Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 32:

She had imagined that Yu Fengsheng would stand up and defeat the big devil Xiao Junlin with a wave of his hand?


This is too embarrassing!

The disappointment in Shen Xiaoyu\'s eyes was all seen in Yu Fengsheng\'s heart, and it stabbed him deeply.

Yu Feng was furious and laughed wildly: "Dong Xiao, ah Xiao Dong, you really have the face, no one dares to offend you! It\'s just a pity... It\'s a pity that people can\'t help themselves, and I originally thought that if you could Give me face, and I\'ll save your life, but now it seems... you can\'t escape death!"

031. Go on, I\'m listening

"Save Dong Xiao\'s life?"

"Isn\'t this kid stupid? What is he talking about with his mouth full of nonsense..."

"Dong Xiao\'s body is now much tougher than before, how can he be saved? Is it a genius doctor?!"

Everyone scoffed at what Yu Fengsheng said.

They subconsciously thought that he couldn\'t bear the repeated blows and was mad...

But Xiao Junlin couldn\'t help shaking his head and chuckling after hearing what Yu Fengsheng said.

He is so familiar with this scene!

There was such a paragraph in the original book, where Yu Fengsheng, the protagonist, determined life and death in one word, shocking the audience like a living immortal.

It\'s a pity that it was a plot that happened in Tianhai City.

Xiao Junlin never thought that because of his appearance, the impact on the plot of the original work would have such a big impact...

What Yu Fengsheng was going to say next, he had already guessed in his heart.

It\'s just that this is too sloppy to pretend!

Is the author\'s routine so simple...

But since the protagonist wants to play, as the villain, it is not very good for him to interrupt him at this time.

To be a villain, you must have the consciousness of being a villain!

The opportunity that should be given should still be given!

Seeing Xiao Junlin\'s very shocked look, Yu Fengsheng\'s vanity was instantly satisfied...

"Fengsheng, why don\'t you hurry up?" Xie Junfeng, who was sitting next to Xiao Junlin, said with a tangled face: "You shouldn\'t be in charge of this matter, why is it necessary?"

"Humph! You don\'t need to say anything about Xie Lao!" Yu Fengsheng snorted coldly and said domineeringly, "I really have to take care of this matter today!

Not only do I want to protect the Shen family completely, but I also want Chairman Xiao Junlin to kneel down and beg me, believe it or not? ! "

After Yu Fengsheng finished speaking, he glanced at the audience with domineering and indifferent eyes.

That confident aura filled the venue, making everyone completely stunned...

"What did that kid just say, did I hear it right?!"

"He said, he, he...he wants to make Dong Xiao kneel down and beg him..."

"He just said that he wanted to save Xiao Dong\'s life, why do I sound so evil?!"

Many people secretly swallowed their saliva, their hearts trembling.

Not to mention anything else, this confidence alone makes them feel ashamed!

Yu Fengsheng\'s strong self-confidence is really amazing.

Although everyone didn\'t know why he was so confident, seeing Yu Fengsheng like this, they all subconsciously chose to believe him...

The protagonist is the protagonist!

When he was about to start pretending, his aura was like divine help!

"As expected of my true destiny, so handsome!"

Shen Xiaoyu\'s eyes lit up, and the little deer rammed in his heart.

This is what a hero of the world should look like in her fantasy...

"Those who bully me will not end well!"

Although she didn\'t know what Yu Fengsheng was going to do at the moment, she just knew that a good counterattack would be staged soon!

"Xiao Junlin!"

With words in his heart, Yu Fengsheng\'s originally indifferent eyes turned into contempt.

He raised his head slightly arrogantly, and hummed disdainfully, "Do you think I\'m talking big to you? Wrong!

I tell you, if I don\'t save you today, in three months, you will be dead! "

"Shen Zichen has been unlucky for many years, and he is the strongest in the Yinwu Guard... The ancients used to say that a seven-foot body is not as good as a seven-inch face.

Xiao Junlin, I see that your brow corners are missing, the heavens are at a loss, the Yintang is black, and the whole body is even more deadly! "

"As the saying goes, those who gain God live, and those who lose their minds die, but now you are in a calamity, but you don\'t even know it. If I read it right, death has already penetrated your whole body, right?"

"Ah this?! Is he looking at Xiao Dong\'s face?"

"God babbling, could it be that he is a liar?!"

"It\'s very possible, otherwise, how could Dong Xie get so close..."

After hearing Yu Fengsheng\'s words, everyone showed a strange look.

How can this professional term sound like a liar!

However, Yu Fengsheng turned a blind eye to this, he just kept staring at Xiao Junlin, pondered for a while and said: "Xiao Junlin, your Xiao family\'s mid-mountain villa must be facing south, surrounded by green hills on the left, accompanied by green water on the right, and at the back. There is a vast botanical garden, isn\'t it?"

Hearing his firm words, Xiao Junlin almost laughed.

This set of methods is really the same, and even the words are similar...

Wait a minute, he will definitely say why the feng shui in his home is not good, what is the danger... If you want to survive, you have to go over and ask him and so on.

Xiao Junlin has already re-engraved Yu Fengsheng\'s Feng Shui skills, and even added a hundredfold increase to become a god-level skill!

How could he not understand what Yu Fengsheng was going to say? !