Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 36:

"Is this the Dragon Town Stone?!"

Xiao Junlin looked at the reward he had just received with satisfaction, only to feel that his life had reached its peak...

Today is really very smooth!

Not only did he completely cut off the relationship with his stupid son, but he also pushed the Shen family into the bottomless abyss, and finally suppressed the arrogance of the son of luck!


A happy life begins tomorrow!

035. From today on, you are no longer from the Xiao family

A large-scale banquet with frequent turmoil, after Yu Fengsheng left the stage sadly, basically ended.

In addition to Xiao Junlin\'s great victory, he also gained a lot!

Not only has tens of billions of cash, but also three god-level skills, physical fitness and temperament have undergone earth-shaking changes!

He is the real winner with the last laugh!

The big Shen family became the target of Di Jiang\'s public criticism overnight.

This kind of dimensionality reduction attack personally carried out by Xiao Junlin is simply deadly!

After receiving the news, the major suppliers were even more moved, breaking the threshold of the Shen family.

With such a big turmoil, the heads of the companies under the Shen family and the major shareholders also prepared their own way back early.

Tossing stocks of stocks, changing jobs to changing jobs, changing to selling properties to selling properties, it\'s a lot of fun to be busy...

If nothing else, I believe it only takes three days at most!

It may not be necessary for the Junlin Group to do it himself, and the Shen family will have to declare bankruptcy first!

It\'s just that compared to the people of the Shen family, Xiao Yi is even out of luck...

This idiot went from being a top rich second generation in Dijiang to a diaosi overnight, even worse than most diaosi!

He never carried cash with him, his sports car was still mortgaged in the mall, and his bank cards were frozen along with various companies under his name, even those once expensive luxury goods...

It can be said that now he has nothing but the clothes on him!

How can the extravagant Xiao Yi bear this?

After he walked out of the clubhouse in the middle of the night, he was already crying.

Through a series of events that happened tonight, he finally woke up completely...

That Shen Xiaoyu is a complete bitch!

She didn\'t take herself seriously at all, she was just wishful thinking from beginning to end!

It\'s no wonder that my father would cut off the father-son relationship with him...

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi began to feel annoyed, regretful, depressed, mad, and especially helpless!

He doesn\'t know where he can go now, and he doesn\'t know what he should do now, or... what else can he do now?

I can only hope that my father is just to scare me, wake me up, and pick me up tomorrow...

Xiao Yi, who is in a slump, has become a unique landscape on the street.

Now that he is penniless and can\'t even afford to live in a hotel, he is really completely lost.

Looking for a friend to sleep over?

Xiao Yi sat on a park bench, took out his mobile phone, rummaged through the address book, and called friends one by one.

"Hey, Brother Xiao Li, I\'m Xiao Yi! Is it convenient for you? Can you lend me 20 million if it\'s convenient? I\'ll pay you back in a few days."

"What? Are you questioning me? How can I, Xiao Yi, not be able to pay it back?"

"Hey, Lao Qiu, hey hey hey, don\'t hang up, I haven\'t even said what I want to do!"

"Hey, old Hu, can we be a little creative? Which company\'s phone recordings are still hilarious?"

"Hey hey, Brother Ye, your signal is not good? Who the **** are you bluffing?"

After several calls in a row, Xiao Yi was completely desperate.

Now everyone knows that he Xiao Yi is no longer the eldest young master of the Xiao family, and his attitude towards him is to stay away.

Moreover, Xiao Dongnian is strong, healthy, and fully capable of giving birth to ten or eight children. He Xiao Yi is not the only one!

"Damn it! These scumbags are all sluts!"

"In the past, you all wanted to stick to me one by one, and you couldn\'t drive away, but now you all hide from me!"

"Shen Xiaoyu, you Bichi, it\'s all your fault that I became like this!"

"No, no! I can\'t do this anymore, I have to go back, I have to go back to Xiao\'s house, I have to ask my father to forgive me!"

Xiao Yi muttered to himself, clearing his thoughts, and now there is only one thing in his mind.

Go back to the Xiao family and be his top rich second generation!

He must win his father\'s forgiveness and return to his previous life!

Xiao Yi secretly made a decision in his heart, and trotted all the way to the villa area of ​​the world.

But when he finally ran out of breath to the gate of the villa in the second half of the night, he was stopped by a team of heavily armed security guards...

"I\'m sorry, this is a high-end private villa area, and people are not allowed to enter."

"Idle people waiting? Damn it! Can you see who I am?"

Xiao Yi suddenly heard the words of the security captain, and was so angry that he almost died on the spot.

In the daytime, he still nodded and bowed like a dog to say hello to himself, and stopped himself at night as an idler waiting?

It\'s so **** realistic!

"Oh! It turned out to be Young Master Xiao, err...Mr. Xiao!"

"Dong Xiao has already instructed that you are no longer a member of his Xiao family from today, and you are not allowed to take a step closer here, otherwise we have the right to use force to drive away."

"Where did you come from and where do you go back? Don\'t blame us for ignoring the importance of the ink?"