Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 33:

But as a villain, at this time, I can only sit and watch the protagonist perform...

"Go on, I\'m listening."

Xiao Junlin held his chin and nodded with a half-smiling smile.

Yu Fengsheng didn\'t get the expected response, and the remarks he just prepared were directly stuck in his throat!

Damn it, the routine is wrong! !

032. Feng Shui Master

Isn\'t the plot going that way?

I said it so bluntly, can you give me some reaction to die...

Being stared at by Xiao Junlin\'s teasing eyes, Yu Fengsheng always has the illusion that he has been seen through!

This feeling is so uncomfortable for him!

"Damn it!" Yu Fengsheng scolded secretly, and could only continue to bite the bullet: "In the garden of the front yard of your Xiao family\'s mansion, there must be a fountain, and there is a fish pond next to the fountain, and there are many rich and precious fish in it. The garden also specially invited people to do a feng shui formation, right?!"


Xiao Junlin couldn\'t help but want to laugh.

What happened now was all he expected, and his interest was suddenly lost.

It\'s this set over and over again, can\'t we have something fresh? !

Xiao Junlin was indifferent, and this shocked role immediately fell on Xiao Yi, who was naive.

I saw him standing up with a shocked face, exclaiming: "Yu Fengsheng, how do you know this? You investigate us!!"

When someone was making a puppet, Yu Fengsheng immediately became interested, and said triumphantly: "I still need to investigate you? I just look at your faces, and I can know what the feng shui array is like in your house, do you believe it? ?"

"Humph! The Feng Shui Bureau should have been set up by an expert. It\'s called the Bafang Shidi Gathering Array, and the eyes of the array are two Shoushan stones, right?"


Xiao Yi was immediately dumbfounded.

Yu Fengsheng was unforgiving, and continued: "Your family\'s fortune has been turbulent recently, wealth has leaked, and your family is in poor health.

There must be an expert who started and changed the direction of wealth, and the problem lies in the two Shoushan stones! ! "

"The current Eight Directions and Ten Places Gathering Wealth Formation has been changed to the Yin Yang Five Elements Formation!"


Xiao Yi couldn\'t help but exclaimed.

Not to mention that the feng shui of gathering wealth at home has been changed, this "gathering evil" sounds very scary! !

"Xiao Yi! Have you been sleepless lately, restless, sweaty in your hands and feet, weak in body, wake up for no reason at three or four in the middle of the night every day, and have nightmares when you close your eyes?"

"Hum hum hum - this is the manifestation of evil spirits entering the body, not only the luck, but even your physique has been subtly weakened... The master who changed your feng shui will be punished!"

"If you still don\'t believe it, you can press the Yangbai acupoint on the top of your head to see if there is a dull pain? That is the most intuitive manifestation of evil spirits entering the body!

And this is just the beginning! ! "

After Yu Fengsheng finished speaking, he thought about it and added quickly:

"Xiao Yi, Young Master Xiao! I might as well tell you that within half a month, you will face an unavoidable prison disaster, and you will be paralyzed in bed for at most three years...

But to be honest, your father is much worse than you! "

"Chairman Xiao has at most three months to live if he is fully calculated. This is the end of a generation of heroes... It\'s a pity, it\'s a shame!"

After Yu Fengsheng finished speaking with a blushing face, he turned his hands behind his back and started to enjoy the belated amazement...

It took so long, but it came out.

Finally comfortable, simply fun! !

Look at this time, I must scare you silly!


When Yu Fengsheng looked at the crowd, all he saw were pairs of eyes full of surprise and admiration. Even Xiao Yi was obviously frightened at this moment!

Although he didn\'t know where the Yangbai acupoint was, it didn\'t prevent him from having a big hand...

Covering the head with both hands, it hurts to press anywhere!

Doesn\'t that mean...

The real situation of this evil spirit entering the body is more serious than what Yu Fengsheng said? !

"No wonder, no wonder, I know..."

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted and said, "So that little... bah! That Mr. Yu is a Feng Shui master!!"

Feng Shui... Master?

Hearing that person\'s words, the others all showed their stunned expressions!

"No wonder he was so confident just now that Xiao Dong will definitely come to beg him, so he is a Feng Shui master!!"

Someone immediately questioned: "Is Feng Shui real?"

"Hey, what about you? You still don\'t understand Xiao Yi\'s expression? It must be true..."

"I heard that the richer people are, the more they believe in these illusory things. Xiao Dong\'s net worth is tens of billions, so it is very reasonable to set up a Feng Shui Bureau!"

"That is, many bigwigs in Dijiang believe in these things."

"If this Yu Fengsheng is really a Feng Shui master, then maybe he can really save the Shen family today..."

"That\'s needless to say? Feng Shui masters are all detached. Each of them has the unpredictable power of the gods and ghosts. They are the guests of the big family and the chaebol, who dares to provoke them!!"

At the dinner party, many bosses quietly raised the idea of ​​making friends with Yu Fengsheng, thinking that when this farce is over, they will go to him for a way to contact him...

After all, being able to know a Feng Shui master is not far from changing your life against the sky! !

Feeling all kinds of eyes full of surprise, shock, and even eagerness and admiration, Yu Fengsheng was also full of spring breeze, and his heart was relieved.

This is the protagonist\'s treatment that is the focus of the audience...