately block the entire production base, cut off all external communication equipment, and allow no one to enter or leave!"

"The inspection team, immediately search all warehouses and production lines for me, and strictly investigate!"

"Ah? Hey hey!!"

"Who are you? What are you here for?"

"All stop, stop!!"

The security guards at the door subconsciously wanted to stop them, but when a large number of the staff of the Drug Administration in the uniforms of the Drug Administration got off the bus, the local police superintendent who came with them quickly controlled them!

More people rushed towards the base one after another.

The mighty investigation and testing work is rapidly unfolding!

And this scene.

It was also recorded by fellow reporters.

Of course, these reporters were all pre-arranged!

At this time, while recording, they also opened a real-time live broadcast and uploaded this scene directly to the Internet!

The major platforms are also on the top in real time, and temporary publicity channels have been opened.

Instantly attracted a large number of netizens to come to pay attention!

"Friends from the audience, friends from netizens, good afternoon everyone."

"This is the Shanghai Daily News Live Room. We are now located in the industrial park base of Huakang Pharmaceutical in the suburbs of Shangjing. Today, we are fortunate to be invited by the Drug Administration to come and inspect the production of Huakang Pharmaceutical!"

"Director Xu, I would like to ask, why did you suddenly want to investigate the production project of Huakang Pharmaceutical?"

The reporters worked very hard to publicize the operation.

It immediately attracted the interest of many netizens!

Facing this scene, Xu Junyong said with disappointment and indignation: "Actually, we have been paying attention to Huakang Pharmaceuticals silently recently, and we have also received a lot of negative reports about Huakang Pharmaceuticals!"

"Many consumers have reported that some drugs produced by Huakang Pharmaceutical, as well as many medical devices, are counterfeit and sold...

Naturally, this matter has attracted the attention of our drug regulatory department! "

"At the same time, in order to return the truth to the people, and to return a pure land to our Longguo pharmaceutical industry, our Director of Drug Administration specially organized and implemented this raid!"

"Moreover, under the attention and supervision of the majority of the compatriots in Longguo, we must complete this inspection in a fair, just and open manner, and resolutely resist investigating and punishing this type of fraudulent behavior that may endanger people\'s health!"

"Okay! Director Xu is simply a role model for the medical supervision industry in Longguo!"

"So well said!"

"Director Xu is really just and strict!"

The reporters were madly flattering on the side, and they didn\'t get into the camera anyway, and no one knew who said these words...


The netizens and viewers in the live broadcast room are frying!

"There is really no one in this world now!

The bureaucratic show actually has a platform to cooperate?

Does this make us watch the live broadcast with peace of mind?

I want a lady..."

"Crack down on fakes? I think they are fakes, and they still crack down on fakes? It\'s so boring..."

"That\'s it!! Huakang Pharmaceutical is one of the top three large pharmaceutical companies in the country, how could it be fake?

You don\'t even think about it, do people need to make that fake? ! "

"Hehehe! In my opinion, this is building momentum, right? I\'m going to use the name of anti-counterfeiting to make a splash, and by the way, I will give Huakang Pharmaceutical a free advertisement!

That\'s a really good calculus..."

"Yes, that\'s right! Don\'t you know? The boss behind Huakang Pharmaceutical is actually the eldest niece of Director Xu! They are clearly a family!!"

"Hey! What the **** is making fun of us?

I want Miss! ! ! "

363. As long as you still have a little conscience...

See real-time barrages posted by other water friends.

Netizens were all excited!

Everyone subconsciously concluded that this was definitely a show!


A middle-aged fat man walked out of Huakang Pharmaceutical Park.

This fat man has a face full of flesh and a big belly.