Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 35:

I hope that Director Xiao can give me some advice. I believe that it is not only me, but all the bosses in the venue also want to hear Director Xiao\'s high points? "

"Teach me? Humph!"

Xiao Junlin snorted coldly, raised his eyes and glanced at the audience, and said proudly: "Do you think that if you know a little bit of Feng Shui, you can act wild in front of me?

Do you think that if you know a little bit of Feng Shui, I have to give you face and let the Shen family go?

Do you think that just because of your stinky mouth, I will treat you with courtesy? ! "

"It\'s just ridiculous!!"

Xiao Junlin put his hands behind his back and asked, "Yu Fengsheng, let me ask you!

Since you can see that my Xiao Family\'s Eight Directions and Ten Places Gathering Fortune Formation has been turned into a Shaying Formation, do you know how to break the game? "

"Do you know when my family\'s Shoushan Stone was manipulated?"

"Can you change the Gathering Fiend Formation into a Jiugong Gathering Fortune Formation?"

"Do you know what it means to raise wealth with evil spirits?"

Do you understand, do you know? ?

Xiao Junlin\'s words are pearly, and every sentence that falls, Yu Fengsheng\'s face becomes even paler!

In the end, he took off his shirt and said loudly, "You said that my Xiao family members are suffocating, then look, why don\'t I?!"


Looking at Xiao Junlin\'s bulging muscles, Yu Fengsheng gasped in shock.

Although the evil spirit is intangible and intangible, Xiao Yi does indeed have evil spirits condensed, which cannot be faked...

But Xiao Junlin has already passed the age of knowing the destiny, let alone the evil spirit on his body, his skin is as pure as a baby! !

And the perfect eight-pack abs are clearly shaped, I don\'t know how many bosses are in the envy field!

Did you really look away? Is this Xiao Junlin a Feng Shui master? !

Yu Fengsheng\'s face turned green.

He never expected this to happen...

In the past, when he used feng shui secret techniques to pretend to force, which time did he not shock the audience, why was he so unlucky today? !

Not to mention that the beauty was not saved, she even put her first name in it.

Could it be that this Xiao Junlin was his nemesis?

It\'s a pity that Yu Fengsheng will never know the truth...

Xiao Junlin only knew all this after he obtained the master-level god-level Feng Shui secret technique not long ago.

Before that, he didn\'t even know that there was a problem with the feng shui formation in his home!

As for why there is no evil spirit condensed on him...

That\'s all thanks to the villain system!

So in the series of questions just now, Xiao Junlin was actually trying to frighten Yu Fengsheng. ,

no way!

Knowing the bottom line is so amazing! !

It\'s a pity that Yu Fengsheng is too young, and the journey has been smooth and smooth. Where has he experienced such a battle?

This guy is too arrogant, thinking that if he knows a little bit of Feng Shui, he can run wild, and he can speak madly, and no one cares about it...

In the end, when he encountered Xiao Junlin, the villain who knew his roots, he was directly intimidated!

"Nothing to say? If you have nothing to say, get out of here!"

Seeing that the other party had been restrained by him, Xiao Junlin waved his hand impatiently and cursed.

Yu Fengsheng blushed with shame...

He wanted to refute, but didn\'t know where to start.

After all, his feng shui secret technique is only proficient at the level, and it is impossible to see that Xiao Junlin is bluffing him!

"Chairman Xiao is mighty!!"

"I didn\'t expect Xiao Dong to be a Feng Shui master, this..."

"Hahaha - get out of here, stinky boy! Are you the only one who wants to protect the Shen family?"

"The reputation is ruined, I think who else in Dijiang City will invite you to see Feng Shui?"

All the guests laughed indiscriminately, not giving Yu Fengsheng any face at all!

Even Xie Dong and Shen Xiaoyu, who were still full of hope and appreciation for him, had a sad look on their faces at the moment.

Really... so disappointed! !

"Oh shit!"

Yu Fengsheng was angry in his heart and cursed fiercely.

How could such an extremely self-centered and arrogant person take such a blow?

At this time, he already hated Xiao Junlin to the bone!

After staring at Xiao Junlin for a moment, Yu Fengsheng clenched his fists and said bitterly, "Mountains don\'t turn waters, Chairman Xiao, let\'s come to Japan for a long time!"

After putting down these cruel words, he turned around quite decisively and left...

It\'s a pity that these behaviors fall in the eyes of everyone, and what is the difference between them and the lost dog?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully suppressing the Son of Destiny, plundering the opponent\'s Luck by 1098 points, and getting the Dragon Suppression Stone reward!"

"Dragon Town Stone - a treasure of feng shui, put it in the feng shui array to act as the eye of the formation, which can gather invisible luck!"

As soon as Yu Fengsheng left, Xiao Junlin received two prompts from the system one after another.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his trousers pocket sink suddenly.

When I took it out, it turned out to be a dragon-shaped stone with a whole body of emerald green.